DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the thoughts rolling around in my head.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My second Clois story! Woot! I didn't think I would be writing any more stories for a while but again my crazy ideas ran away with me. I had a clear picture of how I wanted this story to go and had typed out about 5 chapters when I found I didn't like where the story was going so I deleted what I had previously written and started a whole new story...LOL!

This story is AU set in season 4. I made everyone the same age and same grade in school. This is still a work in progress so I won't be posting all the chapters at once like I did my first story but I have pretty much all of it done. I'm still working out the last few chapters in my head. I've reread the last chapter completed a few times but have yet to decide where I want to take the story from there so I will continue to work on that and post the remaining chapters as I finish them.

Review if you'd like and I hope you enjoy the story.


Chapter One


I'm Moving Where!


Lois couldn't believe that her dad was making her move again. She looked around her bedroom and saw it was starting to look bare as she packed her things. When her mother had died Lois had to grow up fast because she had to be the one to take care of her little sister Lucy. The General had no clue what do with them and when Lucy was old enough he sent her away and now he was sending Lois away. He still hadn't told her exactly where she was going. The only thing she knew is that he wasn't going with her because he was being sent overseas and had decided that moving again wasn't good for her, that she needed stability hence the reason for her not accompanying him.

"Lo, come down here please!" she heard her father shouting downstairs.

Sighing she stopped packing and went out her bedroom door. She stomped down the stairs loudly making sure he heard how unhappy she was. Reaching the bottom stairs she saw her father standing next to the fireplace and walked over and sat on the couch in front of him. He stood as straight as a pole and watched her through narrowed eyes.

"I think you can drop the attitude." he told her. "There was no need for all the stomping around. I know you aren't happy with the decision I've made but you will obey me."

"Whatever." Lois said shrugging her shoulders leaning back and placing her feet on the small table in front of her.

She didn't see her father a lot and when he was home it seemed his favorite thing to do was bark orders at her. As much as she missed her sister Lucy she was glad that she was able to get out. She had also been a little envious that she didn't have to put up with their father but now it seemed like she wouldn't have to either. A part of her was happy not to be going with the General but he was her father and she wanted to stay with him to make sure he was taken care of.

"Lo," he started as he relaxed his stance a little. "It's better this way. I've been dragging you around with me for years. Where I'm sending you you will be happy and your life will be easier I promise you that ."

Lois rolled her eyes at that. You mean your life would be easier for you without me she thought.

"So do I get to at least know where I'm going before I actually get there." Lois asked studying her fingernails to keep from looking at him.

"Before I tell you anything I want you to hear what I expect from you while you are there." her father said.

"What like 'General Sam Lane's Rules for Good Behavior'." Lois scoffed. "I already know all your rules dad."

"Watch your tone!" He said and she could tell that he was getting angry. "You will listen to what I have to say then I will give you all the information you need to know about where you are going."

"Fine." Lois said and put her hands down into her lap. "Let me hear it."

"While you are there you are to be on your best behavior. You will do whatever it is you are told without argument." the General said but he wasn't finished. "I will be calling you every Saturday for a report and you will not miss one of those calls. You are to attend school everyday without fail and I will be calling your school to check in on you so I will know if you are not."

Lois couldn't believe her ears. She wasn't going to be with him but he sure as heck wasn't going to loosen his iron grip on her. Inside she was fuming. She crossed her arms angrily over her chest and glared up at her father. He ignored her and continued on.

"You will do everything I've just said because if you don't I will retrieve you from your location and you will not be allowed to go back." He finished and then turned to look at her.

"What about breathing and eating? Do I have to call you and make sure it's okay with you first?" Lois said angrily.

"Don't be a smart mouth Lo." her father said. "I know you think my rules are excessive but you will follow them as I've already told you the consequences if you don't. Be glad that I'm giving you this chance."

"I can't believe this." Lois shouted and threw her hands up in frustration. "I'm a Senior in high school and you are still treating me like a little kid."

"That will be enough of the shouting." The General stated. "Now as to where you are going."

"Oh, this ought to be good." Lois huffed.

"You will be going to stay with your Uncle Gabe and cousin Chloe." He said. "Your uncle has agreed to take you in and Chloe is excited to see you again."

"I'm moving where?!" Lois said stunned. This she wasn't expecting.

"It's a small farming town in Kansas called Smallville." The General said. "I know you are used to big cities but I'm sure you will get used to it."

She was going to be living with Chloe! Lois couldn't be more happy at that bit of news. She adored her cousin and they hadn't seen each other in years. She couldn't wait to see her again. The only thing Lois didn't like was the fact that she would have to move to a small town. Her dad was right, she loved big cities and knew it was going to be an adjustment for her.

She looked at her father and saw him getting papers out of his briefcase.

"Here is your plane ticket," He said handing her the papers. "And here is all the information you need to enroll in your new school."

All Lois could do was smile as she stared down at her plane ticket. Now that she knew where she was going things didn't seem that bad anymore!
