A/N: This has obscene amounts of out of characterness....and yes it will get worse...^^"

Also, this is very AU... the realms are pretty much at ease...besides the normal conflicts like Chaos realm and Order realm.... and so yea every thing is calm... xD now go ahead and read it. [i hope i didn't misspell any thing....-le gasp!-]

Sub-Zero ambled beside a river unable to sleep. When he saw a familiar ninja form seemingly sleeping in the distance, by a river, his mid section glistening with red. He approached silently to get a better idea of what was going on and debating on weather or not to help him. Stopping in a small opening hidden amongst the thick brush. He wondered why the belligerent specter looked rather drained by the wound. Sure there was a lot of blood but it couldn't be that bad for the hell-spawn.

The lone ninja had thrown his yellow over mantel off and his black shirt to get a better look at the wretched wound leaving him in only in pants and shoulder guards with sash around his waist bearing a skull. His head was safely tucked with in his mask that reviled only the bridge of his nose and two mike white pupils. Scorpion lay under a tree, healing from an attack that would have been fatal if he weren't immortal, while pondering what to do with the rest of eternity.

He didn't need to sleep because revenge kept him restless. Food was a source of energy and he fed off of his rage. But, his reason for being was fulfilled with the elder Sub-Zero and Quan Chi dead. He felt empty and hollow. A man without reason is barely a man at all. Letting out a harsh laugh he threw his kunai, he was not a man he was specter, a ghost.

Sub-Zero stayed perfectly still as the weapon planted itself into a tree not far from his hiding place. He then he watched as Scorpion sighed and looked up at the dark sky speckled with shining stars. His face held no anger and Sub-Zero didn't think he'd ever heard him sigh, relaxed, before. He wondered why Scorpion was so relaxed, in a sense, but tensed up as the bare chested specter approached his hiding place, only to pass it to retrieve his kunai. Sub-Zero let out a held breath but only regretted it as Scorpion stood there admiring his weapon.

Plucking the blade from it's hole in the tree Scorpion stood there, ignoring his body telling him to lay back down. The sharp blade shown as the soft moonlight lent it light. With his quest for vengeance over, and the blinding hate and rage that filled him subsiding. He was free and his eternity was granted, but, this hollow emptiness was causing him a great annoyance why was he feeling this way?

He turned the blade quietly in his hand. It was then he felt it, frosted air radiating from near by brush, tickling his skin.

"Sub-Zero," Scorpion said threw his weapon into the breathing brush.

"Scorpion," Sub-Zero simply replied, avoiding the kunai and stepping out of the bush in one swift movement.

"Sub-Zero?," the specters rage fizzled and he slumped to the ground, sitting against the tree, using one of his knees as an arm rest the gash across his middle stinging lightly. The Grand Master of the Lin Kuei was surprised to see Scorpion sink down. Sub-Zero knew something was defiantly wrong as he examined the body in front of him silently. Giving Scorpion time to continue his train of thought.

His enemies where dead, his clan was dead, His family was dead, hell he was dead! What right did he have to still be here? He raised an eye brow at himself. This wasn't a right this was a punishment. Punishment for disobeying his father and becoming a member of the Shirai Ryu clan and intern becoming the Scorpion, the the greatest assassin of said clan. His father never understood, he didn't do it for himself but for his fam...

"Scorpion?," Sub-Zero said, cutting off his thoughts. Scorpion snorted seeing the pity look roaming across Sub-Zeros face. Scorpions breath hitched as he tried to get up and immediately dismissing the idea he sat back down.

"It's poison it will take a wile for my body to destroy it," Scorpion said hating that Sub-Zero was still staring at him.

Sub-Zero watched as greenish black puss spilled from the gash slightly sizzling. Decided it would be best to just help the specter. After all he had proved he was not evil only lased with revenge. He grabbed Scorpions torn black shirt and went over to the waters edge dunking it in washing away the poison and soaking up the water.

Scorpion watched as Sub-Zero rinsed his shirt but couldn't figure out why he was doing so. The blood and poison crusted shirt didn't really pose a threat, but, he wasn't complaining. In fact, when Sub-Zero seemed to have dropped the shirt in to the water and reached in to catch it before it drifted away Scorpion was rather taken aback that he had never noticed such a perfect ass in his life...well 'death'...since he wasn't actually alive...

Sub-Zero felt Scorpion eying him intently and was quick to grab the ripped shirt. He examined it for anymore poison, which was a bit difficult because the shirt was black. Satisfied he proceeded over to Scorpion who looked like he was daydreaming. Sub-Zero crouched beside him and wiped the cloth across the gash, and besides the sounds of sizzling all was quiet. Suddenly, Scorpion became ridged and he wondered what he had done wrong.

The urge to touch the ass that was with in his reach was unbearable, the only way he was resisting now was clamping his muscles in place. Scorpion absolutely had to make the Lin Kuei go away. The shirt was removed and a single cold hand laid on top of the wound, almost soothing. Scorpion now saw that Sub-Zero was looking into his eyes with a shallow fear. He glared back, his muscles were relaxing, and he felt like resting.

"Stop," Scorpion said reluctantly cringing away from the hand, not wanting to move his arms.

Sub-Zero thought he was helping. Scorpions comfort was very visible his eyes were even drooping. The minute he pulled away he saw the specter shiver and he watched as the gash closed and disappeared. He had fought Scorpion many times and never noticed that Scorpion had no collection of scars, but now he did. He gazed over the bronzed form, all to soon, realizing he was staring at the specter he figured he could use some sleep now and headed back the way he had first came.

Scorpion stood up and shook off his drowsiness. He retrieved his over mantel figuring the shirt wasn't worth saving. He watched as Sub-Zero, and Sub-Zeros ass, left him. Once he disappeared, to far to see, Scorpion felt the emptiness inside him fill with something.

And that something felt very sweet.