The Cylons were created by Man.

They were created to make life easier on the Twelve Colonies.

And then the day came when the Cylons decided to kill their masters.

After a long and bloody struggle, an armistice was declared.

The Cylons left for another world to call their own.

A remote space station was built...

Where Cylon and human could meet and maintain diplomatic relations.

Every year, the Colonials send an officer...

The Cylons send no one.

No-one has seen or heard from the Cylons in over forty years...

--Opening text of the Battlestar Galactica Miniseries

BSG : Those who Stand

Chapter 1: What Makes a Man?

40 Days before Cylon Genocide

The Battlestar Poseidon and her escorts glided through space, they were on route to their newest objective, a Pirate base that had been plaguing the outer space lanes of Aerilon for nearly six months. The Poseidon was part of Battlestar Group 32 consisting of the Nyx and Ceto a Mercury and Mars class Battlestars respectively, the group also contained a single Destroyer Styx, named after the Goddess of the Underworld and two Patrolstars which were considered by the majority in the military little more than glorified Gunboats.

Admiral Joseph Daniels pounded down the stairs and corridors of his flagship Poseidon on his morning jog, exchanges pleasantries as he went a hello here and nod there. He had been thinking heavily on his upcoming mission, despite the seemingly straight forwardness of his orders there were underlying motives for this particular mission. Officially he was to break the pirates as a fighting force capture or destroy their ships and station; but unofficially the Admiralty wanted them all dead, they were fed up of the continuous pirate operations in the Cyrannus Sector or more importantly the twelve colonies of Kobol. They wanted an example made and if it by chance blew up in their face he was the perfect scapegoat, yes he could describe the situation as well and truly … fracked!

He was quite nearly universally hated by both the current Adar administration and the Admiralty due to a string of difference actions, normally under such a situation he would have been demoted or discharged by now but unfortunately for his opponents he had one rather major ace in his sleeve, his actions were surprisingly popular. Although deeply unpopular amongst both the government and military he followed one core belief 'the Military protects the people', and he was honored for it amongst the general population. This shielded him somewhat from the usual backstabbing the ass kissing amongst the higher echelons of the politicians and their military supporters. Unfortunately despite the fact they couldn't get rid of him they did the next best thing he was shunted off and for the most part forgotten about. He was of course in command of a full Battlestar Group as his station dictated and given one of the most powerful warships in the fleet as his flagship but the colonial military seemed to use his Battle Group as a dumping ground for the outcasts of the colonial fleet. This included a fairly wide range of personalities from those with a general dislike of rules and authority figures best illustrated by Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace's time spent aboard the Poseidon before her transfer to Galactica, to those follow the rules too much or even worse in current governments view the ones who stick rigidly to their principles, again illustrated with Major Lee 'Apollo' Adama's time spent as CAG of Ceto.

Despite the less than stellar recruitment for Battlestar Group 32 Admiral Daniels was quite pleased with the general attitude among his Battle Group they worked together well, and importantly they left their disagreements, dislike and hatred at the door when their shift started, and ensured they were professional when it was required. For their part his crews truly respected him for his principles and his continuation to stick to them despite his state as a pariah of the colonial fleet, the fact that he allowed them as a whole a great deal of leeway as long as when the situation did not require it and they in turn understood and conformed to those rules. He had taken to viewing them almost as his children and was determined ensured they were protected from the usual corruption and personal vendettas that seemed to infest the Colonial Military these days.

Currently though as he jogged through the corridors, he was remembering the tense meeting just over a month ago with Admiral Corman.


The two Admirals stared at one another for several seconds in the Admiral's office aboard the Scorpion Fleet Shipyard, the mutual dislike and distrust almost palatable in the air.

Admiral Corman was first to break eye contact and initiate what was likely a difficult conversation.

'Admiral Daniels you certainly took your time' he snidely began, and then continued without giving his opposite number time to reply

'I am to relay these orders directly from Admiral Nagala and the President Adar of the Colonies of Kobol'

Daniels stiffened at that, 'orders directly from the top weren't usually good for him or his crews' he was getting the distinct impression from Cormans small smile that this was going to be really bad.

'You are herby ordered to take Battlestar Group 32 and stop the continued pirate raids upon Aerilon and its surrounding space, you are to capture or destroy their vessels and remove their base of operations, as a direct order from the President you cannot refuse this order' he began.

Daniels first thought was that it wasn't that bad it sounded like a routine pirate operation but before he could voice any questions Admiral Corman started to talk again.

'You will be operating under silent running during the operation and are to have no contact with the fleet or anyone else in the colonies until ordered otherwise or the completion of your mission'. Now that was unusual Daniels thought but not unheard of it usually meant that the Admiralty thought the pirates had contacts within the government and would get wind of the operation and simply go to ground until they were recalled.

'Those are your orders officially, unofficially you are to exterminate them' Corman ended with a hard glint in his eyes

'We have tolerated these Pirates attacks within the Colonies for far too long, and YOU Admiral Daniels will set an example that this will not go on any longer, you are to kill every last one of them!'

Blinking in shock Daniels couldn't believe the extreme measures the Admiralty wanted.

'Sir with all due respect, there are often women and children aboard Pirate bases that have very little to do with the pirates themselves let alone the activities they carry out, you cannot be seriously asking me to eliminate them as well. I could understand the order if the pirates had been particularly blood thirsty around Aerilon but from the reports they have mostly simply hijacked the ships and cargo and let the crews free'.

'ENOUGH ADMIRAL DANIELS, those are DIRECT orders from the President and Commander in Chief of the Colonial Fleet, you have your orders and YOU will carry them out to their exact letter. Your Battle Groups standard maintenance and CNP updates are to be put on hold until your mission is completed DISMISSED'.

Daniels stiffened again and snapped off a crisp salute, he had recognised Cormans tone and the look in his eye the Admiralty and Administration intended for him to fail or protest too loudly, they would have then come down on him like a ton of bricks. 'Bastard's' he thought they had been looking for a way to get rid of him for over a year now ever since that disaster over Aerilon. That fool Adar had the audacity to attempt to use the Military to put down riots on Aerlion rather than negotiate, he had been forced to cripple a Marinestar who had started bombing and landing troops under their orders, and then the subsequent face off of with no less than three Battlestars who also wanted to enforce them.

He had avoided a court marshal when the colonies took him as a hero for what they saw as a stand against a despicable act, but it had caused outright hostility from Adar and his stooges within the Admiralty, Corman and Nagala. Then there was the damned Teachers strike last week and yet another face off this time with Admiral Cain and the Pegasus when she decided it was best to stop the strike with force, he had no idea what the damned women or the rest of the military had been thinking, they were becoming increasingly militant, to the extent that they seemed at least to him to be actively provoking the Cylons now. He had never been that popular before mainly due to his principles but these days the majority response seemed to be outright hostility and it seemed to be filtering down from the Admiralty to the Commanders and the rest of the enlisted personnel his name seemed to be less than mud these days.

This seemingly, was their new plan for his removal, he was too eliminate them all if he refused he would be court marshaled for insubordination and if he succeeded the backlash would be squarely against him.

'Well this is Fracked' was his last thought as he turned to leave it would certainly require some serious consideration.

End Flashback

They were already a month out of the Scorpion Shipyards and although they were reasonably close to the colonies and Aerilon when compared to some of the usual deployments, they were still around a week out from the major installations. All they had found of the Pirates were a handful of freighters with their cargo stripped, it was certainly beginning to annoy him, well mabe it was time to try something new.

He strode into the CIC nodding to the Marines salutes as he entered,

'Commander Edwards' he barked 'I want a list of all current Civilian traffic in the area'

Lisa Edwards was the XO aboard Poseidon and had they had served together for nearly their entire carriers, whether it was in a viper squadron together or serving among the command staff itself.

'Yes Sir' was the quick response before she bent over the DRADIS screen and started comparing it to her civilian manifest,

'There are currently three Gemenon freighters in a convoy on their way to Aerlion, a medical frigate bound for Scorpia and four separate Passenger liners, one also bound for Aerlion and the other three on course for Caprica' was the prompt response

'It's time for a change in plans Lisa were going to have the Battlestar Group split up, each of the ships will shadow either the convoy or and passenger liners and hope the pirates take the bait we know their base is in the nearby nebula but it's simply too large to keep searching piece meal like we have, if we can disable or destroy their ships we should be able to blockade the station and force it to reveal itself or even find the location from the records on one of their ships or crews'.

Understanding dawned in her eyes and she nodded eagerly 'Certainly beats looking for the needle in the haystack approach and arriving late all the time'

Daniels grinned at her 'Certainly does let's just hope they fall for it'

31 Days before Cylon Genocide

For nine days the Poseidon had drifted behind the convoy, not even they were aware of it as it shadowed their every move. The Poseidon was the true God of the Sea or in this case Space. She was an Illustrious class Battlestar effectively a slight bigger meaner Mercury, there were currently only five in the fleet all acting as the flagships of various Admirals, it contained an improved field of flack fire over the standard ships of line and the ability to launch a whole extra wing of Colonial Mk VII Viper's.

As she drifted space seemed to rip and distort slightly as in three separate blinding flashes of light signaled the arrival of Poseidon's prey.

'DRADIS CONTACTS' came the shout from one of the officers over the DRAIDS

'Bearing towards the convoy, ID codes identify as the three Destroyers Ophion, Leto and Metis all are reported to have been decommissioned and used for scrap' came the surprised reply from Commander Edwards.

Daniels winced at that, this was going to be troublesome not only did he have to face down three Destroyers rather than the usual bog standard Pirate frigates but he was going to have to report to the administration and Admiralty that several people in either the military or government was heavily involved with the pirate's, three Destroyers did not simply disappear that easily.

Now though he had a choice to make, should he follow his orders and wipe them out or conduct this operation like his usual pirate fights. 'FRACK them' he thought 'I've lived by my convictions for close to forty years I'm not about to stop now if they want to go round exterminating people they can do it themselves and try live with it'

'Send Hostile Challenge and demand their surrender' he replied as he stared down at the DRAIDS screen.

'Launch Vipers, acquire targeting solutions, try to aim to cripple rather than destroy them, aim to present the initial shot from the forward guns then shift to allow our stronger flak fields on the side to engage the potential counter'

'Sir no response from the Destroyers, the Leto and Metis are moving towards us the Ophion meanwhile seems to be attempting to escape'

Daniels frowned at that, that wouldn't do he needed to remove all their ships if a blockade was to be successful 'Order Ceto, Styx and their accompanying Patrolstars to begin the blockade on the Base send them our position it should give them a rough area from where the pirates must have launched their attack from within the nebula. They are to engage any vessel attempting to enter or leave and capture them if possible, have the Nyx join us here and engage the retreating Destroyer we can't have them escaping it would damage our blockade'

Turning his attention back to screen he watched as his viper's closed on the Destroyers, his XO seemed puzzled.

'What are they doing they can't possibly stand up to us in only two outdated Destroyers, with three they might have a slight chance but the vipers plus us will cut them to pieces.'

Admiral Daniels shrugged 'Their Pirates not soldiers they have no real idea of the capability of new top of the line military hardware'

'Sir Destroyers are opening fire upon the viper squadrons!' the Conn officer Lieutenant Hoshi informed him

'Right that's it then all Vipers are now weapons free attempt to disable rather than destroy, have them use hit and run attacks make them expend their ammunition it should demoralize them quicker if there shooting and not hitting anything, Main Guns target their engines first'

Daniels listened absently as his orders were confirmed the two Destroyers out there were no real threat, the vipers alone should be able to overwhelm them easily enough, they could simply sprint into weapons range and then fall back out again before they could acquire a full target lock, his Wolf packs as they had become to be known as amongst the military were especially effective at that tactic. He needed to finish this quickly though before they could spool up their FTL drives and vanish again, three even admittedly outdated Destroyers were simply too dangerous to civilian traffic and even potentially posed a threat to the military convoys they were after all only usually escorted by a couple of Patrolstars.

'We are in range opening fire now' came the response from his XO, 'Clean hit! Directly through her engine, Metis is drifting she's still got her guns but she's dead in the water'

'Excellent Lieutenant Hoshi demand there surrender again remind them we can blow them away easily with a nuke if they still refuse, have the vipers concentrate on Leto she's using Metis for cover from us now', Ruthless thought the Admiral but then again the Colonial Military did have a habit of destroying pirate ships outright rather than taking them prisoner they obviously realised they'd bitten off more than they could chew and intended to use their comrades ship as cover as they withdrew'.

'Metis is surrendering Sir, but still no response from Leto, wait, Sir were intercepting communication between the two Leto seems to be demanding the Metis cover them while they escape'

Daniels grimaced at that, he really didn't want to have to shoot through the Metis to prevent Leto's escape but he'd have no choice if the Metis choose to carry on,

'Have we not got a firing solution on the Leto yet?' he asked

'Two minutes then we'll be past Metis, longer if she chooses to cover her partner' replied Lisa

'DAMN that would be too long' was his first thought they couldn't be too far from having their FTL spooled up again

'Receiving transmission from Nyx the Ophion surrendered straight away, it's not going anywhere there beginning to launch borders now'

Some good news at least but how to deal with Leto, 'no choice' thought Daniels, 'Have the vipers take out Leto's engines'

'They won't be as accurate as us, the amount of rounds they'd have to put into her in such a short time period could easily set off secondary explosions in that area' Replied Lisa

'I know but we have no choice she'll escape otherwise, do it'

'Yes Sir', 'Tell the fighters to disable her engines' Commander Edwards relayed the orders

The CIC crew watched in concern as two of the Vipers were caught in Leto's firing solution and destroyed, the attack run was successful though and the Leto also began to list to the side. The collective sigh of relief in CIC quickly turned to horror as secondary explosions began to go off along the ship.

Commander Edwards was the quickest to recover grabbing the nearby radio and screaming at the Vipers to break off as the Leto went up in brilliant explosion.

Admiral Joseph Daniels closed his eyes in pain, 'what a waste he thought' he listened absently as Commander Edwards relayed the post battle report.

'Ceto and her escorts have begun the blockade of the base, Ophion has surrendered and Metis is crippled, we have launched marines to take the remaining pirates into custody, we have also launched raptors to begin recovery operations with the Leto hopefully some will have survived.'

'How many did we lose?' was the Admirals response

'Nyx didn't lose anyone they barely got a chance to launch their vipers, the opposing pirate Commander surrendered he obviously has some past military experience and realised how badly outmatched he was by our Battlestar. We lost three Vipers, two of which the pilots successfully ejected and are being recovered now, another two of our birds took damage but have managed to bring themselves home'.

'Who did we lose?'

'It was Hair Trigger Sir'.

Alex 'Hair Trigger' Jones, known for his trigger happy fingers yet another man lost.

'Have our usual funeral prepared have the crew attend like always I'll write a letter to his family'.

'Are you sure you don't want me to do it Joseph?'

'No they'd most likely appreciate it off me more Lisa; I was in command during this last mission.'

30 Days before Cylon Genocide

Admiral Daniels and those of the Crew of the Poseidon not needed in the immediate running of the ship stood to attention as the priest continued the funeral rights for 'Hair Trigger'.

He grimaced as he watched several of the younger pilots holding back tears; the death of one of your friends or crewmates was never easy.

He watched the priest finish up and was immediately reminded how pointless every death seemed 'such a waste', 'such a needless waste'. He had always been a more practical man than religious and he had found little he could agree with in the so called Sacred Scrolls, and certainly not enough to satisfy him in the priest's funeral rights. It had been little to him compared to the memories and words his fellow friends and pilots had said in their eulogies beforehand, they knew the man, not some nameless drivel rearranged and repeated at everyone's death.

Striding up to podium he began his own,

'When I first read the report on Alex, the first thought that accord to me was good Lords no wonder he was given to us'.

That brought some slight smiles to many faces they were after all family here, they all had their individual problems with the mainstream and most considered outcasts to higher or lesser degree and it was always relieving for many to know they weren't alone in that regard.

'Then I met the man and the I was struck by how down he was, he was truly ashamed of his mistake that almost killed his wing mate, I was also struck by how inexperienced and young he seemed at that moment but I also I saw his potential. With us he flourished he grew to be a fine man and pilot who brought honor to not just us but himself as well. His mistake that he was abhorred for could have happened to any one of us, but not many could have overcome such a thing and continue to grow like he did'.

'Never let what others say cloud your view of the man, you knew the Real 'Hair Trigger'! And we Honor him for it, Never Forget Him!' Admiral Daniels finished to slight smiles.

Rejoining his crew he saluted with the rest of them as Alex's body slowly left the Poseidon and drifted away on its eternal voyage.

14 Days before Cylon Genocide

Two weeks they sat outside of Nebula waiting, Admiral Daniels saw little point in ferrying the Pirates back piece meal he was after all supposed to be operating under Silent running and going back to get screamed at for letting any live did not appeal to him. He was currently planning to bring them all back at the same time and hopefully distract the Admiralty with the fact they had three Destroyers that were supposedly decommissioned. That would almost certainly cause uproar; the decommissioned ships were after all stored at a 'Secret' and 'Safe' location.

It had taken two weeks of interrogation for the pirate Commander of Ophion to give up the base, Metis's commander seemed to have a deep hatred of the Colonial fleet and had refused to say a word while Leto's had gone down with his ship. It was ultimately the threat of leaving his family and friends to starve aboard the station due to the blockade that had caused him to fold; now they had the exact co-ordinates and rough idea of its defenses.

In the Command Officer aboard Poseidon Admiral Daniels and Commander Edwards went over the final details of the plan with the Commanders from the other ships in the Battlestar Group.

Commander Meagan Ryan was the Commander of the Mercury Class Battlestar Nyx at 35 she was one of the younger Commanders in the colonial fleet and had previously served as XO of the Nyx before her former Commanders retirement, she was fiercely loyal to Admiral Daniels for the trouble he went to keep her within his Battlestar Group despite numerous attempts by the Admiralty to derail her career, no small feat considering how she spit in Admiral Von Krace's face after he attempted to grope her. Von Krace seemed to have made it his life's mission to make things as hard as he could for her and it was only after her transfer to 'That Outcast Daniels' Battlestar Group that things had improved for her.

Commander Richard Belter meanwhile was considered a relic from the initial war with the Cylons at 57 years old. He had voiced his warnings of the continued integration of computer systems and stood by his principles slightly louder than was perhaps wise, too young at the time to be forcibly retired without it seemingly being obviously; politically motivated he was instead transferred to Daniels command. After which he had been subsequently ignored and isolated, he too had a deep respect for Admiral Daniels and his principles. Belter Commanded the Mars Class Battlestar Ceto, the Mars class was a direct precursor to the Mercury but lacking as many forward guns and the viper manufacturing ability, despite this it along with the Mercury made up the main front line forces of the current Colonial Military.

The Four Officers were currently going over the plan for the Pirate base assault; Admiral Daniels had come up with and he had been asking what they thought.

'Seems to me like a good idea they should be too shocked by our sudden appearance and the fact they will be so completely surrounded' agreed Belter

'Yes even if they do resist we can simply destroy their ships that are docked and simply retreat out of range and wait them out again, we are in no particular rush with this mission, President Adar and Admiral Nagala gave me no significant timetable to adhere to, they simply wanted the mission completed'. Nodded Daniels

'I see no problems with the initial plan a simply show of force should be enough to subdue them their pirates not fanatics they'll see a no win situation and surrender, but if they don't I agree we should simply wait them out there's no one coming to save them and it will prevent needless loss of life on both sides.' Commander Ryan added

'Well then the plan is agreed the Poseidon will drop out directly in front of the station while Nyx and Ceto will take up positions either side and we'll use both Patrolstars and the Styx to block off the only other avenue of escape, we have the exact location confirmed by raptor reconnaissance we'll drop out as close as we can onto the station. It's been two weeks since there Destroyers have disappeared they won't have stayed on alert that long, they must be thinking the Destroyers didn't give them away and they are simply playing 'dead' for the time being. If we shock them enough and effectively catch them napping them should realise how badly outmaneuvered they are and surrender. If they don't we'll simply destroy any ships docked at the station then move out of range and wait them out we know they are already low on water and that they were due to make a water run after the Destroyers returned and we know no ships have left the nebula so we can guarantee they haven't done so yet.'

'Right distribute the plan out to your XO's the operation is to begin in one hour dismissed'.

The Commanders quickly stood to attention and saluted before leaving and making their way back to their respective Commands.

After finalising the after action plans and details Daniels and Edwards made their own way onto Poseidon's CIC and began distributing orders in preparation for the FTL jump.

'Lieutenant Hoshi begin to spool up the FTL, set condition one on the ship'

Picking up the Conn Daniels began to speak

'This is the Admiral speaking'

'In just under five minutes we will be commencing an FTL jump and subsequent attack on the Pirate base located within the nearby Nebula, despite what you may have been led to believe there are innocent people aboard that station including families and children, it is not filled completely with bloodthirsty pirates. As such we will give them every opportunity to surrender and will not open fire directly upon the station unless given no choice'.

'You are all seasoned professionals and I have the utmost confidence that you will carry out your duties to the best of your ability, I am proud to call each and every one of you a member of my crew,'

Ending the communication he talked directly to his XO

'Signal the Battlestar Group to begin FTL jump countdown' he ordered

Lieutenant Hoshi began to count down from her station

'FTL jump in 10'


'8' the buzz of the usual activity seemed to cease all around the ship,



'5' a slight rumbling began to build within the ship itself,


'3' space around them seemed to begin to distort as the FTL jump began to take place,


'1' a brilliant Flash of light was the signal of the completed jump.

There had been unrestrained tension aboard Pirate Station Eris, ever since the failed check in of their three Destroyers, initially it was assumed the crews of the freighters had put up a fight or attempted to flee, and this was had caused their lateness but as the hours and then days ticked by it soon became apparent that something was wrong.

Seth Brakis commander of Eris cursed yet again, there was still no word at all from his missing Destroyers he had prevented anyone leaving and potentially giving their location away, it was obvious to him either all the Destroyer crews had decided to cut their losses and bugged out while they were ahead. Which happening all at the same time, with no one else knowing would be remarkably unlikely or the Colonial military had finally had enough and dispatched some units to deal with them, and the Destroyers had run afoul of them and lost. Initially he had this base on high alert for the past week believing they would no doubt be coming for them soon, Pirates were after all not the most reliable lot in keeping secrets while caught, luckily it was only the Commanders who had knowledge of the exact location so he hoped the military just knew he was here rather than their location.

Unfortunately he was running low on water and he could not play dead for whatever was outside the nebula much longer or they would all end up really dead. There had also been unconfirmed reports of raptor sightings over the last couple of days but he had snorted when listening to the accounts first hand, they hadn't seen raptors they'd seen movement out of the corner of their eye while on sentry duty, he had put it down to cabin fever and growing stain due to their missing ships.

His Lieutenant, Vorn stood across from him as they discussed their options

'We're gonna have to send the water transport out soon, even if it's unguarded we simply don't have a choice anymore Seth' Vorn argued

'No, we know the military is out there but they most likely only know are general location, we need to play dead as long as possible hopefully they'll write us off as an unconfirmed rumor, it's taken the them six months to begin to track us down initially there obviously stretched thin at the moment, they can't possibly be able to stick around this far out from the colonies for too long.' Was the response from Brakis

'Being caught is better than dying though' Vorn gruffly replied,

'Bah were not gonna die we've got three weeks worth of water left and it's a two week round trip to the nearest water supply and back we can wait another half a week, two and half weeks should be long enough for them to move on they can't sit out there forever they'll be needed elsewhere'. Brakis grinned now that he thought about it his contacts with military had said that despite the size of the Colonial Fleet they disliked deploying for extended periods of time especially for something as insignificant as a rumored pirate outpost.

The higher ups had no idea just how big his 'Outpost' had grown neither did his contacts the bits and pieces he 'acquired' from them separately was just enough to keep a small base running but when combined together allowed him a pretty well established base he even had a couple of docks capable of storing Battlestars! They were of course wasted on his three Destroyers but Seth had plans, big plans he had heard rumors of the military storing decommissioned Battlestars in secret locations just like how his contacts had led him to the Destroyers, they had just been sitting there gathering dust, in case of the Cylons ever coming back. If he could get just one of those Battlestars he could force the other nearby pirates into submission, he couldn't use it on raids though if the military ever got word of a pirate Battlestar they'd hunt him down like a dog probably sending a couple of Battlestar Groups out just to get rid of him, no defiantly not, BUT it would guarantee his ascension among the pirates!

Turning his attention back on his Lieutenant he again reassured him that he would send the water boat out in half a week.

'Don't worry we'll be fine' he grinned

Walking towards the CIC of Eris he was suddenly assaulted by a barrage from the old alarm system indicating that a ship or ships had just jumped nearby. He scrambled down the passage way charging into the command centre to a scene of Chaos.

There were people shouting everywhere, others white faced with shock and predominantly the place stunk of fear. Brakis attempted to shout over them to no avail finally he drew out his gun and put two bullets into the roof causing a sudden forbidding silence

'WHAT THE FRACK IS GOING ON' he screamed at them

'It's a Fracking Battle group, a WHOLE fracking Battlestar Group, they just jumped right on top of us, we're completely surrounded' was the response by one of the people near the old DRAIDS display.

'OH frack it's the Poseidon' another voice sounded up as one of the ships was identified

Seth was stunned there was no way they could have found them and to send a whole Battlestar Group, just for his current measly attacks! They'd even sent one of the monsters of the Colonial fleet after him the Poseidon herself. He'd deliberately low keyed his pirate activities so as to not draw attention, not invoke the wrath of the Colonial Military.

His stunned silence could only continue as strong deep voice spoke up from the communication bay

'This is Admiral Joseph Daniels in command of Battlestar Group 32, we demand your immediate surrender or we will be forced to open fire'.

Author's Note

Right just a short note; this is my first attempt at a fan fiction so any constructive feedback would be appreciated

There might be slight references to some of to other fan fictions of this type that I particularly liked and its just my way of honoring them slightly if you don't like it simply send a message to me and i'll remove or change that part, the most obvious example in this one is the Illustrious class, coming from Wes Imlay's Battlestar Victorious Series which i would recommend to anyone,

Another is the Mars class although i can't quite remember who did that name first but i liked both of them and they seem to fit in with the bog standard Mercury, Galactica and Valkyrie classes (there's no way the Colonial Fleet only has three types of ships).