Author's Notes: I'm soooo sorry this took so long to get out. I'm working on everything else, too. I had suffered a week of writer's block, so it took me a while.

I also apologise in advance if any of the States' personalities are off. I've only really been to New York, Georgia, and Florida, so I don't know much about how people in other states act. Or their accents. Ahaha...

This is two weeks and forty-five minutes late. I am so, incredibly, terribly sorry.

TDA should be out... eventually? School and tests are finally out!


It was actually a nice day in London. The sun was shining and there was a gentle, refreshing breeze. It was lovely and peaceful.

But for the country himself, he was anything but peaceful. His thoughts were restless, as they had been for such a long time. Despite this, he looked tired, exhausted. His hair was messier than usual, and his clothes seemed to hang off his skinnier-than-normal body. His normally bright green eyes were dull, void of life.

Arthur walked down the street lifelessly. He wasn't even thinking, just walking to who knows where. His boss had told him to get some fresh air, as he had taken to never leaving his office, having to be forced to eat and to sleep and to take breaks. He started slightly when Big Ben started to chime.

…He could hear familiar laughter. Eyes springing back to life, Arthur looked around wildly. He was okay! He was here! Arthur knew it, he knew Alfred wouldn't…

The life that had appeared dimmed again as the harsh reality came crashing back down. Alfred was still missing, still no where to be found. No one had seen him since the United States had been disbanded. The horrible events from before weren't just a bad dream.

Arthur whimpered quietly, sinking to his knees. He was a wreck. Everywhere he looked he was not only reminded of Alfred, he thought he saw him. Every sound he heard made him think the other was near. The other countries were worried, but he allowed none to come visit, fearing the memories that their presence would bring.

"Al… fred…" Arthur whispered, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He could just picture the wide grin that he would have on his face. The smile that rivaled the sun and the blue eyes that were brighter than the sky. He could have sworn he saw the familiar head of golden hair down the street, but he was too exhausted to move.

And when he blinked, the form became a lamp post.


"Arthur…?" The prime minister blinked, looking up at the tired but determined form that had just entered his office.

"I'm going." He said resolutely. A look of confusion was quickly replaced with one of alarm.

"No one's seen him, Arthur! There's nothing you can-"

"That's because no one's looking!" Arthur interrupted.

"Yes, but the Neutrality A-"

"I'm going for me, not the country. I'm not going to form alliances or meddle in their affairs. I just want to look." Arthur looked almost desperate. The prime minister fell quiet, before he reluctantly spoke.

"There's no talking you out of this, is there?"

"No, sir."

"But Arthur, it's so dangerous! There's war everywhere and-"

"I'm going with or without your approval, sir. Though it would be easier if you did approve." Arthur cut in once again.

"..There's no proof he's still alive." The prime minister sighed.

"And there's no proof he isn't. Prussia is still around even though his country dissolved." Arthur replied.

"But Rome and Germania.."

"It's worth taking a chance."

"…Fine. You may go." The prime minister finally relented. Arthur nodded, not able to manage a smile, and murmured a quiet thanks.

"…How long will you be?"

"Until I find him, or at least some proof that he… that he's not around anymore." Arthur said weakly. His boss sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"That might take a very long time… You might not even be able to find anything…"

"I don't care. I'll still go through with it."

"Very well. I'll book your flight and arrange for an exchange in currency."

"Thank you, sire. I shall go pack." Arthur said with a nod before turning and making his way out of the office.

"Arthur." Arthur stopped at the prime minister's voice, but he didn't turn around, "…Be careful."

Arthur nodded once more before leaving the office. He couldn't promise to come home safely, because if it meant finding Alfred safe and alive… He was willing to get hurt.

The plane was to land in Maine. He would start his search from there and slowly make his way down and throughout the country. Or… well… countries.

The plane ride was dull and quiet, for due to the wars in the Americas and the Neutrality Act, not many left England to visit the new countries. But that was just as well, because that meant Arthur could relax and get some sleep.

His dreams were full of blue eyes and sunny smiles, be it when Alfred had been a colony to when he became a superpower. That was all he dreamed of when he actually did sleep, memories and fantasies mixing together. Usually the dreams reoccurred over and over again.

His current dream, however, was one he had never had before…

He wasn't sure what year it was, but it was Christmas Eve. He was spending it alone this year, something about Francis deciding to spend a nice, sober Christmas with Matthew.

Arthur sat by the fireplace, attempting to focus on his embroidery. There was only one gift under the Christmas tree, a simply wrapped box. It wasn't for Arthur, so even though he couldn't remember doing so, he assumed he himself had wrapped it. For some reason, Arthur felt lonely and expectant. As if he was waiting for someone.

There was suddenly a knock on the door. Curious, Arthur stood up and moved to answer it. There, in the doorway, stood Alfred. He was smiling warmly as always despite the snowflakes sticking to his hair and glasses.

"A-Alfred.." Arthur's eyes widened, and he looked shocked.

"That's my name, honey!" Alfred said teasingly. Arthur's face heated up, and he spluttered indignantly. Alfred chuckled.

"You haven't changed a bit!" He remarked. Arthur frowned, looking away with a red face.

"I-Is that a problem?" He muttered. He didn't notice the sudden seriousness that washed over Alfred, so he was startled when a large, warm hand cupped his chin and tilted his face so that he was looking into the other's eyes. Arthur turned even redder, startled.

"No.. I would have been depressed if you had changed." Alfred said softly, leaning in a little bit, "Do you know why?"

Arthur could have sworn he was red all over at his point, but he somehow managed out a quiet, "W-W-Why..?"

"Because…" Alfred smiled warmly, leaning in a little more so that their noses were almost touching. Arthur's heartbeat sped up rapidly, but he didn't pull away.

"Arthur, I-"

"We will be landing in Maine in just a few moments. I would like to take the time to thank you for choosing us to fly you to your desired destination, and I hope you have a wonderful day." The lady on the loudspeaker jolted Arthur awake.

Arthur blinked rapidly, sitting upright. His face was burning with colour, and he looked startled. W-What… that dream… What was that? Coherent thoughts seemed to be escaping Arthur, so he merely decided to pass it off as an odd occurrence. It probably didn't mean anything. He just.. Missed Alfred, that was all.

He didn't stop to wonder why he missed the other. That wasn't important.


Arthur looked around the airport quietly. The whole place was almost deserted, only a few people mingling around. Arthur sighed and moved to go get his bags. Once he had retrieved them, he quietly flipped open his phone. He had no idea what he was going to do now, and despair was creeping up. He couldn't look everywhere in every single state- country. There would always be something he missed.

"…Alfred…" He whispered. He didn't want to give up. He had to find Alfred, because Alfred had to be alive. He couldn't give in just because the size of where he had to look was so daunting. He would start in the capital, he decided, and go from there. A new wave of resolution washed over him as he pictured Alfred's sunny smile, and he turned to make his way out of the building. But suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder, making him freeze.

"Sorry, sir. Did I… did you just say Alfred?" The voice asked. It sounded like a teenager, a boy, youthful and smooth. Arthur blinked, turning around. He came face to face with someone who looked maybe to be around eighteen. He was around Arthur's height, and he had jet black hair and dark blue eyes.

"…Yes, I did. May I ask who you are?" Arthur asked, attempting not to get too hopeful. Maybe this person knew Alfred! Maybe he knew where Alfred was, and maybe he'd take Arthur to him!

"Alfred as in Alfred F. Jones?" The person asked to clarify. Arthur's eyes lit up and he nodded.

"Yes! I'm looking for him. Do you know where he is?" He asked, excitement slipping into his voice.

"….Arthur? Arthur Kirkland?" The person asked, eyes widening. His cheeks also turned a little pink, but Arthur failed to notice this.

"Yes, that's my name. So you do know him?" Arthur asked happily.

"Ah… y-yeah, I know him…" The person mumbled, removing his hand before folding them across his chest, "My name is William Brown. I'm… I'm Maine."


Author's Notes: Yeah... I'm not from England. I'm from the United States. But I still spell things like 'colour' and 'realise'. However, sometimes Word likes correcting those without me noticing. So I apologise for any confusion in advance.

Um... No real comments this time, I believe. If you have question's, I'll be glad to answer them.

Also, please correct me if any of the States' personalities are all messed up! Ahaha...