-two weeks later-

"I can't fucking believe it! Not even a month after stopping the goddamn apocalypse, and he's already back at work. I mean really, is my company that deplorable that he can't find anything better to do with his time?" Johnny ranted. Rayfelle sighed, twisting a finger inside her throbbing ear.

"Ugh, keep this up and even I'll have no choice but to find a job. He's a workaholic with infinite time on his hands. You knew that when you made him."

"Yes well, I thought that after 150 years it'd go away.." he muttered childishly. Rayfelle snickered smugly.

"Shows what you know, don't it?"

"Eat me, bitch." he spat out of the side of his mouth.

"Maybe later, little brother." she grinned. Johnny huffed defensively, taking the bait as he had for decades.

"Little-what the fuck, I'm older!"

"Bitch, we're twins!"

"I came first!"

"Yeah, I bet you do that to little Cherry all the time, don't you? No wonder the guy acts like he's got a stick in his ass!"

"Fuck you!" he spat, a splash of red coloring his cheeks. Rayfelle gasped and put a hand to her open mouth.

"Oh that's right... you still haven't slept together, have you?" she teased, knowing full well that by now Johnny's balls were so blue they were purple. He flushed further and gave her the most venomous look he could muster.

"Eat shit." he growled, making her laugh all the harder. Her brother crossed his arms and huffed.

"Did you need clothes or not?"

"Hm? Oh right! Yeah, Owen's getting antsy. He's going to a nightclub tonight, can you believe it? Man, he took to vampirism like a drunk to liquor."

"Yeah. Hard to believe he was once a priest hell-bent on staking you." Johnny smiled at the sentiment. As they made their way to his bedroom, Johnny took out a fresh pack of cigarettes and began to pack them. He took one out of the package and lit it, taking a long, grateful drag. He had missed these thing so much. As they traversed the hallway leading to his bedroom, he noticed Rayfelle grin. He gave her a quizzical sidelong glance as he opened the door, and discovered just what she was grinning about.

Cherry was laying naked on his bed. His wrists were bound to the heavy wooden bedposts with thick lengths of rope. His hair was mussed, and his cheeks wore the faintest tinge of pink.

But that was all nothing when compared to the look that the man was shooting his way. That heated, hungry glare, as if it were Johnny being displayed like a prime cut of meat instead of him. That mixed with the faintly pouting lips, the completed effect was devastatingly sexy.

The cigarette in between Johnny's lips snapped in two, the still lit end burning a hole in the carpet. It went unnoticed, along with the brand-new carton that was smashed beyond recognition in the vampire's left hand. Rayfelle snickered and patted her brother's shoulder before ducking out of the room.

"You're welcome!" she called out as she strutted down the hall. Her voice barely registered in Johnny's head, but it made Cherry scowl.

"...this wasn't my idea." he mumbled. "She thought I'd chicken out if left to my own devises, so this happened." he said, squirming in his restraints. The small movement squeezed a tiny whimper from his master's throat. The man was utterly dumbstruck. Cherry raised an eyebrow.

"Are you gonna stand there all night, Master? I'm not going to fuck myself you know." he drawled, his voice lowering half an octave. Johnny jolted back to reality and was at the foot of the bed in an instant.

"I...you..are you sure?" he asked uncertainly, hardly daring to believe what lay before him, what was promising to finally happen. He leaned on the mattress, but made no other move. Cherry's eyes flashed and he gave a smug grin. He curled one of his legs up slowly, and lifted his foot towards his master. He traced his master's lips with his big toe, watched as his eyes closed and mouth opened.

"Don't ask stupid questions." he growled, his voice low. Johnny let out whine as his inner gates broke loose. He took the protege's foot in his hands and nuzzled the arch. He placed a kiss on it before he traveled upwards and took the first two toes into his mouth. He groaned as he separated the toes with his tongue, sucked on the big toe. He grazed his teeth against the soft pad and heard a sharp exhale from Cherry. He grinned and nipped at the soft flesh beneath the toes, making them flex.

"Master." he heard the other man gasp. He look up from his ministrations into the searing gaze of his Cherry. He gasped.

Cherry snapped his restraints with an effortless tug (they were more for aesthetics anyway) and snatched his elder by the front of his white shirt and yanked him across the bed, crashing their lips together. Johnny yelped in surprise but quickly gained his bearing. His knees found either sides of Cherry's hips and they rested there, gripping slightly. One of his hands wrapped around the back of his neck while the other fisted the blonde hair. Cherry groaned in his mouth as their kiss intensified, His tongue coaxing this master's mouth open, eager to experience the fascinating specimen that was Johnny Rayflo's tongue. His efforts were soon rewarded as it dove deep into his own mouth, earning a moan from both men. He was forced to submit as his master displayed his far superior kissing skills and did things inside his mouth that made his body turn to goo.

His hands began to wander, traveling first to his shoulders, then down his back. The shirt he still wore aggravated him, so he rid the man of it in the first way he new how: right down the middle. Johnny jolted when the ripping sound rang in the air, and he wanted to say something but was unable, as his eager Cherry decided to sink his teeth into his collarbone.

"Ah, dammit.." he hissed.


"Nothing, nothing...keep..keep going" he groaned. Cherry's lips returned to his collarbone and preceded to travel lower before stopping at his nipples. He bit hard, and his master gave a yelp. He licked it apologetically, running his tongue over it in long lazy swipes. He stroked the other with his hand, and very soon the man was squirming in his lap, grinding their hardened cocks together. This time it was Cherry's turn to moan.

"Please..." he pleaded and ground into the ass that lay nestled so teasingly in his crotch. Johnny's eyes fluttered close momentarily as a shudder rocketed through him before he recovered and grinned down at the man.

"Please what?" he crooned, teasing. Cherry scowled.

"I..." he faltered, suddenly hesitant. His gaze fell. Johnny frowned and lifted it back up with a gentle finger on his chin.

"What?" his voice was quiet. Cherry licked his lips as he stared into his master's piercing gaze.

"I...I want you to ride me." he said. Johnny felt his already aching cock twitch at such a request coming from Cherry's lips, and he smirked. He placed a kiss on his lips.

"Of course." he whispered. "But I gotta prepare you first." he planted another kiss on those lips before slinking down his body with slow feline grace, all the while his gaze locked with the man above him. He indulged himself with a quick and teasing flick of the man's belly button with his tongue before reaching the hard and flushed organ. His fangs flashed in a predatory grin as his eyes raked it all in, amazed and utterly awed at the sight, at the knowledge that this was THE moment, that this was HIS Cherry he was pleasuring finally. He tore his gaze away reluctantly to again find Cherry's eyes and hold them there as his mouth descended, his tongue grazed the tip before his lips enveloped it. Cherry shivered and his eyes closed. His master would have none of that.

"Nuh uh. Open your eyes and look at me." he ordered. Cherry obeyed. He watched as his cock disappeared into Master's mouth, felt the intense pleasure of the wet heat, that infernal tongue tracing patterns up and down the swollen shaft. His hand reached out and grasped the bobbing head. Fingers threaded through hair and tugged gently, hardly able to contain the tremor that were quickly wracking his body. He thrust into the hot mouth, small grunts spurring on his master further. His eyes widened when he saw the other mans fingers snake behind him and tease their way into the cleft of the now uncovered ass. He idly wondered how his master managed to take them off with out him noticing. The fingers sank in, penetrating and readying the older vampire for what was soon to come. He watched, entranced as Johnny finger-fucked himself, an act that was over all too soon before he removed himself from his cock and sat up, ignoring Cherry's sounds of protests.


"Get ready." Johnny said as he positioned himself.

"I am." Cherry panted. Johnny gave him another toothy grin before descending again, the spit-slicked shaft sliding inside him in one swoop. They both gasped, Cherry grasping the bedsheets.

"Fuck...!" Johnny gasped out. He rose, then dropped, setting a slow pace to get them both accustomed. Cherry mewled at each thrust, fueling Johnny on to increase his pace, his power.

"Master, faster.." he gasped out, not caring how silly it sounded ryhming. The man was only too happy to oblige. He smirked and rolled his hips, forcing Cherry to rock on the bed.

"Sit up." he said, his voice rough and saturated with lust. Cherry pushed himself up into a sitting position and was pulled into another heated kiss, this time his tongue plunging into his master's mouth and exploring inside. Johnny snapped his hips and Cherry growled into his mouth.

"You like that, eh?"

Cherry grinned.

"You mean my cock in your ass? Hell yeah." he growled. It had the intended affect: Johnny utterly disarmed at hearing such crude smut being uttered from his precious Cherry's lips. He took the opportunity to grasp the man's hair and yank his head to the side to whisper heatedly in his ear.

"I didn't say stop. Keep fucking me, Master."

Johnny let out a load moan and his hips jerked.

"You little.." he growled and shoved the younger bed back down on the bed and set a hard, punishing pace. Cherry arched, his cries growing louder and more wanton with every stroke. Metallic hands grasped his hips, bruising the skin.

"God Cherry, you're such a little tease..." he hissed. "Do you have any idea what you do to me? What you've been doing to me all these years?"

It took all the control Cherry had to utter a response.

"Nnn...why do you think..oh god...I did it?"

Johnny chuckled.

"Kiss me, you miserable cretin." he leaned down and kissed him, swallowing his moans and whimpers. Before long Cherry broke the kiss, gasping.

"Master, I, I can't-"

"I know, Cherry, I know. Come for me." he snarled, biting into the man's shoulder making him arch again. He was dangerously close, they both were.

"Oh god, Master..!"

"Mmm..not gonna last much longer.." he pounded himself on top of his protege, hammering that one little spot until his vision grew white and he screamed, his orgasm wracking though him and making his head go fuzzy. He tightened around the shaft, which was just enough to send Cherry over the edge. He came with a deep and rumbling groan, his hands constricting even tighter around the lithe hips. After the last spasm dissipated he let go, pulled the limp man onto the bed beside him and kissed him.

"How was that?" Cherry asked earnestly into Johnny's forehead. He felt the other man's shoulder shudder in laughter.

"What do you think? I'm jello."

Cherry chuckled.

"I guess that was a stupid question."

"Yea, it was."

"This isn't over, is it?"

Johnny grinned and propped himself onto an elbow to gaze down at his lover.

"Look at you, all nymphomaniac. You sure you're my Cherry?"

"..I'm not a cherry anymore...haven't been for awhile..." he muttered the last part so quietly Johnny almost didn't hear it.

"Don't start that." he said warningly. "what happened then was no fault of yours. Don't ever think otherwise. You always have been, and always will be my Cherry. Even after I pound you into every surface of this house tonight. And the night after that. And the night after that." he smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"Got it? You're stuck with that name 'til Judgment Day."

Cherry stared wide eyed at him, the returned the smile. He pulled the man back down for another kiss. He was right, there was no reason to dwell on the past. They had what they wanted, and nothing was going to separate them again, ever.

"So Cherry, can we use the kitchen next? There's thing thing I've always wanted to try with ice cubes..."

HERE IT IS! JOHNNY AND CHERRY HAVE SEX! FINALLY! :phew: well, yeah. There isn't a whole lot I can say about this, other that I DO NOT HAVE A FOOT FETISH...I don't know why I put that part in, but I couldn't think of anything better to do. Though if you think about it, it is sort of symbolic of the first time we see them, isn't it?