Tsuki: Ah Again Sorry for the wait. Sheer laziness combined with over active creativity and life had made you wait this long, Im certainly Not abandoning it. I personally apologize and give my greatest thanks to those who wait and i hope you enjoy this next chapter. I'm not the greatest at grammar and my last chapter of my other story So hate consequences i got Grilled for a few spelling mistakes. But oh well least you get the jist of it and there is a good story out right?

Kyuu: Feeling too lazy to criticize i'll just do Disclaimer: We don't own bleach. Tite Kubo does and like to revoke a certain license and took precious scans off the internet. T-T. Viva los fanficion!

Chapter 4- Sweating bullets- Megadeth

Aizen smiled down, on his lap was the orange haired teen that he kidnapped. It's been a few days since the start of his torment. So far he has been kept in his small room, guarded by the silent Ulquiorra and the forced to be silent Grimmjow. Aizen would come, twice a day, Three times if you include the showers, and rape him. Ichigo would fight but it was useless, He found himself giving in earlier and earlier with each session, Aizen only watches and touches when he takes a shower, Slowly his will fades as the pain is becoming unbearable.

He thought he could handle it, he had heard about rape victims mind's fragmenting because of the ordeal He thinks, briefly, that he thought he was strong enough to survive rape with his mind intact. But that's stupid. People don't know what will break them until the moment it happens, how foolish of him.

But this was different.

It's been a full week since he is has been captured and Aizen came in for the last session of the day. He'd be raped again, afterward too tired and exhausted to stay up and fall into a light sleep before forced awake thanks to a nightmare. But the rape hasn't happened yet, they were still fully clothed. Aizen has came as usual, with his arrogant smirk. Ichigo had backed up to the headboard, curling into a ball. Aizen had sat on the bed forcing him out of the protective ball. Only to gently place his head on his lap, stroking his hair softly.

They had been like this for a little bit, the repetitive action lulling him a false sense of security and calm. he did try to fight it at first , but it was so...relaxing. with all the feelings he had felt here, he had felt nothing close to comforting except when Gin visits now. But this was just an overload, who know the pain in his ass could cause this much gentle feeling...but he was a manipulative bastard.

"You looked...worn out after this morning...I decided to give you a break tonight." said the ruler of Hueco Mundo, Ichigo shivered as it triggered the bad memories and phantom pain. Aizen just chuckled a bit, still stroking the teens soft orange hair. "So much pain...I hate that I am the cause, but I know it has to be done, Your very hard headed and I didn't want to damage are already strained relationship threatening your close ones. The only reason why I had Gin try to kill Rukia because Byakuya was coming, very predictable." he said.

Ichigo suppressed the feeling to snort as he curled in on himself a little more as he was talked about like some sort of an object to possess. "I know how much your friends and family means to you. And you know that they would risk there very lives to save you. You very important to many people, but your status as a Visored won't go unnoticed, It was a very unfortunate accident, I'm sure after you've out lived your usefulness they will dispose of you as well."

Ichigo didn't believe that, he didn't want to but he had the same little thoughts. If they can get rid of trusted lieutenant and captains, what about a lowly Ryoka boy like him get? He curled up more as he willed those thoughts and emotions to go away, resulting in the hand brushing though his hair again igniting the feeling of being calm again

"I can make it more gentle, Pleasurable...even for you, just like the first time." the devil whispered into his ear. Ichigo shivered again as he remembered the pleasure he got from that one time, he never did hit that spot inside him again, that made him beg for more of it. His eyes began to droop as sleepiness began to over take him. "Sleep now, I promise I will do nothing tonight." said Aizen Still stroking the berry's hair. amber eyes began to close, sealing shut finally as Ichigo drifted into sleep.

Rukia groaned as she began to stir. She could dully feel pain as she stretched her sore body. She could faintly hear voices in the back ground. "Hey, Everyone I think Rukia is coming around." said a familiar friendly voice. More voices and movement as they came near her.

"Alright, alright everyone Back up a little bit let her breath." said an annoying voice. Rukia blinked her eyes open as she immediately noticed a White and Green hat. "U-Urahara?" she rasped lightly. "Welcome back to the world of the living Rukia."

Rukia looked around as she saw Renji's worried face, Chad, Uryu, Orihime...Wait. "O-Orihime?" The girl had changed back into her normal clothes and gave her a sheepish look but it held a sadness that she couldn't figure out. "So did we succeed?" she asked hopefully. But at the mention, a very uncomfortable silence enveloped them. "What?" she asked, having a feeling she wouldn't like it.

Urahara was about to say something when a familiar voice sounded behind her. "Well, yes and No." She turned in surprise to see Isshin, Ichigo's father. She gaped like a fish as she tried to comprehend why he was here. She noticed he had a Shinigami outfit on and a zanpakuto at his side. "Your a soul reaper?" She yelled before coughing as she over did it.

"Yes I am, I have been hiding it for years. I would like to have waited a little more before revealing myself but its an emergency. There was a Price to pay for gaining Orihime back." he said. Rukia began to look around as she waited for an answer but no one spoke up. She then noticed that there was a lack of orange hair. "Where's Ichigo?" she asked.

The crowd was grim at the name as Rukia's worries grew. "Where's Ichigo? I-Is h-he hurt or something?" she asked as she was beginning to panic. "Rukia, Ichigo was kidnapped by Aizen. He was his main target all along, He kidnapped Orihime-chan knowing it would be easier to get Ichigo in Hueco Mundo." Explained Urahara.

"W-what? N-No he can't...I mean...this is Ichigo where talking about, The idiot doesn't get kidnapped..." she began as she could feel tears well up in her eyes. "I'm Sorry Rukia...Aizen cast one of his illusions on us, A fake Ichigo...He led us to where Orihime was before coming to see us off, they sent us back to the underground training area." said Renji. Rukia began to cry as she clung to Renji, who knows what was happening to him there...

"W-were going in again to get him back...r-right?" she asked as she found relief in the determination in the others eyes.

Ichigo woke up, blinking his eyes open finding something amiss. He concentrated as he tried to figure it out before surprise overtook his expression. Nightmares, he wasn't forced awake screaming, by a nightmare. Memories flooded back as he reflected on his current situation. Aizen had saved him from Grand Fisher when he was younger, Aizen was the reason he was still alive, still existed instead of being eaten by the hollow. He had watched him grow, was he reason he gained his powers, manipulated. At first it seemed impossible but now...

Ichigo froze as the bed he was on shifted and felt a pair arms wrap around him, making the kidnapped substitute swallow thickly, and a dreaded familiar voice wafted over him "Ah, Ichigo-kun, Your up." said the God to be. as he pulled the boy to his chest. Ichigo, from the new position, he could see he was not in his cell anymore, Instead he was in grand white room, well decorated but still nothing but white...When was he moved?

"Your afraid of me." Stated Aizen as he observed. He tilted his neck as he pressed his lips against Ichigo's pale neck, smirking as he tensed up. "Afraid of what I can do to you." Ichigo trembled slightly, remembering all the rapes. He gasped as something hot an wet trailed up the side of his neck before moaning as a set of teeth bit into it lightly. "Your neck was always so sensitive."

"P-Please stop." Ichigo said shakily as he knew how this would end for him, he was helpless with the the reiatsu sealing collar to stop the rape, Aizen just overpowered him easily. Ichigo clenched his eyes shut as Aizen's hands began to roam, which was weird, he usually saves the touching for the shower.

"Don't worry, I won't go very far." Aizen chuckled, as his fingers found the teens nipples, making him gasp, Arching back against him as they were tweaked around. "W-Why, Why aren't you raping me like usual." Ichigo growled a bit but made no move to stop him, worried it might make him take it back.

"I told you, I don't like to hurt you...I'd rather hear you moan..." he said as one of his hands slid down the toned stomach as it reached into the pants to grasp the member, noticing it was already half awake. He Smirked as Ichigo proved his point. "Like that." Ichigo moaned as the hand encircled him member, the unwanted pleasure raced though him. "N-No Stop!"

Aizen just chuckled as he began move the hand, stroking Ichigo off for the first time. Ichigo began to Squirm trying to get away from the feeling as he was already fully erect under the skillful hand. Aizen suddenly bit back into this side of his neck, making the berry freeze up, Gasping at the sudden spike of pleasure.

Ichigo clenched his eyes shut as he tried to will the feelings away, biting his lip to keep the sounds in he didn't want to give the bastard the satisfaction of making him feel good. It was getting harder to concentrate. Ichigo suddenly found himself falling back as Aizen moved laying him back on the bed as he pinned his legs under his as he continued to stroke him. He could finally see the damned smirking face as it came into view. "B-Bastard." he growled out.

"Now now, Ichigo, Behave. I could always change my mind, and have to hurt you again." Said Aizen as he watched Ichigo flinch as he shook his head. "That's what I thought." he said as he smirked leaning down closer to his member as he kept eye contact with the substitute Before he ran his tongue up the underside of Ichigo's throbbing member making the teen gasp and moan at the new feeling. "N-No, S-Stop!" he said panicking , not wanting the good feelings either, he didn't want to like it.

Aizen chuckled again as he continued to lick Ichigo's member, Ichigo would submit, just like Gin had. It was a simple process all he needed now was to make Ichigo want it, want him. His touches. Ichigo tried to hold back but after days of rape, this was so much better. His hands clenched into the white sheets, crying out as Aizen slid his cock into his mouth, it was so warm and moist inside there. Aizen ran his tongue across it as he sucked lightly before sliding it out, getting a little whine from the strawberry. "Still want me to stop?" he asked hand returning to rub it, spreading the saliva.

Ichigo looked down and shook his head, ashamed he was giving in so easily. Aizen gave a sly smile as the other wanted more. "What was that, I didn't here you?" He said, tormenting him as the grin widened. Ichigo cursed the sadistic man. "Please, D-don't s-stop." he whispered softly. "Still can't here you Ichigo..."

"Please Don't stop, Aizen-sama!." he said, swallowing his pride as he knew he was broken, craving the pleasing feeling he is getting now, it was his plan all along. He just remembered the title the man insisted to call him.

"Good boy." said Aizen impressed as it took Gin a little longer to call him Aizen-sama when pleading. "Now keep it up, and don't hold it back." He leaned back down taking the member back into his mouth and continued where he left off. Immediately Ichigo cried out in pleasure, moaning as the man began to move sliding it in and out. Ichigo never would of believe the egotistical man would stoop so low to do this but the though was gone as fast as it was thought.

Ichigo was vocal just as Aizen wanted as he sucked him off, he could feel the tension in the hips as the instinctively wanted to buck, he held himself admirably for the kid's first time. Aizen chuckled as he sped up, Making Ichigo's moans louder he felt the other tensed up crying out beautifully as the teen came into his mouth, he swallowed the seed as Ichigo panted. Watching him through half lidded eyes as he leaned back up. The position the teen was in was so delectable, he was surprised he had to hold himself back from just fucking the teen into the bed.

But right now he had other plans. Using a simple sleep kido the orange haired Visored was instantly knocked out, redressing the teen the solemn Uliquorra walked in the room. "It has been prepared, Aizen-sama." he said watching with disinterested eyes as his leader picked up the weakened boy.

"Good, How long has Szayel think the Collar will last?" he asked as he took Ichigo out of the room, walking down hallway, knowing where to go despite every hallway looking exactly the same. Any Arrancar that passed bowed there head and muttered something along the lines of 'good evening Aizen-sama'

"He says about a few hours to a day, Aizen-sama." answered the stoic Espada. Aizen's visage frowned a bit. "Were running a tight schedule then, we need to at least have three-fourths of his spiritual pressure restored before we can take the collar off. The return of his power should stun him a little if the chance he wakes up." Said Aizen as he ran the plan through his mind. It will be flawless, He had already successfully transformed Tosen into an Arrancar mix.

But the boy already had a inner hollow. He would have no idea what will happen, Either that the hollow would be out and in charge, hopefully he could be able to subdue and control him, Or be forced to destroy him, which would be a shame, he was just so interesting. He will have to wait and find out.

The pair arrived at a door opening it to reveal a dark room, in the center was a cross like object, Big enough for a person, its limbs had several ties as Aizen approached it, Setting Ichigo down as Uliquorra grabbed one of the unconscious teen's wrists Slipping it into the bind before tightening it, repeating it with the other wrist Aizen let him go as Ichigo slumped forward.

All prepared for what will come next, Aizen pulled out a small golden key, He tilted the chin up revealing the collar as he put the key into the lock and turned it a little as spiritual pressure began to flow back into Ichigo's body. Little by little Aizen turned the key releasing more and more spiritual energy, The room was lined with seki seki rock as according to Uliquorra's reports the teens reiatsu fluctuated between very weak to stronger than even the dark arrancar's own, So to preserve his weaker allies from suffocating to death and prevent the destruction of his castle.

Minutes turned into hours as they had now released half of the energy, Aizen was impressed, for a human to possess this much spiritual power. But the teen was a Shinigami in his own power as well and had achieved and mastered bankai in days...but thanks to Urahara's cheat device. But it was nothing to laugh at. Aizen continued to turn the key ever so slightly, casting a stronger sleep kido, not taking any chances. hours ticked by as he could sense the collar was weakening severely under the strain of the immense spiritual pressure, they were near to the three quarters mark when the key had snapped the collar ripping off as the last of the spiritual power blasted them back. catching even Aizen off guard.

Aizen Flash stepped over to Uliquorra as he took out the small orb, knowing they have only a few seconds before the spiritual pressure to go down, they needed maximum output in order to transform the boy. He Flashed back over to him as he could tell the Kido was wearing off as he placed the hogyoku at his chest as he began to push his own into the gem as at first nothing seem to happen, Aizen was patient as he continued a steady pace but nothing was happening. He frowned as he pushed a little more into it but he was surprised as the hogyoku sank into the boy's chest. This was a first.

Aizen flashed back as he observed the quickly growing spiritual energy, This wasn't part of his plan. He readied himself for anything as He now began to hear the teen yell a bright light blue enveloped him, shielding his his eyes, Aizen observed as the pure reiatsu began to be tainted by a black Hollow, A mask had formed over his face. Hearing a thud he turned to find Uliquorra had collapsed to his knee with difficulty breathing.

Finally the immense reiatsu began to die down, being drawn into the body, Aizen watched as the bonds snapped and Ichigo fell to the floor, Aizen approached as he saw that Ichigo had paled some, a shiny look that all Arrancar have, signaling a tough Hierro. A small hole could be seen on his back ironically where his heart would have been. Aizen smiled as it seemed to have worked. He picked up the naked teen, the spiritual energy burning his clothes off. He heard a clunk, looking down he saw what was left of the hogyoku, its bright sheen now a dull gray as if its energy was sucked out. Aizen frowned, again this wasn't part of his plans.

Aizen swiped the hogyoku from the floor as he took Ichigo back to the white room, Covering him up after smiling at the boy's new appearance. His mask piece was on the left part of his face, the three red marks. He trailed the hand down the strengthened skin as a shiver of excitement and need to take the boy once again, but it was no fun when he wasn't aware of it.

Aizen covered him up, he began walk out before he stopped taking out the Hogyoku observing it, dull and lifeless. Something was amiss, but he couldn't tell what it was. He put it back into his pocket and left the room Locking it as he continued down the hallway back to his own chambers.


Tsuki: Omg i turned him into an Arrancar!

Kyuu: *sarcastically* Dude no way

Tsuki: *Cries* Wah Kyuu's picking on me!


Tsuki: Okay enough Fruits basket pun... Anyway I want to thank the reviewers with all my heart. and thanks for waiting. I promise not to take half a year to post the next chaper. A reward for all who reads: Arrancar Ichigo Plushie of my Design! yay.

Please Review its free and easy, all you have to do is push the button below and every time you review for a new chapter you win 100...points...which you can spend...at my virtual online shop!...

Kyuu: You don't own one...

Tsuki: I will eventually! *cries again*