Title: Risk

Author: JeGarr

Info: Set when Arthur gets attacked trying to save Guinevere in 2.13, contains spoilers.

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin.

Gwen broke out into a run, trying not to trip over the cobble stones and bodies that were scattered along the street. She tried to clear her mind of other thoughts as she approached the well. The injured needed water and she couldn't afford to drop the bucket or waste any more time than necessary in the square.

She ignored the roaring of the dragon, looming overhead as she filled the bucket up. She knew this was extremely dangerous but she couldn't just sit and watch her people suffer without any form of hydration.

"Clear the square!" barked a voice.

Arthur ran into the square, sword grasped firmly in his right hand, watching the skies above him. Many people ran into their homes or connecting streets, trying to get away from the conflict outside. Arthur spun around, expecting to find the square empty but someone was near the water pump. Someone very familiar in a lavender dress, the dress he knew all too well.

"Gwen!" he cautioned, but she did not turn around.

He turned his eyes back to the sky again, watching the dragon as it began to lower itself toward him.

"GUINEVERE!" he screeched and this time she spun around, meeting his gaze.

She completely forgot about everything that was happening around her and gazed above, watching the dragon come closer and closer. Arthur sprinted toward her as she too began to run back toward the castle where Gaius and the injured people of Camelot were.

The dragon stooped even lower, his eyes on Gwen's lavender dress as Arthur tried to catch up with her. Gwen let out a whimper, afraid that all too soon it'd be over and she'd be lying on the ground, just like the many that were already.

Arthur approached her and taking her hand was about to push her into the castle when he ran out of time. The dragon managed to slice it's claw into his shoulder, Arthur letting out a grunt of pain as he and Gwen fell to the ground.

Arthur lay on the floor gasping as Gwen looked on slightly stunned and extremely worried. They stayed on the ground for a couple more moments, watching the dragon fly away from them. Arthur took a deep breath, wincing slightly as his shoulder throbbed, and grabbed Gwen's hand, both of them running into the castle.

Gwen led him directly to where Gaius was with the medical equipment. When Arthur tried to protest she put a single finger to his lips, shutting him up. She wasn't going to let him out of her sight until she'd bandaged him up.

They didn't speak for a long time, Gwen soaked up the blood that was leaking from Arthur's shoulder, trying to ignore the fact that he was shirtless and hoping she was doing a good job. Eventually she found her voice.

"You shouldn't have risked your life," she scolded, continuing to soak the wound.

He looked at her, seeming amused, and giving her a smirk before he spoke.

"I wasn't going to let anything happen to you,"

To this she forgot she was supposed to be serious and gave him a small smile as he stared into her eyes. Then as she went to wet the cloth she was using to clean the wound again, Arthur grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest.

She slowly met his gaze as he placed his hand over hers. His blue orbs gazed into her brown and she could feel the blood rush to her cheeks as he smiled at her.

For it seemed, at that moment, that nothing could go wrong and nothing ever would.

Thanks to everyone who has commented or added one of my stories to their favourites (mydoctortennant, AugustMist, Babybee61, ArthurXGwen and TheAngelGirl1992 to name a few) I'm really glad you're enjoying my writting and I'm trying to get stuff up as fast as I can. Oh, and I know I'm a bit late but Happy New Year to everyone! JeGarr Xx.