**I own nothing, everything is copyright of CBS. I intend to prophet in no way from the sharing of this story.

**Comments and Reviews are welcomed and encouraged. This is my first FanFic for The Mentalist. Please Enjoy.

Jane and Lisbon ducked under the crime scene tape at the Samuel P. Taylor State park in San Francisco. They walked towards the body of a boy in his late teens that Cho and Rigsby knelt beside. The boy had straight, short dark hair and a muscular build. He was dressed in shorts, T-shirt and flip flops. "What've we got?" asked Lisbon as she too knelt down the body.

"John Doe for now" said Cho as the three agents returned to a standing position. Jane continued to lean forwards, his feet planted as he pondered the body of the boy below. "No wallet or I.D on the body, just this" he said handing her an already sealed evidence bag. Lisbon examined its contents through the clear plastic as Cho said "It was found crumpled up, on top of the body. We assume the killer put it there on purpose." Lisbon nodded and passed the bag to Jane to examine. In it, he saw a strip of photographs, the kind you get from a machine at a carnival or mall. It had been smoothed out before being placed in the bag, so he could clearly see each picture. Each photograph had a picture of the victim and a girl his age with big hazel eyes, dark brown hair and a pretty smile. In the first photo they were kissing, in the second, he had her in a headlock and she was laughing. The third photo had them both making funny faces and the last had them lined up like a totem pole, his chin resting on the top of her head, both of them laughing.

"Hmmm" said Jane as he handed the evidence bag back to Lisbon.

"We don't need to know his name to figure out the motive for this one" said Rigsby.

"Oh really?" asked Jane, tilting his head sideways

"Well, yeah" answered Rigsby. "You don't throw a crushed picture of your victim and his girlfriend on the body if the murder wasn't over a woman"

"Interesting" replied Jane.

"What, you don't think he's right?" asked Lisbon

"I didn't say that" answered Jane

"No, you're just upset because Rigsby got to point it out before you" she said "he messed up the impressive little speech you were constructing in your head"

"All right, maybe, a little, but I can do it without the motive part"

"Go ahead then" sighed Lisbon

"Your victim isn't from California, its late September in San Francisco, nobody from California is going to be going around in shorts. He's a tourist who thought California is hot all the time. He's dirty so I'd say he was camping here, but based on his clothes he's not really the outdoorsy camper type. I'd say a jock based on his build."

"That's all?" smirked Lisbon

"Well, here is where I would have liked to use the crushed photo strip being part of the motive as a transition but Rigsby sort of ruined that. Nevertheless, the pictures themselves tell us that, yes she was probably his girlfriend but I don't think either of them thought that they were really in love. The first picture shows the lust of two teenagers engaged in a relationship. The second picture he thought was funny but she's faking that laugh, didn't appreciate being put in a headlock. If they were really close he would know this. The third is the typical funny face pose you'd expect, but the fourth - most girls would want one where they were both just smiling, posed as a couple, a sort of Freudian look into their "future together", a miniature beginning of the family photo that just doesn't include kids yet. But this girl didn't push for it, another sign that they weren't in love. Considering that I'd say they're from a small town where there just weren't many partners to choose from. She's a very very pretty girl and he's a jock who would likely have a lot of standing in a little town. They were just together because they looked good together."

"All right, that was a little more impressive. If it's true" quipped Lisbon. She handed the evidence to Rigsby. "You used this to knock Jane off his high horse, so you can bring it back with you. You and Cho go talk to the campground people, get a list of campers going back two or three months. Jane and I will wait here for the M.E. where ever the hell he is, and get a more concise timeline about how long he's been dead. We'll use that to narrow down the search. We'll meet you back in Sacramento."

"Can do boss" said Rigsby, shooting a coy little smile a Jane, who smiled widely in return. He and Cho ducked under the crime scene tape, leaving the way Jane and Lisbon had come in.