Yes, I know Hinata acts out of character in the first chapter and I'm sorry about that. I always do that with some characters. Anyway enjoy the chapter!

One: Vampire School

Hinata Hyuuga, a half vampire, was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Unlike other vampires her blood was that of a human's. She didn't notice her cousin slip into the kitchen unexpectedly.

"Hey, Hinata!" She nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard her cousin call to her loudly from behind. She whipped around quickly to glare at her cousin.

"Neji! Don't do that!" she growled baring her teeth. Of course if was natural for half vampires to snap easily.

"Calm down. I have some news from your father," Neji replied coolly.

"Sorry," She apologized for snapping so quickly. Neji got orange juice out of the fridge and poured it into a glass. "Anyway, your father has enrolled us to a vampire school." She froze as Neji casually sipped at his drink. She turned toward Neji the shock clear on her face.

"He did what?"

"You heard me. Don't worry. Human blood runs in your veins, but you look like a vampire. No one will notice."

"You can't be serious..." She stood there a blank expression on her face. Then she suddenly glared at her brother. "You didn't have anything to do with this did you?"

"Me? Of course not. Your father wants to get you properly educated," Neji said simply.

Hinata obviously didn't like the idea of going to a new school considering that the school she was going to now was perfectly fine. Neji sighed heavily.

"Hinata, we can't keep going to that school...there are too many humans." Hinata grimaced as Neji read her thoughts. She turned back to cooking the food. Hinata was furious, not because of Neji, but her father who decided the last minute that she would go to a school full of vampires. This time Hinata heard Neji walk towards the door. "Oh, and Hinata?"

Hinata clenched her fist. "What?"

"Vampires don't eat human food."

"Argh! Get out you vampire bastard!" Hinata yelled throwing a plate where Neji's head had been. She sighed. Another one of their good plates had been lost.

Hinata's POV

I walked into the hall hauling a suitcase. Today was my big day; the one my father had planned. Neji stood leaning on the doorway.

"Ready to go?" asked Neji. I was annoyed by his cheerfulness.

Was he enjoying this?I pushed past him without a word and opened the front door. Neji's convertible was right in front of the house. As I opened the door to the car Neji walked to the driver's seat with his fast speed. I hated the fact that I was a weak link in my family. Why did Neji have to be my cousin?I suddenly realized that Neji was staring at me waiting for me to get in. I quickly closed the door as I got into the car. We were both silent as Neji drove smoothly careful not drive too fast. I was stiff from a restless night. I was starting to miss those days when I used to play with my old friend Tenten. We were little then so I didn't remember her all that well. I stared out the window as I dozed off.

I suddenly opened my eyes again. Was I awake?I was surrounded by widespread grassland and a clear sky. I saw two figures standing in the distance. "Hm, maybe they can tell me where I am..." As I got closer the figures became more distinct. It was a girl and a boy. The girl was slightly shorter than the boy and she had long blue hair, strangely similar to mine. The boy had spiky blond hair and blue eyes. I crouched in the tall grass suddenly not wanting to be seen.

"I love you," said the boy loud enough to hear. I suddenly flushed red. This boy I didn't know was confessing to me or was he? The boy then leaned down and kissed me or the other me. I gasped as I awoke abruptly.

"Are you alright Hinata?" asked Neji his gaze still fixed on the road. I could only stare blankly out the window, still feeling the blood rushing to my face. We hit a stop light. "You're not sick are you?" Neji was now staring at me with clear concern. I looked back him quickly.

"N-N-No, I-I'm fine! R-Really," I stuttered trying to compose myself again. The traffic light turned green and Neji continued driving. I didn't have time to interpret the dream because I could see a large building ahead. On the front side of the building in big letters it said: Konoha High (Sorry I know the name is original).

"Here we are," Neji said with enthusiasm. I sighed.

"At least your happy about this," I said looking out the window again wishing I was somewhere else. Finally we got out of the car and walked to the school. It was huge school. As we entered Neji looked at his schedule and mine. "What room number am I?" Neji searched the list.

"Oh, your Room 203 right next to mine Room 204."

"Oh, that's good," I said sighing. I was suddenly realizing that if I wasn't careful my cover could be blown that I was a half vampire.

"Hey, Hinata," Neji shook me lightly on the shoulder. "don't worry about it. I'll protect you from any bastard that wants to drink your blood."

"Thanks," I said nervously. Knowing Neji was there made me feel a little safer. I clutched his arm as he looked for his room.

"201, 202, and 203. Here's your room Hinata," Neji told me. "My room should be right here."

I read the silver plate next to my door. "Naruto Uzumaki?" Oh no! I was sharing a dorm with a boy!

"Good luck Hinata," Neji said opening the door to his dorm.

I hesitated as I opened the door. "Hello?" I saw a boy sitting on a bed. He had spiky blond hair and blue eyes. I froze immediately. T-That guy...he's the one I saw in my dream! My face immediately turned red.

"Oh, hi! I'm Naruto, nice to meet-." I never heard the rest of his sentence. Suddenly everything became blurry and I blacked out.

Naruto POV

"Oh, hi! I'm Naruto, nice to meet-" All of the sudden the girl I was talking to flushed red and then fainted. "Eh?! Hey are you alright?" I walked over to the girl and shook her lightly. "Hey!" The door opened and a guy peered in. He had long brown hair and white eyes like the girl I was talking to just now. They must be related.

"Hey, Hinata I just wanted to check on you," called the guy. His eyes looked down on me and then at the girl. "What happened?"

"Well, um you see-"

"What did you do to my cousin?!" The guy was on me in a flash grabbing my shirt glaring at me like I was the devil. "If you don't tell me now I'll send you to hell."

"You're misunderstanding! S-She just fainted when I said hello," I told him quickly. He let go of my shirt and shook the girl lightly.

"Hinata! Come on Hinata, wake up!" He looked at me and stood. "This is your chance to convince me you did nothing. Carry her to the nurse's office," he growled. I decided I might as well do what he says. I picked up Hinata who was surprisingly light and carried her out of the dorm. The guy trailed behind me as if he was thinking about how he would murder me. People stared at us like we were aliens from a foreign planet. I chose to ignore them and find the nurse's office. With the school staff's help we found the nurse's office.

"Oh, hello," said the nurse as I placed Hinata on a bed. "What happened?" The nurse studied Hinata curiously.

"She fainted," I replied.

"Is that so? Then she'll be up in no time," replied the nurse. The guy glared at me one last time before leaving the nurse's office. I sighed as I sat down in a chair.

The least I could do was greet her when she wakes up. I thought to myself as I looked at the clock.

Hinata POV

I woke up to see a bright ceiling. Where am I? I sat up slowly realizing my head was pounding. Ouch...I must have fallen. I looked at a lady that was sitting at a desk. She looked up to see me.

"Oh, you're awake. How do feel?" asked the woman.

"Fine," I looked around the room. "Where am I?"

"You're in the nurse's office dear," replied the woman. I spotted Naruto from earlier fast asleep in a chair. "Oh, he carried you here with another young man. He's been waiting for you to wake up all this time."

I blushed again. "He waited for me?" I got out of the bed and walked up to Naruto. I shook his shoulder lightly. He opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Ah, Hinata you're awake," he said drowsily. "Um, how are you feeling?"

"Fine." I looked down at my feet. "T-Thank you for waiting for me."

"N-No problem. Its the least I could do," he said scratching his head. "Should we go back to our dorm?"

"S-Sure," I replied as Naruto stood up. We both said goodbye to the nurse before we left. When we were out in the hall I asked Naruto, "Who came with you when you carried me to the nurse?"

"Oh, some guy who looked like a relative of yours," he replied absentmindedly. "He swore he'd send me to hell when he saw you fainted..."

"Really? Neji told you that?"

"Um, yeah so I carried you to the nurse's office."

"Don't worry about Neji. He means well." I suddenly felt happy. I was paired with someone that I could along with. Maybe I'll like this school...

I look forward to hearing your reviews! (LOL I don't have much to say here...)