Jenna's first Christmas

Okay, here is my Christmas story for Eureka. I have been trying to figure out if they even celebrate Christmas in Eureka, and came up with no idea. But, since this is Jenna's first Christmas, and the town loves her, they might all go to the Christmas Eve service at the church...ya think?

I own nothing but the idea that just popped into my head.


Jack Carter sat in his Jeep, in front of the church watching and waiting. He saw Jo dragging Zane into the church, and they both were dressed very nice. It was weird to see Zane wearing a suit, but they looked happy together as they walked through the doors.

Next Jack saw Henry and Taggart walk up the street without even seeing him. They also went inside and Jack wondered if it was the holiday or the did Taggart go regularly. He knew that Henry was a regular attendant every Sunday like clockwork.

Next Jack saw Julia and Fargo walking hand in hand and chatting animatedly. Julia was good for him, Fargo hardly got into messes since he and Julia started seeing each other. He still got into messes, but not as much as he used to. He also got over his crush on Jo and that made both Jo and Julia happy.

Slowly, the rest of the town was piling into the church and the service was going to start soon. Jack was waiting for a certain person to arrive and he knew that she was coming too. This was the reason he was here tonight and not sitting on his sofa drinking a beer. Only for this person would he be here tonight.

It wasn't that Jack was against church, he just knew that there was more he could be doing instead of sitting in the pew listening to someone read from the bible. He believed in God and Jesus and love Christmas and Easter, he just didn't have the attention span to sit for an hour or more in the church. He always made it a point to go to church on Easter and Christmas and always brought Zoe here on those occasions. It might take a miracle to get him to go every Sunday.

Jack sat up straighter as he saw the person he was here for tonight. She was gorgeous in a red velvet dress and black shinny shoes. Her hair was in a bow that matched her dress. The coat that she wore over her dress also matched it. Jack got out of his Jeep and walked over and took Jenna from Allison's hands and kissed her checks, making the little girl laugh.

"Hey there Jenna, how's my girl doing? Merry Christmas sweetie." He then turned to Allison and Kevin and hugged them both. "Merry Christmas Allison ans Kevin. You ready to go inside and get out of the cold?" HE asked them.

Allison was wearing a red satin dress, the same shade as Jenna's and her wrap wasn't keeping her warm enough. "Yes please, let's get out of the cold. You didn't have to wait for us to go inside Jack."

"I know, but I wanted to. Kevin, you look very handsome in that suit." Jack said as he took Allison's hand and the four of them walked inside the church.

They walked to the front of the church and sat in the pew next to Jo, Zane, Henry, and Taggart. Jack held Jenna as Allison took her little coat off and placed on the seat next her her. Jack still held the baby as the service began and all of a sudden he wasn't worried about a short attention span during church. If it could be this way every Sunday, it might be something he could see himself doing every week. Maybe there was such a thing as a Christmas miracle.


A/N Okay, I know it's short, but this is where I was going when I started this story. As usual, I want to thanks Cassie for all of the things she has done for me. Also, I want to say that if it weren't for her, I might not have started writing again. Thanks Cassie. And for the rest of you, have a Merry Christmas and a safe Holiday.