Meredith closes her eyes, listening to the soft breaths coming from the sleeping infant in her arms. Mark sighs and walks over to her. "Meredith, you have to let go of her sometime. I will hold her while you go do your thing." Mark says with sadness in his eyes.

Meredith takes a deep breath before looking at Mark. "Fine. Hold her for me. As soon as I am done I want Taylor back though." Meredith says as she hands the little girl over.

"You have to let go sometime Meredith." Mark says as he takes the sleeping little baby and placing her over his heart holding her close.

"Meredith!" Mark calls as she began to walk away. "We all lost something that day. It's not about what we lost Mer. It's about what we overcome." Meredith nods and he turns and walks back to his seat with Taylor in his arms.

As Meredith walks out into the bright lights and looks out from the stage seeing her baby girl with a toothless smile looking at her father. Taylor's hands waved around before resting on his cheek. Derek looked up and smiled at Meredith as her hear soared.

Meredith began speaking as Alex reached around taking the child and gently rubbed her head as she gurgled and squawked at him. Derek got up out of his chair walking to the stage as Meredith was making her speech and got down on one knee in front of her.

Meredith gasped "Derek? What are you doing?" Meredith asked in shock from the stage.

I smile up at the woman who captured my heart, and saved my life. "Meredith you told me once not to leave you. Now I'm asking you to never leave me, marry me. Let's make our little family official."

Meredith has tears in her eyes as she nods her answer. "Yes I'll marry you." She says jumping off the stage into his arms. Her lips crashed into his as he spun her around in his arms. As he sets her on the ground they hear a squeal from the little girl who has brought such joy and happiness to their lives.

Looking up they see the rest of their little family with their little girl. It looked like a picture with Mark playing with her feet while she bats at Alex's face out of excitement.

Derek kisses the top of Meredith's head as he pulls her in close. She smiles up at him and says "It just doesn't get any better than this."

Derek smiles at her and says "I wouldn't have it any other way."