A/N: Hello, dear readers! Hehe...so this is my first Sims story. It's my version of what really happened to Bella Goth. Most of the information probably will NOT BE CORRECT. I didn't really take the time to do all the research on what Maxis decided. I just skimmed over the Bella Goth wiki a bit, and then started writing. Flames are welcome.

Most of the chapters will probably be REALLY SHORT. Because they're meant to be just diary entries, not actual chapters. So please, don't yell at me for that.

Chances are, this will be updated maybe once or twice a week. I don't have as much time to write as I did when I finished all my other fics, so the 3 (or 4) fics that are currently going are all scarcely being updated. I apologize for this fact. But life is life. I write when I can. You read when it's updated. End of story.


~Eyes for Eternity

Hello again, diary. It's been a while since I've written. I know. So, it's me, Bella Goth, back to entertain you with my life!

Since last time, a lot has happened. Relationships grew, morals were lost, and aliens visited. Long story, so I guess I'll just start.

It was Tuesday. I think. You can't really be sure, after getting accustomed to having a completely different time system. Let's just say it was Tuesday. I was over at Don Lothario's house, um, flirting. Yes, let's go with that, flirting. And after a while, I guess I led him on a bit much, because…well, let's just let your paper-composed imagination come up with what he suggested. And whatever that was, I refused. Don got…angry, at the least. He went on a rampage, and then left the house to go for a walk. I was a bit at a loss of what I should've done. I could go home, but as far as Mortimer and the kids knew, I was working late and wouldn't be back till morning. I could probably go for a walk or something, but Pleasantview, contrary to it's oh-so-pleasant name, had a lot of crime going on, which ruled both walking and possibly going to a club out. Apparently I'd be waiting a few hours before going back home. I decided to make the best of it.

I walked out to the backyard, and focused Don's telescope. I stared out at the night sky for a bit, and saw some new constellations. And after a few minutes, a weird green dot appeared. It was still for a moment, but…then it moved. In a strange way. It just darted around for a moment, before stopping again. And then the green dot got bigger. And bigger. And before I even knew it, the green dot was a few yards above my head, five times bigger than a child Sim, and was actually silver with little bleeping green lights around the edges. It paused, just hovering above me for a moment, and then a little airlock opened. A soft yellow light came out, and I was swallowed up into the UFO.

Looks like the Beakers are back from work. I guess I'll continue the story tomorrow.

-Bella Bachelor/Goth