So here's the first chapter for a story I've decided to try to write for P.O.A.R.D. Although, I don't know for sure where this is going, I'll try to write on it enough to give updates about once a week. It should be a fun story to work on. :)

Dedicated to ...Day.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot.


Chapter 1

"Why me?" Caitlyn grumbled dramatically to herself, her steps seeming to drag slowly toward her assigned cabin. Why did Mitchie have to be the one she had to share a cabin with? There would be another girl, but her mind was too upset with the thought of living in the same room as Mitchie for the summer.

It was Mitchie's second year at Camp Rock, and Caitlyn's third. The world was against her though, Caitlyn decided, since she had to cabin up with the lying brunette. The one who was this year creepily obsessed with Shane-and Nate.

Yes, Mitchie Torres was "in love" with both Gray brothers. Absently, Caitlyn wondered why Jason was excluded, but couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought. Jason was saved from the horrible experience of having Mitchie "in love" with him. He was so fortunate.

Reaching her cabin, she took a deep breath before entering, finding Mitchie already there, unpacking her things and humming cheerfully to herself. The other cabin mate, a girl at Camp Rock for her first year, was seated with her back against her bed's head board, reading a book. Caitlyn's frown twisted into a half smile at the new girl's neon green socks with little black stars all over.

"Hey, Caitlyn!" Mitchie's perky voice spoke up when she saw the girl standing in the doorway. Stifling a groan, and refraining from rolling her eyes, Caitlyn forced a smile as she stepped into the cabin and shut the door behind her.

"Yo." Was her only response as she threw her suitcase onto the only unoccupied bed in the cabin, ignoring the feeling of the pairs of eyes watching her a moment.

"It's so great to see you!" Mitchie's cheerful voice spoke up again, her hand patting Caitlyn on the shoulder, and she had to keep from smacking away the touch. She hated people touching her, but decided to be tolerant-today, at least.

"Well, you'll get to see me all summer…" Caitlyn replied, hating the truth of her own words. Mitchie just seemed very fake, petty, immature, and shallow to her. After all, who lied about their entire self to a whole camp full of people?

"It'll be great!" the brunette squealed, bouncing on her heels a little before returning to her own unpacking, chattering on about something or other. Caitlyn tuned her out while she finished her unpacking-throwing everything in her drawers carelessly.

Feeling someone's eyes on her, Caitlyn raised an eyebrow and looked across the room to find the new girl looking at her with a blank expression. Caitlyn tilted her head slightly, as if to ask what the girl was looking at, and received a slight smile. Maybe one cabin mate would be nice.

Nodding silently at Mitchie, Caitlyn rolled her eyes to the new girl, causing the girl's smile to widen, and her eyes twinkle. Mitchie rambled on, speaking yet again about Nate and Shane Gray, but the other two girls paid no attention.

Caitlyn took her chance to observe the new girl more closely, noticing quickly that she was about average height, slender, with green eyes. Her black waves were so dark, they almost looked blue, and was cut off near her chin. With one last glance, Caitlyn confirmed her approval, seeing the girl was wearing black skinny jeans and a plain white tshirt-and of course, those adorable socks.

"I'm Adriana." The girl spoke up, not even noticing that Mitchie was still talking and Caitlyn smiled.

"Caitlyn. Third year." She shrugged, "This is just Mitchie's second year."

"My older sister's last year was last summer," Adrianna nodded, "I think I might have heard something about a Mitchie…"

These words caused the third girl to stop rambling and duck her head, pretending not to hear the conversation between the other two girls as she finished unpacking and hung up a couple small posters of her two favorite Gray brothers.

Feeling like being nice-at least on the first day- Caitlyn changed the subject and directed her words to Mitchie, "Do you have to have picutes of them in here?" she sighed, "They're going to be teaching again this year, so you'll see them in reality-you don't need posters."

"This way I can see them even when they aren't here." Mitchie blinked blankly at Caitlyn, as if her statement made no sense at all, "Don't tell me you tire of looking at them. They're amazing."

"Wow…" Caitlyn muttered slowly, tossing Adrianna a look and mouthing "obsessed" to the dark haired girl when Mitchie's back was turned.

"Personally, I think Jason might be the best looking." Adrianna stated in a perfectly serious tone, but Caitlyn caught the mischievous look in her eyes that Mitchie missed as she turned to the girl in horror.

"Wow," Mitchie shook her head, "You can keep him then. I'll stick with the better looking ones."

"Well, I think they're all ugly." Caitlyn joked, but almost burst out laughing at the look of utter horror on Mitchie's face as she stared at her cabin mate.

"Don't say that." Mitchie snapped, huffily turning back to her things while Caitlyn attempted to keep from doubling over in laughter, Adrianna turning back to her book with a look of great amusement.

It would definitely be an interesting summer, Caitlyn couldn't help but think.

Sorry it's a bit short… Today I got stabbed by a piece of rabbit wire just above my pinky finger so that joint is getting really stiff, making it hard to type without lots of typos… Now I have to go get a tetanus shot tomorrow. :P

Review would definitely help me feel better… Lol