
A/N: I do not own any of the Charlaine Harris characters, I just enjoy messing around with them!

"I don't like to be kept waiting vampire," Niall said the second Eric landed beside him, his eyes glowed in the dark and Eric simply smoothed his suit and sat beside him on the park bench.

"Well I don't like to be summoned," Eric told him.

"I didn't summon you, I merely requested an audience with you," Niall said grinning showing sharp little pointy teeth, normally he hid his true nature better than this.

"Well why am I here?" Eric asked.

"Grandpa," a little said running towards them. "Did you see?" she asked out of breath.

"I saw my darling, but Grandpa is conducting business at the moment so run off," he said smiling at her, she however had turned sparkling blue eyes to Eric and was looking at him weird.

"Grandpa," she whispered leaning closer.

"Yes?" he asked.

"That mans dead," she said, Eric whipped his head to her and looked her over finally, she was about 6 maybe? Eric had forgotten human ages a long time ago, she had beautiful blonde hair and a beautiful face to boot, and when she was older she would break hearts.

"Run along my princess," Niall said smirking and watching as she turned and ran back towards the children's play ground.

"She's not full fairy," Eric said sniffing the air around her.

"No," Niall said. "I took her when she was very young and raised her myself, it's been," he struggled for the words and then turned to Eric. "I asked you here for a reason," he said.

"Yes?" Eric asked.

"Someone's planning on burning down your bar," he said. "I'm not sure who, but they work for you," he said. "Oh and there human," he said.

"How did you find out?" Eric asked.

"There partner was drunk and hitting on my other granddaughter, Claudine," he said simply.

"Interesting," Eric said rubbing his face. "I'll use this information wisely," he said rising.

"May I suggest something," Niall said rising.

"Of course," Eric said being ever courteous.

"My granddaughter," he said waving at her as she swung on the climbing frame her feet dangling off the floor in a dangerous manner Eric thought.

"What about her? I'm not into children," Eric told him.

"No," Niall said laughing. "Like I'd let you near her," he said. "My granddaughter is telepathic," he said.

"Is she really?" Eric said his fangs running out now.

"Yes," Niall said ignoring the fang display. "If I allow you to use her to help you locate the criminal then you'll owe me twice," he said smiling.

"That's true," Eric said glaring at him. "Bring the child tomorrow night at 9," he said turning.

"Of course," Niall said. "Come along my princess," he called. The girl dropped and ran towards them the white dress fluttering around as she appeared next to her Grandfather and grasped his hand.

"Are we going home?" she asked.

"Yes we are," Niall said kissing the top of her head.

"Till tomorrow," Eric said nodding.

"Say goodbye to Mr. Northman, "Niall said.

"Goodbye Eric," she said smiling sweetly. Niall turned grinning at the expression on the vampires face, no one had called him Eric since he sat down and he watched as the pair walked before a pop and they were gone.

"The fairy is coming here?" Pam asked her fangs popping out.

"Yes," Eric said leaning back in his chair.

"With a fairy child?" she asked. "That would be like a mini dessert," she said.

"No eating the child," Eric said looking up at her and glaring.

"I'll save you some if you want," she said before they heard a noise out in the reception area. Niall was back with his granddaughter tonight she was wearing a royal blue colour and had her hair tied up.

"It's cold," she whispered.

"Here," Niall said removing his jacket and she slid her tiny arms into the sleeves and snuggled inside breathing in the scent.

"Northman," Niall said nodding.

"You're early," he said.

"It's half past 8," Niall said. "We finished our other appointment earlier," he said showing little pointy teeth, the girl laughed and when she saw Eric it turned into snickers before she started walking around.

"She's edible," Pam said stepping a little closer.

"She's dead as well," the little girl said without turning.

"Yes she is," Niall said. "Am trying to get her accustomed to other supernatural signals," he explained turning to Eric and Pam.

"What's in the basement?" she asked pausing.

"Why?" Eric asked.

"Because he'd really like to be let out," she said. "Grandpa," she said turning her head.

"Yes?" he asked smirking.

"What's a whore and a bitch?" she asked.

"Me," Pam said.

"Aha," she said walking around.

"Here they are," Longshadow said walking in with the human's who all made affectionate noises towards the girl who rolled her eyes and then appeared beside her grandfather again.

"Up," she said. Niall lifted her onto his waist and she stuck one tiny hand on his face and he laughed and kissed her nose.

"My granddaughter thinks your very beautiful Eric," he said kissing her hand. "You know what you have to do," he said putting her down and pushing her gently.

"Hi," she said giggling at the people, the women awed at her and she gave them all a serious look before she pointed at the end woman with long dark red hair and too much make up.

"Thank you," Eric said dismissing everyone as Niall gathered the little girl up and kissed her cheek, Pam had taken the woman aside and Eric was watching the two people at his bar closely before she looked up and stared at him, her eyes seeing into his soul if he even had one left.

"Grandpa," the little girl said. "I'm hungry," she said yawning slightly.

"What do you fancy?" he asked. Eric laughed at the small exchange they were having before Pam came back.

"Remember Northman, that's twice now," Niall said.

"I'll remember," he said. "May I be allowed to call upon you the next time I'm having human difficulties?" he asked.

"Of course," Niall said, "We'll just keep a tally chart shall we?" he said grinning before he placed the girl down and straightened his tie. "Till next time, say goodbye Sookie," he said.

"Goodbye Eric," she said in her perfect southern Belle manner. "Goodbye Pam," she said nodding before they were both gone.

A/N: So this was just an idea I had about how Niall had raised Sookie not her grandmother or her parents, if you think it's a stupid idea let me know, I've got a few chapters written up already but I honestly don't know if I want to continue with it. Reviews are always welcome and appreciated!