AN: SOOOOO, someone pointed out ages., I was mixing human age with demonic age, Second, you have to know that Kagome doesn't know everyone's age to a tee and she's been thrown back and forth through time which is going to cause her to be confused, I mean wouldn't you? She is going to reach a point where she doesn't know what year it is. Kagome is tried, time traveling and trying to figure out how to save them, she was trying to figure it out (not me) I know their ages, shes the one confused.-


She was shot six times by a man on the run,

And she couldn't find how to push through.

Kagome woke up and when she did she didn't know where she was or what was going on. The only thing she could recall is that Sesshomaru tried to kill her.


Kagome groaned out loud, "I am so gonna hurt him when I find him again!"

She stood and dusted herself off. "Now what the heck happened?" She was confused, how did she transport like that? Kagome finally started to look around, she knew where she was.

"Inuyasha forest" She whispered. She ran straight to the great tree, wondering, was he already pinned? When she got there, thankfully - or was it unthankfully? - he wasn't there.

"So, did Sesshomaru kill him? Or is it not time yet?" Her heart skipped a beat. Suddenly she knew what to do, "I have to stop Kikyo!"

Kagome turned her head and headed to the village.

It all started with Kikyo!

She ran hard, desperate to see if Kikyo was there, but as soon as she got close it was like a shield. She bounced back with force and her hand went to her heart, her chest hurt. "What is going on?"

Inside the village, a young Kikyo lifted her head. "Something is wrong."

An even younger Kaede looked up "Sister?"

"I feel something tugging on my very soul" She spoke

"Your soul?"

"Kaede, do as your elder tells you. Go to the outskirt and see what is there."

Kaede nodded her head and did as her sister asked. She slowly made her way until she reached Kagome, who was still sitting on the ground.

"Who, who are ye?"

Kagome gasped "Kaede?"

The little girl eyed Kagome "How do you know my name and why do you look like my sister?!"

"Is Kikyo here?"

"Who are you, I ask again"

"My name is Kagome. I need to speak to her, it's important."

"Then why do you sit there?"

"Something keeps slamming me back"

"Who are you?" The little girl asked again,

"Kikyo's soul comes to my body after her death." Kagome could not say it. She refused to call herself Kikyos' reincarnation. The little girl's eyes widen and she quickly runs back to her older sister "Sister Kikyo!" She yells.

"Tell me," Kikyo asked

Kaede tells Kikyo that a girl claiming to have her soul was outside the village, but could not get in.

"It is because the same soul cannot meet. Go and send the girl away!"

Kaede nodded and quickly ran back to Kagome to relay the message.

Kagome stood there unsure of what to do. She didn't know what year it was, but Kaede was a small child. Without knowing what has or has not happened, she could not just up and say things, so she simply nodded and ran off, back to the tree of ages.

She slowed down in her walk back to the tree "I don't even know if Inuyasha is alive, did Sesshomaru kill him?"

"I was unable to kill the half-breed and it would seem I was unable to kill you as well, Miko."

Kagome snapped her head up to meet the golden eyes of the man who tried to kill her. Twice!

She quickly drew her bow and pointed.

"You dare take aim at me?"

"Where is Inuyasha!" She yelled.

"You will be relieved to know that I have no idea"

"What are you doing here?"

He looked up at the tree, "I am here to kill the one named Kikyo."

"I won't let you."

He looked back down at her "I need not your permission, little miko."

She pulled back tighter, "Don't make me do it"

He smirked, "Your weak feelings for me won't allow you."

"My feelings for you?" She blushed "I said I cared about you, not that I loved you-you vain idiot!" She yelled

He brought up his claws "I shall kill her and end this"

"The goal is not to kill anyone you thick headed dog!"

Poison seeped and he moved, but she was faster and her arrow fly.

It hit its mark and Sesshomaru went flying back, her arrow pinning him to the tree. Slowly his poison claw stopped and his hand fell "Kagome" He said

Kagome had sealed him, just like Kikyo had done to Inuyasha.

"I will release you of this under one condition, Sesshomaru."

He was getting sleepy,

"I agree we have to stop this, but killing everyone is not the way and as you know killing me can't happen; the jewel has dibs on my life," She said stern "You can either help me or stay here, pinned down forever."

He saw the feelings flash in her eyes

"You won't leave me," He said

"You're so overconfident. Your arrogance is what leads to your arm getting cut off and the cause of your almost death against the wind scar." She crossed her arms "I am here to help you live, so you can rule, so you can mate and have kids."

He growled

"Would you rather die and your name be forgotten? Or live and your name be remembered?"

His golden eyes were so heavy now. He could not fight off the power much longer. "What will it be Sesshomaru? Live or die? Choose."