Disclaimer-J.K. Rowlings owns everything in this fic. I only own the plot.

A/N- This is a prequel to Only You. Please R/R!

Forever With You

Chapter1-Meeting again

"Hermione? What are you doing here?" George Weasley asked.

"Ron asked me to come stay here for a while. Is he here?" Hermione Granger asked.

"No, he went with Harry to Diagon Alley. They wanted to look at the new firebolt," George replied.

"I didn't know that Harry was here. How long has he been here?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, about a week, I'd say," George replied.

Ginny realized that the house was very quiet, "Is anybody else here?"

"No, Mum's in town, Percy and Fred are at work, and Ginny is at a friend's house. Some girl named Luna," George said.

"Oh, she probably won't be back for a while then. Luna will keep her searching for some sort of odd creature that she has decided exists," Hermione said.

"You can come in and sit down. I'll keep you company until Ron and Harry get back. Besides, I haven't talked to you in a long time." George said.

"Oh, yes, I know. We haven't seen each other very often since you left Hogwarts, much less spoken to one another. What have you been doing lately?" Hermione asked. "Ron told me that you and Fred are doing very well in your business."

"Yes, business hasn't been this good since our seventh year when all of those students were buying our products to use on that horrible Umbridge woman," George said.

"That's wonderful. I'm very happy for you both," Hermione said.

"'Thanks. We're thinking about expanding our business more. We want kids all over the world to be able to use our products for mischief," George said with a huge grin on our face. "We don't feel that its fair that only people in Hogsmeade get access to the Weasley's Wizards Wheezes famous joke supplies, we want people all over Europe to be able to enjoy them.

"Well, that's very ambitious of you both. Not many people would have been able to open up their own business at the age of seventeen, and even less are worried about expanding it when they were below the age of twenty." Hermione said.

"Yes, but you have to consider the fact that we've been working on it since the we first learned to do magic. Most people decide on what they want to do when they're eleven either," George said and then decided to turn the conversation toward her. "So, Hermione, do you have a job yet?"

"Yes, I'm going to work at the Daily Prophet." Hermione said.

"That's great, Hermione!" George said. "I'm sure you'll make a great reporter, how about a nice feature story about our business? Do you think that you're nice enough to give us a little free publicity."

"Well, we'll see, George. I'll try to get something in the paper about you," Hermione replied and then smiled at him. She was blushing a little from the attention that he was giving her. She wasn't used to men like him paying much attention to her.

"So, is Rita Skeeter still working at the Prophet? I had heard that she came back again two years ago," George asked. "I haven't noticed any of her trashy articles in the paper lately.

"No, she left a few months ago. It's a good thing she's gone. I couldn't have worked with her. I'd have probably ended up wringing her neck," Hermione said with a laugh.

"You'd never do that. You're not mean enough," George said.

"Yes, sorry, but I am mean enough to hurt her. I really dislike her. She caused us all a lot of trouble during my fourth year, but I ended up get her back in the end." Hermione said. "If you don't believe me then I guess you have a lot to learn about me."

"Do I?" George said. "I never believe Ron when he told me that you were the most stubborn person he knew and that you have a temper to match."

"Maybe you should have believed him," Hermione said slyly.

"Maybe, but I think I'll wait and find out for myself. I've always thought that you were the sweet girl that went on adventures with my brother and Harry. You were the smart one of the group who thought out all of their plans and the person who figured out the solution to any problem that they had. But, I guess I don't know very much abut you. There could be a whole different side to you that I never knew about," George said.

"Yes, I'm sure there are a lot of things about me that you don't know. There are also a lot of things about you that I don't know. I never knew that you were so ambitious, and that you were smart enough to succeed in the business world. You're not doing so bad for someone who dropped out of Hogwarts," she teased.

"That's right, it just proves that some people can succeed without getting thirteen NEWTS. We haven't seen each other in so long that we hardly know each other anymore." George said. "How long are you going to be staying with us here at the burrow anyway?"

"Until I can find a place of my own that's near work," Hermione replied.

"Well, I guess that will give us time to get to know each other better." George said.

"I guess so," Hermione said.

There was a long pause and during it George was thinking, "I never realized that Hermione was so pretty. She has really grown up since the last time I saw her. I'm really looking forward to spending time with her. I can't believe that Ron isn't interested in her. My brother must be crazy. Or maybe it's me that's crazy!"

"What are you thinking about, George?" Hermione asked.

"I was just thinking that it's great that I got to talk to you again. I hadn't realized that I missed seeing you." George said.

"Well, I was thinking the same thing," Hermione said and smiled.

A/N-Hey I am redoing this story, making it OOTP compatible. And besides, it wasn't my best work anyway. I think it's improving a lot. What do you all think? Please R/R. And don't forget to read Only you if you like this one.