~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Attention readers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello! If you are one of my original readers, thank you for sticking with me through not writing for years, my poor grammar and spelling, and my sudden reappearance. I have rewritten a some of the original story, but if you dont want to reread, it is the same basic story. The only major change is the spelling and grammar. I have also added a few new chapters which I will label as such. I plan on continuing this story as often as I can, though I am currently in college and will once again be very on and off. I hope you still enjoy the story as you did before, and once again, Thank you!

It was also very interesting being able to read this story as if someone else had written it. I have never been able to separate myself from my own work, but apparently 2 years did the trick. I hope that with this, and my improvement in writing over years I will be able to keep bringing you better chapters frequently.

If you are new to Haunted Breath, please enjoy! Please review also, I can only improve with criticism.


After he left, there was no reason to continue. Depression has lead to Bella's suicide, but it does not hold the blissful conclusion she wished for. After watching her own funeral, and considering her options for an unknown afterlife, Bella begins a journey that will lead to confusion, an enlightenment, and the unexpected in many forms. Without a very long series of events, her final story could have never been possible.

