Seung Ri's POV
It is nearly midnight. You sit on his bed holding your ring in your hand. You turn it around and around studying it. It is around ½ cm thick, white ring with two black stripes. "My lover, Kwon Ji Yong." It says on the inside. You smile, wondering what it says on his.

"Hyung," you whisper as you look at him sitting on his chair writing new lyrics.

"Mhm?" he turns around to give you his attention.

"Can I see your ring?" you beg. He wears his teasing smile.


"Because," you say stubborn not looking at him.

"Ri, because isn't an answer. It is a word you say before the answer." He says with a 'that's a fact' voice.

"Oh, come on, hyung~, I just want to study it. Can't I? Hyung~" you plead, beg and whine, giving him the famous Seung Ri look. He sighs then carefully takes it of his finger and gives it to you. You take it and study it. It is a few millimetres thicker than yours and it is black with white stripes instead. You smile when you see what is written on it. "Only mine, Lee Seung Hyun." He is staring at you.

"Why are you smiling?" You look away embarrass.

"Nothing," you mumble. His smile becomes wider and he drops his pencil and walks towards you. Sitting beside you he takes his ring back and lies down. You follow him.

"This ring is the most important thing to me, second to you." He whispers in your ear.

It is quiet. Laying side by side a lot of thoughts fly in and out you head. The only thought that stayed longer than the others it the one about that day, the day you collapsed. You just can't forget it. You need to get it of your chest,

"Ji Yong hyung…" you hesitate.

"Yes?" he could sense that something is wrong.

"Nothing," you say turning around so you didn't have to face him.

"Seung Ri." He says rather strict, turning you around. "Just say whatever you want."

"Hyung… wh- did the rings cost you a lot?" He sighs shocking his head.

"You shouldn't care about that; I'm the Kwon Ji Yong. Remember?" He smile, but becomes serious. "But, Ri, that isn't what you wanted to say. I know you well and you know." You sigh and sit up.

"You know…" you stop again.

"Go on,"

"That day… why… didyoubringagirlhere?" You don't know if he understands but at least it is out of your mouth. He doesn't answer. "Ah forget it," you say starting to rise to walk out the door. He holds you down.

"Wait," he is still holding your hand. "Sorry, Seung Ri-ah. I'm really really sorry."

"Don't say sorry. I know you are. But… I just want to know why?" you say still not facing him.

"I needed to know…" he starts. "I needed to know if you are the one I love. I wondered if I really am gay. She is just a person I met on a bar. I'm really sorry. That was the biggest mistake in my life, Seung Ri-ah. I promise you right? I will never hurt you again. You are the only one for me. No person neither girl nor boy can change that." You are facing him now. His face is full of guilty.

"Hyung, it is okay. I understand." He brings you in to a hug.

"Hyung…" you hesitate again. "Was that your first time?" you say really low. He could barely hear you. He laughs.

"Ri, are you jealous?" he breaks the hug and stares at you. You look away embarrass. Nodding is all you could do. He laughs once again and brings you down with him. "You want to do it now?" he says with a seducing voice.


"Don't worry, Ri, I won't hurt you." You smile. This is definitely the BEST day of your life.

Nobody's POV
Daesung still not awake walks in Ji Yong's room mumbling

"Ji Yong hyung, do you know where-" he stops. He is clearly awake now. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Daesung runs out of Ji Yong's room covering his eyes.

"What is it?" Seung Hyun asks Daesung looking up from his meal.

"Awh, my virgin eyes are ruin." Daesung screams. Taeyang walks in the room and says.
"Well, my ears are ruined after all that sounds this night."

"I guess we just have to get use to it," Seung Hyun smirks and starts to continue his meal.

Inside Ji Yong's room, Seung Ri is laying with his head on Ji Yong's chest and Ji Yong's arms are all around Seung Ri. Their clothes are on the floor and the only thing they wear are two giant smiles.

Well this is all for now. Thank you! Everybody who has read! Double thank you for those who have reviewed :D