The Welcome Home

Okay, here is my next story. This is the first part of the story. I have more in store for it and will hopefully be writing more of it in the next couple of days. I've been in the mood to write Stargate SG-1 and Sam/Jack stories a lot lately. I will still be writing my CSI NY and Eureka stories, but I'm going to be writing the ones that come to me so that I don't force the story and ruin it. Okay, rant over.

This story takes right after Sam is relieved of command of Atlantis. Woolsey the coward high tails it out of there before Sam can get out of her review and before Jack or SG-1 get there. But Jack comes to the SGC to welcome Sam home. I hope that you all like it. Oh and I haven't seen the episode where Sam was relieved of command, so I'm kind of winging it.

If you believe that I own this, then I have ocean front property in Colorado to sell to

SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1

Sam sat on her temporary bed in her temporary quarters at Stargate Command. She'd been assigned one of the VIP quarters last night after she'd been told by Richard Woolsey that she'd been relieved of command of Atlantis. She had mixed feelings about it at the moment.

On the one hand she was happy not to be going back, because she could stay here on Earth and see all of her friends and family. She really missed seeing Cassie, Daniel, Teal'c and even Cam and Vala too. She loved them all, some longer than the others. But, most of all she missed a certain someone who she was missing most right about now. He was the major reason that she was happy to be back on Earth.

But, on the other hand, she was so beyond pissed off at Woolsey because she had unfinished business on Atlantis. She felt like she failed everyone on Atlantis, her new team and family, by leaving them all behind. She thought that she was only coming to Earth to have her first year in command review. Instead, here she was waiting to be released by Doctor Carolyn Lam after her medical check up.

Sam had been off world and on Atlantis for the past year and when told that she needed to go to the infirmary for her check up, she thought that it would be a quick and normal check up. But no, this ended up being a full physical and lots of blood being drawn. Then she'd been told that she would have to remain on base until she'd been medically cleared. She still wasn't sure just why it was taking so long.

General Landry felt bad for her and instead of putting her into general quarters, he assigned her one of the VIP quarters. She was grateful for that because at least she had a nice bed to sleep in, and that's the first thing she did right after her real shower. She missed being back here at the SCG. This had been her home more or less for over a decade.

She looked over at the bedside phone and picked it up. She dialed an all too familiar number and waited for him to answer. When all she got was his answering machine, she listened to his voice on the outgoing message, but then hung up. Her next call was to his office, but his secretary said that he was out of town and she wasn't sure when he'd be back. She said that she would not tell her where he was, and she thought that was odd.

She wanted to call General Landry to see if SG-1 was around or on a mission, but looked at the clock and realized that it was 0400 and most likely too early for him to be there yet. Maybe later she could ask him if SG-1 could maybe take the day off and they could all go somewhere and hang out, that is if she could get cleared by then.

Sam sighed, she was bored and kind of sad at the moment. She should be on her way back to Atlantis right now. She was actually thinking right about now that this might be a good time to retire. She'd helped defeat Goa'uld, the replicators, and the Ori. Let someone else deal with the wraith. Yeah, maybe retirement was the answer for her. She needed a break and she wanted to be with her loved ones again.

She looked at the clock and realized that she'd only been lost in thought for ten minutes. At this rate she'd go out of her mind in no time. Maybe she could call Daniel at home and see if he was awake, if he was even home right now. It was too early to call Cassie in her dorm room. She could wait until morning to let her know that she was back on Earth.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. She looked towards the door and got up to answer it. She couldn't imagine who would be knocking at her her door at 0430, especially since she was supposed to be sleeping. Opening the door, a smile appeared on her face. "Hello sir." She said as she let him in the door.

Jack O'Neill smiled himself and entered her room. "Carter, shouldn't you be asleep right now? I heard that your review and your check up lasted until just after midnight and that you almost fell asleep in the infirmary." He said.

She closed the door and turned to face him. "As soon as I got into this room, I fell asleep, but woke up at 0400 for some reason. I tried to call you at home and at your office. I don't think that your new secretary likes me very much." She told him.

He turned to face her and pulled her into his arms. "Don't worry Sam, she's got nothing on you. I've really missed you while you've been gone." He said.

"I've missed you too Jack, and I'm home to stay. I guess you've heard about Woolsey relieving me of command. He's already left for Atlantis, the coward left while I was in doing my review." She told Jack.

"I'm sorry that you lost your first command Sam, but I'm so very happy to have you back on Terra Firma." He held her tight as she hugged him. It felt so good to hold her again, and it had been way too long since the last time he'd held her.

"Did you know that this was going to happen Jack?" She asked him, pulling away from him.

Jack sighed. "Sam, I didn't know until Hank called me yesterday just before you got here. That's when Woolsey told him, and of course he waited until SG-1 had gone off world to tell him. So, we were all blindsided." He explained.

She nodded. "Don't get me wrong Jack, I'm happy to be back on Earth and really happy that you're here right now, but I feel cheated about losing my first command. I know I was doing a good job and had gained the respect of everyone on Atlantis, even McKay. I also feel as if I betrayed them by not fighting to go back there." She ranted as she paced.

He went over and took her into his arms again to stop her pacing. "Sam, listen to me. You have not betrayed them and I'm sure that they know it. Hank told me that Woolsey had Sheppard pack up your belongings and they'll be ready to be picked up tomorrow."

Sam's head whipped up. "Oh he is, is her? He's too afraid that I'd kick his ass if he let me back there to get my stuff huh?" She asked.

"Actually, Hank is going to send SG-1 to go and get your stuff. Of course Woolsey doesn't know that yet. SG-1 will be back today, so maybe we can all do something together tonight." He suggested, trying to get her mind off of her situation.

"Maybe, if I can get out of here. I'm still waiting Dr. Lam to clear me to go off base." She said.

Jack hit himself in the head. "I knew that I was forgetting something. I was supposed to tell you that all of your tests and blood work came back okay. You're a free woman, and can take me out for breakfast, cause you love me." He said with a dopey grin on his face.

She laughed. "Yeah okay, I could do that, but I'd need to borrow some money from you then. You see, I don't have my purse on me. I left it all behind when I went to Atlantis and I'd have to fly to DC to get it." She told him with an evil grin.

"Fine, I'll buy breakfast, and I know the perfect place to go." He told her as he took her hand and led her to the door.

They walked down the corridor towards the elevator and took it up to the surface. Sam got her first Earth sunrise in a long time. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I've really missed this." She said as she followed Jack to his truck.

Jack saw how pretty she looked in the morning sunrise and wanted to to reach out and kiss her. But they had agreed long ago, no affection on base. So they got into his truck and drove off base. Half way down the hill, Jack pulled the truck over and before she could say or do anything, Jack was kissing Sam. "That's what I missed." Was all that Jack said when he pulled back and got the truck moving again.

Sam had a silly grin on her face as they continued into town. She watched houses go by and knew exactly where they were going. SG-1 used to meet at this little mom and pop coffee shop in town for breakfast or lunch after a mission. It was one of her favorite memories from when she and Jack were still active members of SG-1.

Sam and Jack got out of his truck and walked into the coffee shop. They were greeted by Lacy and he mother Annie. "Mario, look who has come back to our place, it's none other than Samantha and Jack." She yelled back into the kitchen to her husband.

Mario came out of the kitchen to hug them. "It's so good to see you both again. We see your friends all the time, but we've missed you both. Have a seat, your breakfast is on the house today." He told them.

Jack tried to protest, but Mario would not accept their money. As they went to sit down, a few of the customers stared at them, some of them happened to be military personnel. Jack chose a booth in the back of the coffee shop to sit at so that they would have a little privacy. He was going to be selfish and not share her with anyone today. Well, at least until SG-1 got back from their mission. "Are you hungry?" He asked her.

"Extremely, I haven't had a good old fashioned breakfast in a long time. The commissary on Atlantis is almost as plain as the one at the SCG. And the coffee was awful there." She told him as she watched Lacy bring their food over.

"Here you go Sam and Jack. Dad said that he knows what you both like, so I didn't have to take your order. He never forgets and he's never been wrong." She said as she put their food in front of them. "Two eggs over easy with bacon and rye toast for Sam, and for Jack I have three eggs, scrambled with bacon and wheat toast. Coffee for both of you and an orange juice for Jack." She said as she walked off.

"Oh they're good." Jack said as he took a drink of his orange juice.

Sam savored her first cup of really good coffee. She smiled at Jack, then dug into her breakfast. This was probably the best breakfast she'd had in a very long time. "Oh this is so good." She sighed.

Sam and Jack finished their breakfast and promised to be back soon. Then they left and got back into Jack's truck. "So, are you ready to go see what shape your house is in?" He asked her.

"Sure, although I'm pretty sure that it's doing good. I left it in good hands. Teal'c promised to keep the house in good shape and the plants watered. I trust him." She told him.

He looked over at her and took her hand. "I'm sure that he's taken care of it too. I told Hank to let SG-1 know what was going on and to meet us at your place when they're cleared to go home."

Sam nodded and waited with excitement to see the house she'd lived in since moving to Colorado Springs twelve years ago. She saw her little house come into view and she let out a sigh. It looked just as she'd left it a year ago.

They got out of the truck and walked up the sidewalk to her gate. "So, it looks okay so far." He told her.

She smiled at him. "It looks great. I have really missed it." She told him as they walked through her gate and up to her front door.

Jack pulled out the key that she had given him and handed it to her. "Go ahead and let us in. I now that Teal'c doesn't expect you to wait outside until they get here." He told her.

Sam took her keys and unlocked the door. They walked in and she looked around her living room. "It looks just like it did the day I left. You would never know that Teal'c has lived here for the last year."

"You're right, it looks the same to me too. Teal'c did a great job keeping it in shape." He said.

She went over and sat on the sofa. "I can't believe how tired I am now. Do you think I could just lie down until they get here?" She asked him.

He pulled her up and led her down the hall to her room, that hasn't been used since she left. Teal'c slept in the guest room, but had her blankets and sheets washed once a month. "Come one, you need the rest. I'll wait for them in the living room and wake you when they get here."

She took his hand and kept him from leaving the room. "Don't go, please stay with me?" She asked him as she got into bed. "I miss lying next to you while I sleep."

Jack crawled into the bed with her and they both fell asleep with in minutes. It wasn't a surprise considering that Jack had gotten on the first flight to Colorado Springs after Hank had called him, and he didn't sleep at all during his flight. And Sam didn't get much sleep during the night. They slept with Sam in Jack's arms and a smile on both of their faces.

SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1 SG-1

A/N Okay here is the first part. Let me know what you think and I'll write more. I wrote this story for my good friend Cassie because she has been there when I needed her just to vent or talk. Thanks Cassie.