Prologue "Peace Offering"

The warehouse was dark and damp. Situated in the center of new York, Sylar had received a note to this location a few days ago. But for what reason?

As he entered, the room rumble as a train on a near by track rocketed past. It was an old disused warehouse. Several floor boards had rotted away and water dripped from the ceiling.

Sylar gazed around the area. It was a large warehouse, but it appeared empty. He made his way along the room, carefully attempting to locate the mysterious summoner.

A noise caught his attention. It was a groan of some sorts, muffled. He darted around several corners to find the noise. When he did he was slightly shocked to see it was a man, tied helpless to a chair. Sylar walked closer, knowing that this might be a trap. He wasn't sure what to do at first but raised his arm as if to pull away the binding rope but instead flicked his finger and it flew off by itself.

The man gasped for air. "Please! You've got to help me! Please!"

"There no point in calling" A man called from behind. Sylar turned to see the man. "Glad you could make it Sylar. I'm known as the master"

"Why have you summoned me?" Sylar hissed.

"Because" He paused "I'll just cut to the chase here. I require your assistance"

Sylar turned to face the hostage then faced the master again. "I will not be turned by your hostage antics"

"I had no intention of killing this man as a threat. More of an offering"

Sylar was confused by this. The master began walking around Sylar while fiddling with his laser screwdriver.

"I know fully well Sylar, that you kill mutant people, remove the brain then implement there ability into your self. I therefore offer this man to you in return that you assist me. There will be others like him afterwards."

He wasn't lying, Sylar could tell that. But he would be damned if he was going to listen to strike a deal with this man. He waved his arm up quickly, trying to use his telekinesis to harm the Master. The Master, however aimed his laser screwdriver at Sylar and fired faster then Sylar moved his arm. The blast struck him in the chest and he fell to the floor dead. The Master walked behind the hostage, grabbed the rope and re-gagged the man.

The master whispered like a chill into the mans ear. "It's only a matter of time".

As the Master had foreseen, seconds later, Sylar gasped, then slowly pulled himself up. He straightened himself up then began to speak. "i don't let anyone get away with killing me".

The Master smiled evilly. "Excellent! For a second there I almost wondered. Now, This man will be the first of the offerings."

Yet again he wasn't lying. Using telekinesis, Sylar grabbed the Masters neck and this time he was the fastest. Sylar slowly repeated himself.

"No one, gets away with killing me"

The master smiled again. "Ever had the Shanti virus?"

The question shocked Sylar but he answered. "Yes. How is that relevant?"

"I believe, before you contracted the disease, you had more abilities than you do now. If you assist me, can get them back"

He wasn't lying, as he hadn't been the entire time. This was such an odd offer. Sylar had not thought about his lost powers for a while. Super hearing, Melting on touch, Super memory....

"Cryokinesis, Radiokinesis, precognition through art" The Master was listing them out loud. "Alongside your new abilities they would be quite useful. Also gaining what you lost...."

"How?" Sylar interrupted harshly. For the first time, his man could give him something he wanted. "How would you give them to me?"

"You don't really need to know. All you need to know is that I'll do it if you help me."

Sylar nodded slightly.

"Also" The Master continued. "I can get the powers you got while you had the virus."

Sylar eyes widened.

"Alejandro's disease immunity and absorption. Candice's ability of Optikinesis. Those new abilities would be useful. Right? Also don't forget this guy"

The Master placed his hands on the hostages shoulders. "You can take his ability, and the abilities of other mutants I give you."

"What is his power?" He nodded to the hostage.

"Rust inducing"

The room fell silent as Sylar pondered. He looked at the floor for a while then look up at the master with an evil grimace across his face. "Where do I sign up?"

The master shifted away from the hostage and held out his hand to suggest him. Sylar took a step forward and raised his finger to point at the mans forehead. Slowly, he moved across and as he did a large laceration sliced across the hostages head, seeping blood. The hostage screamed his last scream as the Master laughed evilly.