Disclaimer: I don't own warriors. If I did Skyclan would live at the lake with the other clans.

Authors note I completely forgot to do allegiances. Sorry. *Bangs head against wall.*



Leader: Shinestar – silver she-cat with white paws and blue eyes

Deputy: Tanglefur - ginger tom with long fur and amber eyes

Medicine cat: Leafwhisker – small calico she-cat


Rainfire – orange tom with darker orange flecks

Hawkpath – golden-brown she-cat with dark green eyes

Swiftstep – white tom with black paws and mismatched eyes

Apprentice: Dewpaw

Birchclaw – silver tabby tom with very dark blue eyes

Ripplegaze – brown tabby she cat with piercing blue eyes

Apprentice: Ravenpaw

Brambletail – large white tom with ginger and brown markings

Apprentice: Dapplepaw

Squirrelheart – pretty gray she cat with blue eyes.

Apprentice: Barlypaw


Ravenpaw – Black tom with a white tail tip

Dewpaw – small red/brown tabby she cat with hazel eyes

Dapplepaw – light brown she-cat with darker flecks

Barlypaw – sand colored tom with dark amber eyes


Cloverleaf – white queen with black patches and green eyes. Mother of Rockkit, Barkkit, and Berrykit

Willowface – dark gray queen with lighter stripes and light blue eyes. Mother of Hazelkit and Brightkit


Mosspelt – dark grey tom with startling yellow eyes

Sprigstep – long-legged brown tom. Retired early due to blindness in one eye


Leader: Oakstar – large mottled gray tom

Deputy: Stoneface - long haired gray tom with a smushed face
Apprentice: Fogpaw

Medicine cat: Peppleshine - mottled brown she-cat


Rosepetal - pretty she-cat white with gigner patches
Apprentice: Medowpaw

Rustpelt - ginger tom with dark amber eyes

Cloudnose - white tom with one grey paw
Apprentice: Robinpaw

Ivypath - light brown she-cat with green eyes

Leapheart - brown tabby tom, strange blue eyes with yellow flecks

Burrwhisker - thin tom, varying shades of brown
Apprentice: Mudpaw

Frostflower - white she-cat with grey stripes
Apprentice: Sprucepaw

Cederstripe - brown tom with black stripes


Owlfeather - gray tortoishell she-cat

Dovewhisker - small tawny she-cat with blue eyes.
Mother of Tallkit and Wolfkit


Leader: Leapstar - long-tailed tom with amber eyes

Deputy: Birdflight - small, prickly she-cat

Medicine cat: Swallowstep - tawny she-cat
Apprentice: Nettlepaw


Frogleap - long-legged grey tom with green eyes

Krestrelslash - unusually spotted tom with amber eyes

Brightpelt - white she-cat with dark blue eyes
Apprentice: Toadpaw

Barktail - brown tabby tom with a short tail

Cinderleap - white she-cat with grey markings
Apprentice: Gustpaw

Skystorm - long-haired tom with a wavy pelt

Runningstep - muscular brown tom with white chest and paws

Poppyfur - black she-cat with a dusting of white spots

Clearheart - pale ginger she-cat with light blue eyes

Thorntail - large, thick furred black tom with white markings


Bluegaze - long-legged she-cat with blue eyes.
Mother of Daisykit, Fernkit, and Whitekit

Mousepelt - skinny brown she-cat with long whiskers.
Mother of Leopardkit and Spotkit


Smokewhisker - dark gray tabby tom with blue eyes