Please don't mind me if this fanfiction is bad! It's my first one. P.S. I don't own Twilight or any of its characters!!

Bella POV

If only I had known what would become of me after he left. Would I become cold and emotionless or would I act like just another dumped, heartbroken girl. It seemed I ended up as the latter of those two. But in a much worse state than even I expected.

It's been about four months since he left. According to Charlie, all I've been doing is moping around the house, being lifeless. Which isn't true. Or at least entirely.

But now I'm being forced to go hiking. Okay, I chose to go but I did have other options. Like hanging out with Jessica all day. Oh goody.

Actually I wasn't even supposed to go out, at least not where I was at the moment. I had decided to go out to the meadow that he took me to last year.

Unfortunately it sure did take a while to hike all the way there, and when I finally got there, I knew it had been a horrible idea to come.

All the overwhelming pain and sadness I had bottled up seemed to flow free. But I started to feel something much stronger and right as I put my finger on it, I heard something directly behind me.

The crunch of heavy footsteps falling on dead leaves and branches.

Edward POV

My family was worried about me. I mean I can in a way understand why though. After Alice's vision, I was acting like a mad man.

Bella. The vision had been of Bella being caught by the Volturi.

She'd been kneeling down in our meadow, at least proving to me that she still remembered everything. But the thing that worried me was the question I kept asking myself and anyone who walked too close to my hearing range. What does Aro want with my Bella?

I wondered why Alice didn't see about this until about five minutes ago. Which most likely meant that the Volturi came for one thing, but left with something else entirely.

Felix POV

I sighed again. This time it was real loud too. Each time I did it, I was trying to make Jane get more and more angry. Which, not surprisingly, wasn't very hard to do.

Everyone was already high strung because of the girl we had to take back to Aro. He had requested that Dimitri, Jane, Alec, and I go find her and bring her back. Originally we were supposed to take her out of her room while she slept, but seeing as to how she walked right out in front of us, we decided to cut this trip short.

So added to the fact that neither Dimitri's, Jane's, nor Alec's power worked on her, we were worried as to why she was currently unconscious-looking and silent. Right after we just bit her and let the venom run through her veins.

Oh well, all I know is that Aro will surely be pleased to see her already changed when he finally gets to see her for the first time. Although, he'll probably be sad at the thought of not getting to meet the wonderful and beautiful - not to mention human - Isabella Swan. The only known human to tame a ravenous vampire – all with blood that smelled and tasted like that.

But unfortunately, she probably won't remember anything from her human life….

I need 5 reviews to keep writing so I can make sure I'm not writing just for my friends!