Disclaimer: Elizabeth and PotC belong to the Mouse. Written for livejournal's raise_the_dead character challenge.

Jamaica's Defiance

Young Miss Elizabeth Swann admired Jamaica's defiance. The island simply refused to change seasons. Since she had made the passage from England two years ago, summer's sun, rain, and wind had flashed their various moods from playful to wrathful, but autumn's changing leaves, winter's chill and spring's mild nature had never materialized.

Elizabeth would've believed Jamaica was enchanted, mired in an endless summer, and time was still, preventing the seasons from their usual dance for dominance if it weren't for the frustrating, quite perceptible fact Will had grown taller than her.

A week ago, Elizabeth had stepped out of her carriage when suddenly a mud monster had crept out from behind the wheels and knocked her face first into the mud. She lifted her head, spat out the mud, and found a helping hand being offered. She grasped it and was pulled to her feet. All thoughts about the mud on her face vanished—it was Will.

"It's lovely to see you, Will, but…" Elizabeth tilted her head up slightly to look into his eyes, "it's quite rude of you to have grown taller in my absence."

Will smiled, but the moment was brief. Governor Swann coughed and Will realized he was still holding her hand. He let go and averted his eyes, "My apologies, Miss Swann."

Miss Swann frowned, "Elizabeth."

Will hesitated, "Good day, Miss Swann." He walked away.

Now, as she remembered her father's approving smile, Elizabeth wished Jamaica had lent its defiance to Will.