The next chapter I'll make sure Rosalie finds Emmet.


Eve: She owns nothing except for the plotline.


Eve: I don't see your name on it.

Me: * whips out script and points* SEE RIGHT THERE EVE RIGHT THERE!

Eve: I suppose it is. *walks out of room*

Me: What the….. HEY WERE NOT DONE DISCUSSING THIS! *runs out of room*


We were all out of the security line after they were done staring blindly at us. I looked down at Bella who was clinging to my leg. She didn't like big crowds but they loved her. I could hear people whispering.

"Look at adorable three years old."

"I wonder which ones her mom?" I smiled at this one even know I'm Bella's sister I see her as my own.

"Can…can I see your….your ticket ma'am?" Asked the nervous flight attend. I rolled my eyes and handed him my ticket. Humans. We were loaded on to the plain I was sitting next Bella and Carsile was sitting next to Esme behind us. Bella looked horrified.

"Don't worry honey the plane won't crash. Besides were indestructible." She nodded and hid head in my side while I petted her hair.

I looked out the window the whole ride. Thinking about the jerk that left our family. Edward. Right now he's probably taking some girl Bella's age life. I shuddered and hugged Bella closer to me. I will never let him near her.

"Come on Rose it's time to get up.' Esme said shaking me smiling. I pretend to stretch and got up.

"Morning mom." She rolled her eyes and walked down the row. Carsile walked past us and stealthily threw Bella over his shoulder like a potato sack.

"Hey put me down!"

I looked drunk getting out of the airplane struggling from laughter. When I caught up with everybody they were already in the rental car.

"So where to first?"

"The hotel."

We got the hotel and went up to our suite.

"It's huge." Said Bella in awe.

"Mhm." It was quite nice you could see the Eiffel tower. We all gathered at the table and I pulled Bella into my lap. She grimaced I have a feeling she doesn't like it when we pick her up.

"Okay so first we're going on a horse ride then the following on a list Esme made." I took the piece of paper from him.

List of Stuff to Do in Paris

1. Horse rides

2. Tour

3. Circus

4. Shopping

I wonder what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into in Paris. I looked around the table Carsile was probably thinking about the horses, Esme looked like she won a million dollars and Bella looked……………hmm how do I put this scary.

*************************to the barn*****************************

"Now the youngster will have to ride with one of yous." Said the idiotic instructor. Bella looked livid she is smarter than Carsile and that says something. I'm afraid of what she'll do.

"Now kiddy which one of your family members do you wanna ride with?" He said bending down at knee length. He just is asking for it. Bella just glared at him. He flinched I would've laughed at a 47 year old flinching back from a three year old but I was terrified myself. Esme quickly said

"She'll ride with me."

"Ok." He said in a small voice.

We all getting ready and Bella went over to a horse and looked like she was having a conversation with it. She came back over like nothing happened smiling sweetly she's creeping me out. I hoisted her up on to Esme's horse and we took off with the instructor leading us and the group of humans. The instructors horse was fidgety I wonder. Then all of the sudden it bucked him off and started running circles around him. Bella burst out into manacle laughter. We all looked at her as if she was crazy. We had to go back to the stables since the instructor was mumbling over and over again

"Possed horses evil children."

We got out of there as quickly as possible. Next on our list the tour.

**************************to the Eiffel tower**************************

At least nothing can happen here that could make any of us mad. We were at the eitful tower it looked beautiful. We were all enjoying it until.

"Grandma can you please move my husband and I can't see." Said a teenage girl to Esme. Esme gritted her teeth.

"Yes." She spit out. We all heard a screeching noise and looked around. I saw Esme quickly move her hand off a metal piece of the tower. Then it got louder and everybody ran down the stairs on the last step the young girl "accidently" tripped over Esme's foot. When we got out of the tower we all looked up and saw the top of the tower collapse.

"Mom did you just break the frekin Eiffel tower!?" I half yelled. Carsile looked surprised. Bella looked bored.

"They'll get a new one." And she walked off.

*********************at the cathedral***************************

Okay now I am positive no one can make us do anything here. All these people were crowded around the cathedral. Carsile went over to this one guy and asked

"What's going on here?"

"You mean you don't know?"


"The pope is here!"


They continued talking but I didn't pay attention I was looking around when I bumped into someone. It was a good looking guy in his mid twenties. He looked at me up and down.

"Hey honey want get out of here and do something sinful."

"In your dreams. I plan on getting married one day and I don't plan on doing it with you."

"I was talking about marriage I mean you're hot and all just not the marriageable type."

"WHAT?!?!" I screamed and pushed him into the person behind him they went flying into the fountain. My family members were all looking at me.


"You just pushed the pope into the fountain." Said Carsile.

"Shit." I picked up Bella and ran as far away as possible from there.

**************************at the zoo**************************

We were walking down the penguin section at the zoo when I looked at Bella when I saw she had I sad look on her face.

"What's wrong angle?"

"There not happy here they should be free."

"I think they should be too." I said turning back to the penguin then I thought about our conversation I quickly looked down to find Bella missing. I scanned the crowd and found her next to a police officer. His back was facing her she quickly took something out of his pocket. Then skipped back over here.

"What'd you just do?"

"Nothing Rosie lets go see the lions." As she spoke she grabbed mine and Esme's hand.

A few minutes after we saw the whole zoo. We were on the way to the entrance I sighed. Nothing bad happened. Then I heard screaming. Don't look back. Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back. I looked back to see all the animals chasing around the people. The officer from earlier looked through the crowd and spotted us then pointed to Bella and shouted.


And with that we disappeared from site.


"Can you guys behave for once?" Carsile spoke as paying for the tickets.

"Especially you Bella."

"Okay daddy can you come with me to go buy some cotton candy?"

"Ummm……sure angel."

They left us to go find seats. We picked the middle row. The show was about half way through and we were worried about Carsile and Bella. I was about to go look for them when Bella came and sat down between Esme and me.

"Bella honey where is Carsile?" asked Esme.

"He'll be back soon he's a little busy."

I had to admit I was pretty scared and by the looks of it so was Esme.

"And now for the finally is the amazing Carsile!" Everyone screamed.

I looked up at the spot light to see Carsile on the tight rope in a pink sparkling leotard. MY EYES THEY BURN!!! After the amazing tricks of Carsile (shudder) the show was over we went outside and waited by the gate. Carsile slowly walked over to us.

"Carsile what happened?" asked Esme in an amused voice. He looked down and shook his head.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

******************************The shops**************************

Carsile and Bella looked like someone just kicked there puppy.

"Come on guys look happy were in Paris." Said Esme happily as she looked at antiques.

"Never." Mumbled Bella.

I smiled and pulled her and Carsile into the shops we were there for hours and Bella and Carsile were whispering to each other. That couldn't be good.

"Hey guys Bella wants to go over here." Carsile said and turned and started walking. We made it to where they were and sat down next to them.

"Carsile honey where are we?" Esme asked worriedly. He held up his finger.

"Hello every one thank you for joining us in our annual creap eating contest at our creap festival. Now our contestants are Kammy Allis, Sam Merck, James More, Rosalie Cullen, and Esme Cullen." I was about to run away but…….

"Esme and Rosalie where are you!"

"They're right here screamed Carsile." Esme looked at him surprised.

"Ah there you guys are." They ushered us up stage.

"Now the rules are no hands and eat fast if you don't we'll shove down your throat." He laughed.

"On your mark get set GO!" Me and Esme hesintally shoved it down our mouths they tasted like dirt! Soapy dirt!

"Come on I know you guys can do better!" I'm going to kill that guy.

"And time!"

"Our winner is Miss Rosalie Cullen wow I didn't know someone like you could indulge so much food." That ass is gonna get it. I slowly walked up to him.

"Oh do I get a victory kiss." He said smugly he leaned in and I leaned in like I was gonna kiss him and shoved a creap in his mouth and smashed the rest in his face. Then Esme shocked me by yelling.


Then creaps were flying through the air. We ran up to carsile and Bella. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. This is the funnest vacation in history.