AN: Hello! This is my first story with DN Angel and my second story on this site. Please be nice and let me know your opinion on this first chapter. The second will come out in a couple of days. This may be confusing at first, but please be patient. All will be explained! Also, this is a story that could take place after the ending of the anime when Dark and Krad are trapped in the Black Wings. I hope you enjoy and please review!

Chapter 1:

Dark's POV

It was cold.

Cold and very dark.

"So this is the Black Wings. I sort of expected something a little more homely." Dark thought to himself. He shifted, a little uncomfortable. He'd always liked the dark. He felt safe under the shadows and he was used to it, seeing as he always stole artworks at night.

However, in this darkness, he wasn't stealing and he couldn't see a thing. It was pitch black. Shivering a little, Dark got to his feet, feeling with his hands. He couldn't make out anything, but there was nothing solid in front of him, so he took a step forward.

Confident, as he hadn't run into anything, he edged forward a little faster, arms still extended. "Can I use my magic? Probably not." He found he was able to allow his real wings to shoot out of him. He tried some magic and was excited to see he could still use it. It seemed as if his magic wasn't restricted as he had guessed. "Cool. That's an added bonus."

Dark didn't feel comfortable flying yet, because he wasn't sure what was in the air, but he kept his wings out to feel for objects and for use in case he met some danger. "Ugh. My head is pounding." Dark thought to himself, still walking forward slowly. He wished it wasn't so dark or at least for something to mark his progress with. He was sort of worried he'd get lost in the dark but then, he wasn't Daisuke, and the violet haired angel had a pretty good sense of direction.

Thinking of the little red head, Dark tried to call to him, to see if their connection had held. "Dai?" he called mentally, but he received no reply and as his head was currently aching, it was impossible for him to tell if their connection even existed any more. Groaning to himself, he took another step forward-and froze.

There was something solid ahead of him; something that felt suspiciously like a body. Who would be in this darkness with him but-? 'Krad!' Dark had to bite his lip to keep from shouting it out loud. Immediately, the thief leaped backwards, wings flaring outward, hands shielding his face in a defensive position.

Straining his ears, he could hear no sound from where he had felt the body, even though he was still fairly close to it, close enough to pick up any sounds Krad might make. Drifting closer to hover a few feet above the body, Dark stayed silent and still, unsure of what to do. Should he risk it? If Krad awoke, he might be so freaked out, he'd attack him. On the other hand, he couldn't just leave the un-conscious angel here, even if the blond was his archenemy and wanted to kill him desperately.

"Curse Daisuke. He's made me soft!" Dark mumbled to himself before dropping to the ground next to the sleeping artwork and feeling along his body with his hands. It was definitely Krad; Dark could feel his long silky blond hair and the white wings that still arched from his back.

Luckily, everything about his counterpart was lightly colored so Dark could see him fairly well in the darkness. "That's going to be a plus!" Dark thought, happily. With his dark clothes and Krad's white, he could see his enemy while the lighter angel would have problems seeing him.

"This is strange." Dark didn't like to admit it but he was confused. Krad must have sustained some sort of injury. He had found Krad's heart beat, so he knew that the other artwork was still alive, but as soft as his touches along the other's hair, chest and wings were, he was sure, if Krad had been himself he would have woken and attacked by now.

As much as he hated to admit it, Dark would have to find out what was wrong with his enemy. In the darkness it was difficult, but at least, Dark shivered in disgust at the thought, Krad wasn't naked. He was still wearing his white robe and it seemed as if Dark was wearing the clothes he'd been wearing before they'd been sealed as well.

However, this made it hard to tell if Krad had been injured unless some of the blood had soaked though his clothes. Still finding nothing, Dark's confusion only increased, which made him irritated. The thief hated to be confused. He liked to be confident and carefree, and being confused was not an emotion he enjoyed.

Finally, out of desperation, he leaned close to the hunter's ear and hissed, "Wake up Krad!" He would have laughed, had it not been such a serious situation at Krad's startled reaction. He was on his feet at once, golden eyes narrowed, scanning the darkness for danger.

Dark had flipped backwards, so Krad's eyes were unable to pick him up in the darkness, but Dark knew Krad could tell that he was not alone. He had been awake enough to register the voice in his ear. "Who's there?" the cat-like voice snarled, golden eyes flicking from side to side, as Krad circled. Even when he was on the defensive, Krad looked like he was prepared to tear some one's head off, and Dark inwardly shivered.

Dark couldn't hide forever and he knew it. He decided to just walk out slowly and try to get along with the blond hunter, as well as he could. Plus, if Krad truly was injured, it would be dangerous for him to move around too much and he would need treatment, the least Dark could do is stop the blood flow with a piece of his shirt.

Shivering and hoping he wasn't about to be murdered by a homicidal angel, Dark stepped out, keeping his head up and maintaining his confident swagger, not about to show Krad the fear hidden behind his eyes. "So, Krad? How do you like your new home? Comfortable?" Dark asked, cockily, grinning at Krad as he approached.

Krad's eyes narrowed further, and it seemed to Dark that his cat-like golden orbs were burning a hole in him. He was positive that if looks could kill, he would be long dead.

"Mousy." Krad hissed, stalking towards the thief. "How dare you seal us!"

"It was for the better!" Dark gulped, and took a couple steps back. "And look; now you have your own body!"

Krad froze for a second, seeming to have forgotten that Satoshi was not connected to him anymore. Dark could tell through the small mental link he always had with Krad that the white angel was testing to make sure the young police commander was truly gone. He thought he heard him call, "Satoshi-sama?" but it was hard to tell. He'd been lucky to be able to link to Krad at all, the golden-haired angel tended to keep his feelings and thoughts to himself.

"So he really is gone." Krad said, almost thoughtfully and then laughed and licked his lips. "And your tamer? The red-head brat?"

"Gone as well." Dark replied. It was no use lying to Krad now, especially not when he'd have to spend eternity with him. 'Unless he kills me first.' Dark added mentally, and winced. 'That's not good. Keep positive Dark!' he scolded himself. He was so use to having Daisuke there, that he hadn't realized how weird it was now to think to himself when no one would hear it. His head felt so empty.

"How are we still alive?" Krad asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought we were sealed. We should be merged!"

"Maybe when that Hiwatari* tried to break the seal too late? Well, it doesn't matter now. We're here, alive and separate so let's enjoy it!" Dark grinned, hoping to open Krad up a bit with enthusiasm. He knew all too well how that would work.

Dark watched with interest as instead of snorting, snapping at him or calling him an idiot, Krad's eyes shifted to the darkness around them but as soon as Dark moved, violet eyes still watching Krad, his other half looked up, golden orbs guarded. "What are you staring at!" Krad growled, his wings tensing and ruffling a little with unease.

"Krad, are you injured?" Dark asked, trying to seem as concerned, truthful, and harmless as he could.

Krad sniffed. "Why would I be? Your attacks barely graze me, Mousy."

"You took a while waking up, so I thought maybe you had gotten hurt." Dark replied, smiling. "If that's the case, you can borrow some of this shirt. I can take off my coat and-"

"Idiot." Krad mocked, laughing. "You think I would accept help from you? I can't understand you! Or rather, you cannot understand me." He laughed again, but his eyes remained cold, like golden chips of ice.

"It was worth a try!" Dark shrugged. "And anyway, we shouldn't fight anymore. We have to get along in here."

"There's no requirement that states we have to get along." Krad scoffed. "You're just making excuses to preserve your life. Now, you can't hide behind the mask of that red-haired child. And believe me Dark; I have no intention of letting you live."

Dark shivered, and it wasn't entirely from the cold. "Sleep on it." He said cheerfully, and then took to the air, dodging one of Krad's blasts of magic. He stayed close so he could find Krad again but far enough away that his counterpart couldn't find him easily. He hated to admit it, but Krad was the only life inside the Black Wings besides himself, and he needed someone to talk to or he'd go insane. Especially now that Daisuke was gone. Dark wanted to punch Krad for the mean things he'd said about his little tamer, but knew Daisuke wouldn't have liked it if he'd attacked his other half seemingly without a reason.

"I wonder how he's doing. I hope he's with his sacred maiden now…." He sighed wistfully, thinking of the little red head. "How come he gets his girl? It would be nice if there were some pretty girls in here too."

Dark shook his head. Thinking this way would just make him long for the outside world. They were trapped, no one had ever researched how to unseal an artwork from inside, because once sealed; beings like Dark and Krad were trapped. Dark had used the strongest seal he could and he was sure it would be incredibly hard to break. He didn't even know how to start.

He fell into a sitting position, wrapping his hands around his knees and staring with unfocused eyes at the blackness.

"Could I do it?" Dark heard over his link with Krad. "Is it…possible?"

I gasped, violet hair streaming across my face as I leaped to my feet, tripping in the blankets wrapped around me. My vision blurred and I leaned against the nearby dresser for support, and waited until the room stopped spinning. 'What a strange dream…' I thought to myself, rubbing my head; only serving to make the tangled mess of violet even more ruffled.

I shivered, and changed clothes. My back wouldn't stop itching and I blamed it on my sub-conscious trying to make me believe I still had dark wings there. I threw on my usual attire-a black leather jacket, my worn black Vans, jeans and a t-shirt.

I stumbled down the stairs, yawning a little and proceeded to my kitchen to make some coffee. Humming a tune to myself, I flicked on the radio and leaped up on to the counter, swinging my feet as I waited for the coffee to boil.

When the drink was ready, I poured some into a plastic cup and took a sip, sighing as the warm liquid made me feel better instantly. I checked my watch and groaned. "Damn it. School is in 20 minutes. Must have slept in late again." I mumbled to no one. I snagged a donut from a box on the counter, bemoaning the fact that I didn't have time to have my usual breakfast of waffles, and walked at a face pace down the street from my apartment to the collage I had recently begun attending.

A mousy-haired girl waved at me from the courtyard and I waved back, picking up my pace to meet her. I dropped my empty plastic coffee cup in the garbage and finished the remains of my donut. "Hey, Ria." I said, meeting her light brown, almost hazel eyes and slipping an arm around her waist.

"Dark-san!" she breathed, pressing closer to me. "You almost made us late again!" she accused.

"Sorry. I woke up late!" I explained, leading her towards the school.

As we entered the classroom, a red-head looked up and waved. He was conversing with a boy with cerulean hair, and had his arm around another girl, that looked similar to Ria, except with shorter and redder hair. My group of college buddies was complete.

They were all two years younger than me, because I had started school late but I didn't really mind. They insisted it was because I had been held back but I had transferred from my previous Uni. I had met the red-head and the boy with the blue hair in high school but Ria and the other girl, who were twins, were new faces now that I was at collage.

"Hey Dark!" the red-head called, alerting the other two with him to my presence.

"Dai-chan!" I responded, waving and grinning cheerfully. "Ry, Sat." I used their nicknames because, despite the strange dream last night, I was in a pretty good mood. I waved to the red-head Daire, the blue haired boy, Santo and Rylie in turn. "What's up?

Ria and I were going out, because Ria would never leave me alone if I didn't and she was one of the cutest girl's around. Ry and Daire were also dating, and I thought they made a funny couple. I enjoyed teasing them, especially Daire, who was like a little brother to me. Santo was a loner, but I don't think anyone was surprised.

Santo pushed his glasses up, as they were slipping off his long nose. "We were waiting for you. We were wondering if you were going to be late." He smirked.

"Hey! I'm not that bad! Plus, I'm a growing boy! I need my beauty sleep!" I insisted, brushing a stray violet lock from in front of my face and putting my hands on my hips.

Daire giggled. "You were later than me Dark!"

"That's pretty sad." Rylie informed me, laughing as well. "I think Daire's starting to rub off on you Dark."

Ria hurried over to her twin, giving her a glare. "Now Rylie, Dark-san's trying his best! He just woke up late today!"

Rylie raised an eyebrow. "Really? Well anyway, I don't see why you even wait for the pervert. He's going to make you late again!"

"Hey! I'm her boyfriend and I was late one time!" Dark interrupted incredulously, frowning.

"Don't argue guys." Daire cried, exasperated. "The professor is coming!"

Sure enough, the teacher strode in and an immediate hush came over the classroom. I took Ria's hand and pulled her to a seat beside me. Daire was already sitting in front of me with Santo on his left and Rylie on his right.

"Old hag." I muttered and Ria giggled.
"Shh!" Daire warned, turning in his seat to place a finger over his lips. "She might hear you!" Daire was a innocent little thing-he was quite the goody two shoes but he was like a little brother to me, so I was used to it by now.

"Ha! She can't hear us from this distance!" I replied, not fazed in the least. "She's deaf and blind as a bat!" As if to prove my point, the elderly woman just continued with her role call, only those in the first couple of rows making the effort to pay attention. "It's the last day before spring break! Live a little Dai!"

Rylie turned in her seat to roll her eyes at me then took Daire's arm and pulled him towards the professor again. I was the only one in my group besides Ria, who really didn't care about school. However, besides Santo, I had the best grades in the class. My friends, especially Ry, didn't really believe that I was capable of rational thought, so I liked to prove them wrong. Dai and Rylie were high "B" or low "A" students, while Ria was more of a average student at best.

"Ria Harada?" The old lady called and Ria called loudly, "Here!"

"Rylie Harada?" Ry responded with a "Present".

"Santo Hiwatari?" Santo just raised his hand and sort of grunted in response.

Daire frowned. "Hiwatari-kun, at least try to pretend you're having fun!"

I kind of zoned out, doodling absently on my notebook paper before the old hag called. "Dark Mousy?"

"Here." I raised my hand then let it plop to the desk again. My eyes widened as I looked at my sketch. I had drawn the strange figure from my dream. The one called "Krad." I rubbed it out furiously with my eraser.

I must have missed the rest of roll call, although I faintly remember Daire calling "Present!" happily. Now the prof. was going on and on about some boring adventure of some explorer or other. It wasn't like I hated my History course, but after a while it all started to mesh together.

I looked down at my paper again and snarled in frustration. I had started drawing Krad again. What was wrong with me? I resumed erasing with a passion, nearly tearing my paper in my haste to erase the way too lifelike face from the paper.

For some reason, I felt like I was supposed to hate the golden-haired angel, but any emotion I could muster up was confusion. What exactly was that dream?

Santo turned around in his seat and saw me still erasing hard. He raised an eyebrow but didn't ask. I was glad; as I wasn't sure I wanted to explain my sudden urge to keep drawing a person from a dream. Ria saw Santo's look and looked over at me with a concerned expression.

"Are you alright Dark-san?" she asked, twirling her pink mechanical pencil in between her fingers. "Are you sick?"

"Nah." I waved her off, giving a weak imitation of my usually care-free grin.

"Dark Mousy, who was Sir Walter Raleigh?" the old hag called, and I turned towards her, smoothing the smile from my face.

"He was a European Explorer who claimed to have discovered a "City of Gold" in South America. He was beheaded in 1618 because he attacked the Spanish outpost of Santo Thomé de Guayana." I replied, smirking smugly at a wide eyed Rylie and Dai. "Who said I wasn't paying attention?" I smirked, speaking more softly, so the teacher couldn't catch me.

"Very good! Demie Peters, when was this man born and when did he set sail?"

By the end of class, I had forgotten all about Krad and my fascination with drawing him.

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed. Please comment and let me know how I did! *squeals in joy* My first DN Angel fic! I'm so happy!

*Dark means Kei Hiwatari-see the end of the anime.