I know...its only third chapter, but its lemon chapter anyway! This is Sonadow and Silvetal...if you don't like it, don't comment! Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Metal Sonic are copyright of Sega. Sharpedo is copyright of Nintendo. Jasmine is copyright of me, and so is Muffin!


Sonic grinned, stroking Shadow's hips gently "Hope your ready!" Shadow only answered Sonic with a groan, causing Sonic to rub Shadow down his hips, down his chest, and every place Sonic could reach in his position. Shadow could help but enjoy Sonic's advances, letting Sonic gently rub down his body. He's not bad at this....he could possibly give me a run for my mouth....and my money as well!

Sonic started thrusting himself into Shadow, making Shadow moan in absolute pleasure. Shadow let him go deeper, deciding he couldn't have enough of the feeling he was getting from him. By this time, Sonic had his arms around his shoulders and was nibbling him along the neck, taking in every second of him. Sonic was going even harder by now, making Shadow moan in pleasure and beg for more.

Shadow was only too glad to respond in kind, when, Sonic being tired, switched positions with him, giving his chance to take control. Shadow took on the attack, biting Sonic down his jawline and nibbling on his ear a little. He then ran his hands down Sonic's hips, eliciting a moan of pleasure from him. Shadow decided to take his chance to show Sonic how the ultimate life-form played.

Shadow thrust into him, causing Sonic to yelp in pain slightly. Eventually, it became sheer pleasure, causing Sonic to moan in delight. Sonic could help but shiver and beg for more, which Shadow was only too happy to do. Shadow took pleasure in every second, cause, as he knew, it would seem to end all too soon. Sonic couldn't believe how good Shadow was at it He's...amazing at this more then I thought! I would have to hope I gave him something as much....

It all ended too soon, Sonic falling asleep shortly afterwards. Shadow watch him sleep, watching the rise and fall of his chest, the taking in of his every breath. Shadow could only smile about him, wondering what would happen next. At least we have a daughter of our own to take of....neither of us can breed, so its all we have. Little did Shadow know how wrong he would end up being.

The next morning, Shadow awoke to the sound of someone throwing up. He noticed Sonic was no longer in bed, so, going into the bathroom, he went to see who it was. Imagine to his surprise to see Sonic the one getting sick. Shadow kneeled next to him "You okay Sonic?" Sonic shook his head "It's cool man...must have caught something...." Shadow rubbed his shoulders, putting his hand to Sonic's forehead "Strange...you don't have a temperature...must have been you ate too much or something..." Sonic shook his head "Maybe too much activity after eating that much did it?" Shadow shrugged "Could have been that too..." Sonic got off the ground, finding he didn't have the strength to "A....little help Shadow..." Shadow eyed him "Here. Maybe you should rest today Sonic." He placed Sonic on the bed again "I think I'll sleep awhile...then see how I feel later." Shadow nodded, then walked out of the room.

Shadow ran into Metal in the hallway "Where's Silver?" Metal shook his head "He is feeling unwell today it seems..." Shadow's ear twitched "Hm...Sonic is too. Think something's going around?" Metal closed his eyes in thought "Could be illness but...." Shadow cocked his head in interest "But...What? Sonic seemed moody, but that's not surprising, seeing as he feels like crap today." Metal shook his head "No..its like...something I can't remember about mobians we learned in Med. School....Something that says its something certain....Ah! I am unsure about it!" Metal shrugged "I am off then....I must do some studying for a test Sonic and I have Thursday." Shadow sighed "He said he'll be awake later, so he'll study with you then." Metal nodded "If you need me, then I'm in the basement studying....tell Silver that if he wonders where I am....will you?"

Shadow nodded and walked towards the kitchen for breakfast, only to find Jasmine eating a RAW fish in one of the tanks. Shadow rushed to grab it, but Sharkie stopped him "You shouldn't eat that!" Jasmine giggled "All water hedgehogs eat fish raw...it doesn't hurt us!" Shadow let the fish sink in the tank "I hope so Jasmine...." She only giggled "Where's Sonic at?" Shadow pointed upstairs "He's sick today..." She only cocked her head at him "Can we go to the ocean today? We can meet one of my other friends!" Shadow nodded "I can use a rebreather to join you..." Jasmine nodded happily "You'll like her! Her name is Muffin! She's a hybrid pokemon momma bred from a Vaporeon and a Houndoom!" Shadow gave a nervous laugh "Y-yeah....right....let's go."

Sonic stopped them just before they entered the water "Where are you going?" Shadow pointed to the water "I'm going with her for awhile....you and Silver wanna come? I have two air rebreathers in my pockets?" Silver grinned "sure...why not?" Sonic only shuffled his feet "I dunno....about what happened yesterday..." Jasmine cocked her head at him "Sharkie won't let anything happen to you...I can call another pokemon if you need it..." Metal appeared next to her "Mind if I go then?" Jasmine nodded "I'll call more pokemon!"

Jasmine cupped her hands together and did some sort of strange sound. It was low pitched and sounded like a whale song, in a respect. Three new pokemon appeared at the shoreline, one being like a beautiful sea dragon, the second being a pokemon that looked like a lochness monster, and the last a pokemon with frills and curved horns on its head. Jasmine walked out to them "These are my friends: Milotic is the sea dragon one, Lapras is the big one, and the one with fins and horns is mommies Vaporadoom! Her name is Muffin! I dunno why..."

Sonic went to the strange hybrid. It had four legs, a long ridged tail, and what looked like three bones over its back. It had a large frill on its small head, with horns and ear frills. On its legs, it had what looked like two bracelets, and around its neck, something that looked like a skull necklace. Sonic thought it looked like an undead animal or something. Sonic petted its head, causing it to purr in delight "I think I like this one best! Care if this one swims with me?" She nodded "If Muffin will let you then sure!" Sonic gave her a blank look "Let me?" Jasmine petted Muffin "She only let's you ride her in water if she likes you." Sonic glanced at Muffin "Hope she likes me then...."

Muffin was watching him calmly, then choosing to walk to his side. Muffin gently grabbed Sonic's glove in her mouth, pulling him towards the water. Sonic put the rebreather in his mouth and followed her to the ocean's edge. Shadow chose the Lapras, Metal choosing Sharkie, and Silver choosing Milotic. Jasmine dived after them, swimming towards the nearby reef for the day. It wasn't far before the reef was in view, and it was very colorful.

Sonic was hanging on to Muffin, spotting the colorful coral reef they were approaching. Sonic couldn't believe his eyes whoa....is this what it looks like under the ocean?! It's so...colorful! And there's fish everywhere....some I can't even identify.... Sonic spotted what looked like more water hedgehogs swimming nearby. Some were playing with other hedgehogs, others were chasing fish, some were sleeping, one was even looking at a coral like a flower of some sort. One little hedgehog came right up to Shadow, apparently never having seen a land dwelling hedgehog before.

Silver was sitting on a flat rock, surrounded by other young hedgehogs. One was sitting on his lap, while another was playing with his quills like a toy. Jasmine started playing with one hedgehog near Metal, bring her playmate to meet him. The little girl sniffed Metal, then being satisfied, started playing with his quills. Sonic couldn't help but feel relaxed, even considering the fact they were in deep water. He then realized he had a passenger on his quills, and found a little male nibbling on the tip of his quills. It wasn't a painful nibble, but a playful one, so he let it go. The little boy cocked his head at him, releasing his quills in confusion.

Sonic glanced at him, noticing his curled, webbed ears, his cute little webbed hands, his long, wide webbed tail. The boy was glancing at him with his large eyes, wondering why he didn't want to play. Sonic took some thought, then realized he was trying to tell him to play. Sonic grinned, using Muffin to go through the water, the boy jetting after him in pursuit. The little one tagged him and jetted off from him,Muffin trying to keep up with him. Sonic finally caught him by the waist as Muffin passed him, causing him to giggle insanely. The little boy's giggling started making him laugh too, and before long, Sonic was trying to recover his breath back from doing it too much.

The little boy twitched his ears "Can you no swim yourself?" Sonic flattened his ears at him, his face red from embarrassment "I can't at all..." He found himself being pulled towards a deep area that was nothing but flat ground "You wearn now." Sonic let him teach him Might be useful to learn to swim....then I won't need Shadow to rescue me again in water.... Shadow was watching Sonic from his position Seems like Sonic is learning something from that boy...wonder what? Shadow swam over to Sonic, watching his sad attempts at learning. Sonic saw him from the corner of his eye, smirking at his sorry attempts to learn to swim.

Sonic decided to impress Shadow, managing to swim a few feet away, towards Shadow. Shadow shook his head, causing Sonic to try even harder, ending right in front of him. Shadow nodded at him, Sonic sticking his tounge at him. This only caused Shadow to smirk, using his hand to pull Sonic into a short kiss, having to stop for breath. The little boy looked at them with a confused look "Why you kiss other boy?" Sonic pulled off his mask of "My boyfriend is why." The little boy didn't seem to understand "Why? I no unerstand..." Shadow shook his head "Sonic and I are gay." He was even more confused "What Gay mean?" Sonic laughed "It means we like other guys instead of girls. We go out with males instead of females." The little boy tilted his head "Oh....okay."

Sonic grabbed him by the waist "What's your name? I'm Sonic, and this is Shadow." The little boy twitched his left ear "I'm Aquarius." Shadow seemed puzzled by something "What's the name for a group of water hedgehogs?" Aquarius giggled "Its called a pod. Like a dolphin pod!" Shadow nodded "Got it!" Aquarius tilted his head "What do you call a group of land hedgehogs?" Sonic scratched his head "I dunno....depends on the hedgehog type...." Aquarius looked puzzled "What's a word for your kind then?" Shadow and Sonic looked at each other "Not sure....our group is many types...." Shadow cut him off "We are called...uh...its called a drift!" Aquarius grinned "A...drift? Okay then."

Sonic shook his head at him "You made that up..." Shadow grinned at him "But the kid doesn't know that!" Sonic sighed leave it Shadow to make something up off the top of his head....figures as much.... Sonic couldn't remember when Shadow hadn't made some snappy comeback of some sort. He decided to leave it alone, not thinking it was important enough to argue about. Sonic pulled his attention back to Aquarius. The boy was riding on another animal's back, this one being another sea dragon, although not elegant like Milotic. It was much larger and more frightening, being a Gyarados. Sonic wondered how long they'd been in the water...he also found himself starving,considering getting sick earlier.

Sonic poked Shadow in his side "I'm starving man..." Shadow raised an eyebrow at him "Thought you were sick?" Sonic shook his head "Weird...I feel fine now...must have been too much last night...." Shadow laughed "We have to leave then. I am not going to eat ANYTHING raw here!" Sonic nodded "Let's go then...I'm fucking starving!" Shadow quickly swam over to tell the others what was happening, causing them all to grab their pokemon escorts and start heading towards shore. Aquarius stopped Sonic "Where you go?" Sonic pet him "Back to shore....we're starving!" This confused Aquarius "You no like fish?" Sonic shook his head "I like fish...me and my friends just can't eat it raw." He grinned "Oh....you come back sometime later?" Sonic nodded "Maybe later today...depends on what time it is..." Aquarius grinned "See you next time then!"

It was 2 O' clock by the time they reached the house. Metal grinned "I call cooking!" Shadow cursed "I wanted to!" Metal laughed "I called it first...you must be faster if you want to cook in this house!" Sonic laughed "Its not that big of a deal...." Silver agreed "Food is food....I'm starving to death!" he whimpered. Metal thought Silver was being funny It is interesting to see his reactions...I find much amusement in watching him and Sonic whine like babies. But I wonder....what is making the two of them sick? Could it possibly be something to do with our little playtime last night? I will have to research the cause later after lunch.

Metal went to his room to research afterwards, wondering what he'd find on his little...problem. Metal gasped when he found it It says here mobian males are hermaphrodites and are able to breed depending on which hormones are active at the time of sexual contact. This includes, but is not limited to pregnancy. Metal gasped "Christ...that implies...just wonderful! We are in school! Sonic and the rest of all of us do not have time for children yet!"

Sonic groaned Why do I feel sick again? hm....Silver looks miserable too....strange...we felt fine most of the day but....we didn't even eat much...*sigh* Shadow glanced at them with concern wonder what's been wrong with them lately? Not sure what's going on, but I intend to find out! Jasmine jumped onto Sonic's chest "You seemed fine earlier...." Sonic gave another groan "But not anymore for some reason...I don't understand why though..."