A/N: First story in a while. This was a quickie in all sense of the word. I don't own any of Harry Potter. I'm just that weird kid on swings in JKR's playground.


"Are you sure, Ginny?"


"Well, okay. Uhh…"


"Nothing, it's just that I'm kind of new at this."

"Well, so am I."


"Harry… what if you can't find the… the opening."

"The opening? You mean your-"

"Yes, that."

"Well, haven't you, ah, relieved yourself before?"

"Relieved? Like used the bathroom?"

"No, I mean like, used your fingers or-"

"Ah. No, I haven't. Would it sound corny if I said that I always waited for you?"

"Not really."


"Well, haven't you used one of those things?"


"The stringy, cottony things? For your… thing?"

"Oh. No. I haven't. I've always been a bit freaked out by them, actually."

"Well… I guess I could find the opening with my fingers or something."

"You can try."



"I think I found it."

"I think you did too."

"So do I just, push in, or…"


"Tell me if it hurts."

"Just go, Harry."




"Move a damn muscle, Potter, and you are getting hexed."

"Does it hurt that much?"

"Would it hurt to rip a part of your anatomy, down there?"

"I see."

"I think you can move now… But slowly."

"Do I just go in and-"

"Mmm. Yeah."





"That was fantastic, Gin."

"I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you too."