I'm sure you just want to read the story so I will be quick. I developed this story upon hearing one of my friends choosing to be a teacher in music at a military base as her career. I do not remember what it is called so if any of you do know, feel free to e-mail me or write it in a review. Because I don't' know the name of the career, I will be changing it to a sort of hobby to help them relax. Another thing, this story takes place in Pearl Harbor (no it is not going to be like the movie) I chose this place b/c it was the only army base I could find in Hawaii and I want an exotic place setting for this story. Before I get on with the story I will just give a quick disclaimer and I would just like to say that I will only post it once because I am applying it to the story as a whole. Oh and by the way, Sammy will not be present in this particular story, you will find out later on in the prologue!

Disclaimer: I do not own either Sailor Moon or any of her friends. If I did I would be making my own T.V. shows, don't you think?

Well, that's enough of a disclaimer! Now, on with the story!
Love and War
Prologue: Graduation
Rating: PG-13

"Serena Tsukino!" As her name was called a beautiful blonde began to walk the aisle to reach the stage where she would finally pick up her long awaited diploma. Her friends cheered her on as the males present whooped and her parents cried tears of joy for their 'little' girl. 'I can't believe I've finally made it' thought a cheery Serena.

Though it may seem strange, Serena had previously gone to an Ivy League college where she had received a diploma in computer engineering after many years of training. Several years later, though she had a very well paying job, she felt she was missing something. Serena had always shared a love in music and it was a career she wanted to pursue. With that in mind she went back to college and she once again was about to receive another diploma, this time however, she was majoring in music.

Because of her skill she had been hired to work at an army base in Hawaii, this military base is famously known as Pearl Harbor. Serena was working there because they found that their soldiers were too uptight lately and needed to relax. Upon taking a vote, music ruled the majority so that's when they sought out Serena. She was chosen to work there because not only could she teach music, she could readily help them, should anything go wrong, using her computer skills. Another reason was the fact that her father had previously worked in the army and was an admiral so for that Serena had a lot of knowledge military wise too. She was extremely fluent in four languages: English, Spanish, French, and Japanese, due to the fact that they were from Japanese origin.

As Serena received her diploma, her eyes scanned the crowd of onlookers until her eyes rested on her friends and family. 'God I'll miss them!' was the first thought that came to her mind. Her friends, Mina, Rei, Lita, and Amy had always been there for her. As she thought on she realized that by tomorrow, it would be a while before they see each other because they lived in Florida and she would be off in Hawaii.

Her friends were all from wealthy, prestigious families who had a big impact on society as did hers. They were friends since birth and had been together ever since. They went to school together, they went shopping together, along with parties and just about anything else that came up. They grew up as the most popular girls in school. They were also the prettiest.

Rei was a raven beauty. Her hair reached her waist and was a rich, vibrant raven color with streaks of purple running through them. Her eyes were mesmerizing for the fiery gaze always intrigued the guys and she always had dozens to choose from. Rei family owned a shrine respected by many in her area and her family had what you call 'old money'. Because of this, Rei wanted to grow up to be the head priestess among other things, such as a model and a singer. She also is skilled in martial arts combat and meditation techniques. Nevertheless, though she was rich and talented it never spoiled her.

Lita was tall for her age and slim and curvy like a model. She had beautiful almond shaped green eyes and long wavy brown hair that was always pulled in a high ponytail emphasizing her sculptured face. She also had her own batch of guys to choose from. Like Rei, she had a strong temper and was quick to lose it. Another thing she shared with Rei was the fact that she also knew martial arts. Lita is an excellent figure skater, talented chef, and a great housekeeper (though her parents refused to let her clean the house because that was the maid's job). Lita's dream was to own a bakery or a restaurant. Her passion was cooking and it was something that helped her relaxed. Although her parent's did not agree at first about her career decision, they later decided there was nothing they could do to change her mind so they began to support her dream. Lita is the brawn behind the group, with a strong will and an outgoing personality.

Amy had a personality that greatly contrasted against Rei's and Lita's. She was a quiet girl and was really quite shy sometimes. People like to call her the brain in the group. She had an IQ on 172 and belonged in Mensa, the club for geniuses. Amy loved to read and was not as outgoing as the rest of the group but she went anyways (it may have had to do with the fact that they threatened to burn her books if she didn't! hehe!). Amy was what you call a shy beauty. She was very beautiful but unlike the others she didn't know it. She had bluish tinted hair that might have looked bad on someone else but it suited her very well. Her hair was cropped and framed her face in a graceful way and it accented her piercing blue eyes. Because she was so smart, guys were often intimidated by her.

Mina is the most mischievous of the group. She loved to try and play matchmaker often ending in a disaster. Mina enjoys shopping, volleyball, and romantic movies. Her career goal was to become a successful doctor because she enjoyed helping others. Her and Serena looked very much alike and loved to play a game they called 'switch-a-roo' in which they would trade places during school. Their friends were the only ones that could spot the difference, for not even their parents could. The only difference they shared in their looks were the fact that Mina had three shades a lighter color of blonde for her hair and two shades lighter eyes. She was very beautiful with a body that made heads turn everywhere she went, and she knew it. Mina is a model so she knows what her best aspects are and how to flaunt them. Most people thought she was conceited, but her friends knew other wise. Mina was just boy crazy and always wanted a boyfriend on her arm.

Serena was the one that held the group together. She was the most friendly of them all because she was quick to trust others and others were quick to trust her. Serena was perhaps the most mature, being forced to grow up when her little brother Sammy died. It was raining one night so Serena and Sammy were trying to rush home in order to avoid getting wet any more than they already were. As they were reaching a curve, they spotted a car driving straight at them. Sammy upon seeing this used all the strength he possibly possessed and managed to push Serena out of the way. He never stood a chance, the car was going to far and right before Serena's eyes she watched her brother die. Sammy was killed by a drunk driver. Ever since then Serena had joined many different groups across Florida in the fight against alcohol. She would share her stories with others often helping people change their paths in life by getting them to give up drinking. Serena had a very powerful soul and was ready to sacrifice herself for her friends should anything happen. She was a sight easy on the eyes was a line most guys used among themselves. She was now a tall slender beauty and her body had taken on curves so voluptuous that there wasn't a woman who didn't envy her for them. Her hair was as golden as the sun reflecting the light given from it. Her eyes were liquid blue that burned with desire to have someone to love. You see, ever since her brother's death, Serena began to withdraw from others. Only her friends were able to get through to her after several months. She still went to parties and functions, but she would never interact as much. After a while, guys began to give up on her and started to look elsewhere. Several years passed and she began to get over her dilemma but her reputation had already changed. Guys didn't go to her anymore and other girls (except for her friends) were glad. Serena began to give up hope on them and decided that she could wait. Now that she was moving she realized that she would have another chance. But Serena didn't know just what she was in store for!!

After the graduation, Serena's friends along with Serena's parents drove Serena to the airport. Serena's flight was scheduled to leave in an hour. Upon arriving, her friends and her began hugging and crying.

" Oh Serena! I wish you didn't' have to leave us so soon! Make sure you don't forget us!" wailed Lita.

" Yes I know! You shouldn't have left for another year oh so! It's going to be so hard without you!" cried Amy.

" Meatball Head, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for anything I've ever said to you that offended you!" exclaimed Rei.

" Just know that we love you Serena! We are all proud of you and what you have become! We wish you the best of luck in Hawaii! Oh!! Remember to write about all the cute guys!" said a very sad Mina.

" Oh guys! I could never forget any of you! We've been through so much and we've done everything together! You guys were always there for me, and even when I pushed you away, you guys never gave up on me! It's because of you I am where I am today! I'm sorry is I ever saddened any of you or if I've ever hurt any of your feelings! Just know that I love you guys dearly and that I will always keep in touch! Just promise you guys will do the same! Keep me posted on what's happening in your lives!" Serena said.

" Serena!! Of course we will! We love you!!!" chorused her friends.

Serena turned towards her mom and dad and could do nothing but stare. All her life they had been there to help her and guide her. Now, she was to leave them and go on her own. It was now that the impact of what she was doing hit her. It hit her hard! Serena broke down in tears and threw herself at the mercy of her parents hugging them as if there was no tomorrow. Serena could do nothing more than choke out her goodbyes.

" Mom, dad. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you! I'm sorry for the times I ran the credit card bill so high I caused your blood pressure to rise a few points. But I love you guys with all my hearts and now I'm scared to leave. I don't know if I'll make it in the world without you guys by my side. I love you mom! I love you dad!"

" Serena honey! You know your father and I want nothing but the best for you and you will always have our support behind you one hundred percent! We have faith in you and if you ever come across an obstacle that you don't think you can make, just give us a call and we will always be there to guide you."

" Your mother is right Serena. Darling we love you and never doubt that. You're the only one we have now and we want you to be happy more than anything else at this point. Make us proud! All of us! I know Sammy is watching us right know and I'm sure he would be saying the same thing if he was present. If you ever need anything be it money or just to talk, don't hesitate to give us a call! We will always be there to answer!"

"Last call for flight 101 heading for Hawaii! We will be deporting in approximately five minutes!" (AN: So sue me, I don't' really know exactly what they say but you're more than welcome to tell me!) With that in mind, they all watched Serena hand her ticket to a flight attendant. As she began walking, ready to board, her father called out her name forgetting to tell her the most important thing of all! "Serena!" At the sound of her name, she turned around. " I forgot to tell you to watch out for the guys! Don't' think you're allowed to get a boyfriend just because we won't be there! I have a few spies working for me there and they are going to keep me posted upon your arrival! So don't get any ideas!" Everyone around who heard groaned at this and had a sweat drop appear on the back of their head. 'Poor Serena' was what came to their minds. As for Serena, she just nodded turned around and walked towards the plane with one single thought running through her mind, 'That's what you think! he he!'

When everyone was seated inside the plane, Serena of course was seated in the first class section, the announcer came on and told everyone to please buckle their seatbelts for they will be taking off within the next several minutes. Serena always being one to listen to instructions, did as she was told, laid back in her seat, and popped a piece of gum into her mouth. Serena was a seasoned traveler so she was used to the changes in altitudes by now. Once in air, Serena decided to take a nap (and boy was her nap going to be long).
Well, that's it for the prologue! The story will start to get better after this. This was basically an introduction to her friends and Serena. Her friends may appear in the later chapters, but I haven't decided on that yet. I hope you guys liked it so far! Remember, *REVIEW*!!!!! That's what keeps us writers writing!! lol!! That's all for now but expect another chapter shortly! Ja ne!