Thanks for the review guys! Wow, someone remembers the Cheesy Poof girls? You've been reading my fics for a LONG time! I wrote those stories when I was in high school, I guess I'm telling my age, lol! Thanks for still following my stories! Also thanks for the apology for trolling! :-) Marsh's Mayhem will NOT be updated ever unless I get really bored. I think the next story I'm going to work on is The Proposal, unless I decide to start a new story which is always possible! Anyways, R&R! Enjoy! :-)

Chapter 19

A few weeks later, Kyle returns to school. He's at his locker when he notices Kenny and Bebe walking by having a friendly chat. Kyle glares at them.

"Wow, you two aren't even trying to be discreet anymore!"

"What are you talking about?" Kenny asks him.

"You know goddamn well what I'm talking about! I know you're fucking Bebe!"

Kenny shrugs. "Yeah, so? It's not like we're together or anything."

Kyle's eyes widen with anger. "Kenny! She's my friend!"

"This was going on long before your transformation Kyle…"

Kyle's face turns red as he looks at Bebe. "Why didn't you tell me? You knew how I felt about Kenny! I thought we were friends!"

"We are friends Kyle! But you also know how Kenny and I are!"

"But you kept giving me warnings about him, but not once did you mention that you were sleeping with him!"

"It wasn't important. I'm not in a relationship with you, so I really don't owe you an explanation!"

Kyle slaps her. "Some friend you turned out to be!" He glares at Kenny and then slaps him as well. "Unless it has something to do with Sophia, I don't want anything to do with you!"

Kenny smirks. "You're being very dramatic and childish! We're not together so I can fuck whoever the hell I want!"

"You're so disgusting! Both of you make me sick!" He storms off.

Kyle ends up literally running into Stan. "Hey, welcome…back…" He notices Kyle is in tears. "What's the matter?"

"I fucking hate Kenny and Bebe!"

Stan hugs Kyle. "Don't waste your anger on either one of them! They're so not worth it!"

"Kenny and I have a daughter together."

Stan kisses Kyle on top of his head. "I know, but you knew the deal. Don't waste anymore tears on that asshole!"

"Why did he have to such a dick about it?" Kyle continues to cry. "They made a fool out of me! How could Kenny treat the mother of his child this way?"

"I don't know babe. Don't worry about him." He lifts Kyle's chin up. "You still have me." He smiles and then pulls Kyle into a kiss. "I want you Kyle…" Stan whispers.

"Stan, we're at school. Please don't give me the Kenny treatment. I'm not doing it in a bathroom!"

He shakes his head and laughs. "Baby, you deserve so much more than that! How about we ditch last period and go to my house for a bit?"


"I'll have you home in time to get Sophia from daycare…"

Kyle thinks for a moment. "Ok…but I better not get in trouble!"

"You won't." Stan smiles and runs his fingers through Kyle's hair. "Now let's go!"

About ten minutes later, Stan and Kyle arrive at Stan's. Once inside, the two of them begin making out. Stan picks Kyle up and carries him up to his room. He lies Kyle down on the bed and takes off his pants and underwear. He then takes off his clothes. He takes Kyle's shirt off and unhooks his bra. Stan begins sucking Kyle's nipple as Kyle closes his eyes and bites his lip. Stan quickly pulls away from him.

"I just got some of your milk in my mouth." Stan blushes and wipes his mouth.

Kyle laughs. "Sorry, I'm still nursing."

"Well I guess I won't do that anymore." He starts kissing Kyle's breasts then down his stomach. He then proceeds to go down on him.

"Oh Stan…" Kyle moans.

"You like that?"

"YES!" Stan continues what he's doing. Kyle grabs onto Stan's shoulders.

"That was just an appetizer, now it's time for the main course!"

"You have a condom, right?"

He grabs his pants and pulls one out of his pocket. "Of course I do!" He puts the condom on and inserts himself in Kyle.

"Stan, please be gentle. This is my first time since Sophia was born…"

Stan kisses Kyle. "I promise I'll be as gentle as possible." Stan keeps his promise and is very gentle with Kyle. "I Love you Kyle Broflovski…"

"I love you too, Stan Marsh…" They continue making love.

Meanwhile, in the present day…

"Goddamnit Cartman! What the hell kind of twisted virtual reality was that?" Kyle yells as he throws down his headset. "Why the hell did I have to become a woman?" The other guys take their headsets off.

"Yeah and I love Wendy! Just because Kyle's my best friend doesn't mean I would fall in love with him if he were a girl!" Stan adds in. "You're fucking sick dude!"

"Hey, this is what you guys saw! I had no control over your virtual reality." Cartman smirks. "Besides, I don't hear Kenny complaining."

The guys look at Kenny and he shrugs. "I was hitting Bebe, that's pretty accurate. I'm just glad I don't have a baby in real life, that would suck." He looks at Stan and Kyle and smiles. "I have to admit that you two make a really cute couple!" He giggles.

"Fuck you dude!" Kyle fumes. "You were such an asshole to me!"

"I'm an asshole to all girls! That's my character."

"I'm getting out of here! I need to go see Wendy before she's pissed off that I didn't call her after school. Thanks for wasting my time Cartman, you stupid asshole!" Stan announces just before leaving.

"I heard that!" Kyle adds.

"Hurry up Kyle! You better go fuck your man before he sees Wendy!" Cartman tells him as he and Kenny laugh. "Or maybe he'll come fuck you when he's done with Wendy."

Kyle punches Cartman. "Fuck you!" He leaves.

Kenny shrugs. "Well I guess I might as well go see Bebe. That virtual reality really made me miss that pussy!" He leaves.

Cartman sits back in his chair and smirks. "I think I'll try this out on Butters next!" He tells himself with an evil sadistic smile.

The End

A/N: I will try to either have The Proposal or a new story up someone this week if I don't have it up tomorrow so be on the lookout!