Innocence 7


Pit poked at his belly, surprised how his body had changed in only two months. "Ike! Come see! I think the baby's getting bigger!"

Hearing about the baby was a constant in their room. Pit always interjected the subject of their baby during any topic, and it aggravated Ike. "That's nice! he called form the kitchen. "I'm making a sandwich, I'll see later."

Pit nodded and let his toga fall loosely back into place. He had given up on wearing his navy undershirt, since it had gotten to tight to wear. The Angel skipped into the kitchenette with a big smile on his face. "It won't be long before I won't be able to fit in my toga," he giggled, smiling at his lover.

Slamming the knife down onto the counter Ike yelled, "Can't we just have one fucking moment without talking about the pregnancy!"

The Angel jumped and bit his lip, bowing his head in shame. "I'm so sorry... I won't talk about it any more," he whispered, subconsciously crossing his arms over his belly to protect the child.

"Good," Ike replied giving Pit a quick kiss on the forehead before walking out into the living area with his sandwich.

Pit followed quietly, his posture still submissive. "Um... is there anything you would like to do today?"

"Not really," Ike said taking a bite of his sandwich. "Stay here and watch football. Maybe have sex later?" He grinned at Pit who was sitting on the end of the couch.

Pit stood in the doorway, arms crossed around his middle and his wings drooped ever so slightly. But... I want to go outside... I feel... lonely with you. "Okay."

"That's good baby!" Ike replied. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."

Pit nodded and went to his room to lay down on the bed, suddenly heavy with sadness. "I-Ike!" he called after a few minutes. "Can I go play with Link or Roy?"

"WHAT?" Ike yelled room the main room. "Come in here! I can't hear you."

The Angel got up and fluttered into the living room, leaning over the couch. "Would it be okay if I got play with Link for a little bit? Maybe Roy too?"

Ike stopped and his eyes suddenly were angry. "NO! HELL NO! Do you want to be taken from me again!

The Angel flinched away from the angered reply. "I-I'm sorry! So sorry! I won't ask again! I-... I'm just so lonely!" the cherub cried, the weight of being secluded from the others bearing down on him. He crouched down and sobbed into the back of the couch.

Ike got up. "Why are you being this way! You're not alone! I'm in the same room with you. I've been there. comforted and made you feel back at home. We even had sex, and your telling me your lonely!

The brunette nodded. "I-I am, b-because we never p-play! I... I just want to do something fun!" the cherub pleaded, shaking under his lover's scrutinizing glare.

Ike walked over to the youth and embraced him. "I'm's my fault. Please don't get upset. We can play, I promise." He kissed up and down the angel's neck and pulled him so that their crotches were touching. "Isn't this fun already?"

Just to be touched was enough to bring back the youth's face. He nodded. "C-can we play 'tag, you're it'?" the Angel wondered.

Ike seemed hesitant, but then nodded. "Of course." I bet he's never dreamed about sex tag. Oh how fun this will be. "My little angel?" Ike asked. "You know what's even better than regular tag?"


Months passed and Ike kept Pit under close surveillance. The Angel's morale continued to fall with each month. His nausea was no longer a problem but he was depressed that his lover showed ever decreasing interest in their child.

"IKE! IKE! IKE IKE IKE!" the cherub cried, racing into the living room. "I felt the baby! It moved! I felt it move!"

Ike looked up from his place on the couch. "That's nice," he said unenthusiastically. "I thought it was dead or something."

Pit froze and stared at Ike, "... Dead?... Our baby?"

Shrugs. "Never mind, I guess it isn't. You never shut up about it for too long do you?"

The Angel stared at his lover in shock. "You... speak as if you could care less about our baby..."

"I just get frustrated that it's all you ever talk about," Ike complained.

"It's our baby Ikus, it's the best gift my Goddess could have given us," Pit replied.

"The best gift would have been NOT to give us the baby," Ike said loudly. "It's ruining everything."

The Angel looked crushed. "I... You don't... You don't care... you don't love... YOU DON'T LOVE!" he finally shouted before sprinting out of the room.

"Pit wait! STOP!" the bluenette yelled getting up and running out after the angel.

Pit hurried past the rooms. He turned back and saw Ike following him. "Oh Goddess no!... He's going to hurt me

Ike's footfalls were getting closer, and he heard the angel scream, as if frightened in front of him. "PIT! STOP! NO!"

The angel tripped and couldn't slow himself before reaching the stairs. His body in full motion kept going, tumbling down the long flight of steps before he slid to a stop near the bottom.

The bluenette reached the top of the stairs and stared down at the angel's still form. Other brawlers were emerging having heard the yelling and commotion in the hall. Marth was the first to come out and once he saw Ike he ran toward the stairs and soon saw Pit, motionless as stone at the bottom.

"LINK! ROY!" Marth yelled. "Pit's hurt!"

The remaining swordsmen took one look at the Angel collapsed in a heap and whispered for Marth to take him to Dr. Mario. The pair then ran up the stairs to confront Ike. "You're going to pay, asshole!" Roy yelled, racing ahead, sword drawn.

"Did... Did you REALLY just push an ANGEL down the STAIRS?" Link demanded, his rage bubbling up from a place deep within. He was disgusted with the bluenette.

"I-I he tripped!" Ike defended. "We were chasing each other, and he didn't know the stairs were there! It was an accident!"

"The hell it is Ike!" Link yelled. "Nothing you do is EVER an accident."

"Grab his arms Link! He's not going anywhere!" Roy said.

Link grabbed his arms while Roy pointed his sword into the bluenette's face.

"Pit's unconscious! I'm taking him now! There could be internal bleeding," Marth yelled up the stairs. "Zelda, help me!"

The Hylian raced past Ike down the stairs crying, but managed to give him an evil glare. The two left with Marth carrying Pit in his arms towards the medical bay.

"He was trying to escape you, wasn't he? You ANIMAL!" Roy snarled between grit teeth. "I should carve you up where you stand."

"No! Stop!" Ike called. Damn, how do I fix this? What do I do to make things right? "I-if you kill me, my child won't have a father!"

The young noble stared at Ike in shock before looking up at Link. "You don't have a kid," Roy finally stated.

"I do!... It just hasn't been born yet!"

"Who's dumb enough to sleep with you?" Link wondered.

"Pit," Ike revealed. "We've been together for some time now and he's pregnant with our child, about five months along."