A/N: Milo again. ^^

Setting: After Hades, after all of my fics. The Gold Saints are in The Twelve Temples. Vacation =D.

Disclaimer: I do not own SS characters.

Chapter One


The handsome man with long blue hair looked down to the stairs, watching someone running enthusiastically to his temple. Ah…an angel! Wearing very beautiful white dress.

"Milo, you look so handsome!"

Milo stared at his clothes. Stylish clothes as usual: black jeans jacket, white T-shirt beneath it, and dark grey jeans. Whaa…even an angel called him handsome.


Milo kept looking down, smiling. The angel got closer, and when she arrived in front of him, he saw her bringing something in her hands.

"Hello!" Shaina greeted as she kissed the Scorpio quickly.

"Hey!" Milo greeted back, his blue eyes gazed at Shaina, then at the "thing" in Shaina's arms. "Ehm…"

"This is Eclairs!" said Shaina, addressing the baby girl in her grasp. "She's my niece, one year old. My auntie entrusted her to me, but sadly today Athena asks me and Marin to do something in Italy."


"Yes. That makes me coming here!" Shaina's eyes were getting brighter as she asked Milo to carry the baby. "I'll entrust this baby to you."

"What?!" Milo soon gasped, his already big blue eyes got wider and wider. "No!"

"Why not?!"

"Why yes?!"

"Coz I love you!"


"Come on, this will be very useful when we get married."

Milo baffled. "Getting married?"

"Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow!"


"See you!" Shaina kissed his cheek and immediately running down the stairs.

"Wait, Shaina!" called Milo anxiously.

His face was coloured with horror seeing the baby girl was laughing and looked very comfortable in his arms.


K…this is just a dream…. He had to close his eyes and hoping that when he opened it again, he was still lying comfortably in his couch,

"One…two…three…," he murmured, closing his eyes briefly, then opened it again.

The baby was still in his arms.

Milo grumbled. "My goodness…," his whispered desperately, entering his temple with the baby and kept staring at her, hoping she would vanish soon. The baby could be a very lovely creature for everybody, with her thin brown hair and pure blue eyes. Even Milo himself would surely adore her, if only he didn't have to babysit her the whole day.

"Okay…what's your name? Eclairs?" said Milo as he took thick blanket, then spread it to his floor. "A strange name for a child…," he murmured, putting the baby on the blanket. "Maybe your mom really likes éclairs that she named you after the pastry."

"Mom!" the baby yelled happily, swinging her hands up and down. Milo laughed on her gesture. He then sat near the baby and searching something which could be played by her. "Ummm…I don't have merry-go-round here, you're not objected, are you?" asked Milo gravely. Of course he didn't have any merry-go-round…he'd never babysit a baby anyway…

Right now he really didn't know what to do. He'd ever seen Camus taking care of Hyoga, but BIG Hyoga, not a year old one.

The baby herself seemed searching for something which she could hold and maybe destroyed. She crawled and reached a remote control, then playing with it cheerfully.

"Ok, maybe I should introduce myself," said Milo finally, letting Eclairs playing with his remote control. "My name is Milo."

"Miyo!!!" yelled the baby delightfully.

"Yes, very familiar name for you, isn't it? And your name is Eclairs, what a very sweet couple we are…"

"Miyo!! 'Weet…"

"Yes…sweet…uhm, you know…actually 'Milo' is not only the name of chocolate milk..it's taken from the island in—"

"Miyo!! 'Weet!"

He'd better give up.

"Anyway…I'm in love with your auntie," Milo continued. "But with this I swear I'll lock her in Cape Sounion when she comes back..."

"Yaaa!" yelled Eclairs unporposedly.

"You agree?" Milo asked with sparkling eyes.


"Great!" beamed Milo. "Pity…actually she's too beautiful to be locked…. More about me then! I have a best friend, his name is Cam—" Milo stopped when Eclairs switched on the television with the remote control. Eclairs's cute face looked astonished for a while seeing the television has been on. She played with the remote again and finally her small hand pressed the volume key. The television's sound got louder, louder, and LOUDEST.

"Oh, no, baby, come…bring the remote control to Uncle Milo…," said Milo, carefully held the remote, but the baby held it tighter, made Milo started to look at his temple's exit and entrance in worry. "Sweety, the sound of the television is loud enough to be heard by Seiya in Japan, everybody'll kill me—"

"YOU STUPID SCORPION, SWITCH THE TELEVISION OFF!!!" the screams from Pisces and Capricorn temples.

"See," mumbled Milo, still trying to get the remote control. A minute later he was successful holding it and pressed the volume key to much slower sound. "Here…we make the volume lower—NO!"

The baby pulled the remote and threw it to the floor happily. The remote was broken.

Milo's handsome face once again was covered with horror. He then looked at Eclairs with narrowed eyes. "Mu will send someone to assassinate me—this will be the fifth times I service my remote control to him," he glared at Eclairs.

But Eclairs did nothing but laughing and swinging her small hands ups and downs. Milo took a very deep breath, realizing there would be no use glaring at a year old child. He only shook his head and put his hand on this temple.

"Sorry for disappointing you again," he whispered to his remote control.


Milo has given up looking after the baby since fifteen minutes before. His eyes were on the television, watching news, while Eclairs was doing something which could make Deathmask killed her if it was him who was asked to babysit her. She crawled and continuously pulled Milo's things, banged them to the floor with her innocent happy face. So far there were nothing broken except the remote control—Milo indeed didn't like to keep fragile things.

Except one.

It was a globe snow Camus gave him as a souvenir. There was miniature of Arch de Triomphe inside it. Eclairs reached it and ready to bang it to the floor…


"Nooooooooo…!" Milo gasped.

It was like supernatural phenomenon—Milo looked away from the television exactly in the same moment when Eclairs almost banged the globe snow. He then ran to Eclairs with light speed. Ok, not light speed, but it indeed very fast. "No, no, sweety, you can destroy all of my things, but not this one, ok?" he pulled the globe snow from Eclairs's small hand slowly then locked it inside the drawer. Eclairs could only gazed at Milo's gesture with her big blue eyes, and she swung her hands when Milo picked her up in her arms.

"I've just remembered, little girl," Milo said cheerfully. He got the idea after watching the news related to a newly library in Switzerland. He put Eclairs back to the blanket on the floor, gave her a pillow, then said, "Wait here, don't go anywhere, I'll give you the book," he smiled at the bright blue eyes, then went to his room to take the book he talked about. "Ok…where's the book?" he asked to himself as he pulled his drawer and searching on it. "Playboy…," he murmured as he set aside the magazine. "Playboy…Playboy…damnit…Camus has torn all their pages into pieces… How to Treat Your Pets…The X-Files…For One More Day…Agatha Christie…Mario Puzo…Homer…Virgil...Robert Louis Stevenson…yeah this is Saga's…and…that's it!" Milo's eyes sparkled after he found the book he looked for. "Pictorial edition of Jules Verne!"

He put his books back then brought his Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days outside his room. "Sweety, I've got the book, this is—"

Milo suddenly stopped.

His face went totally pale.

He saw Eclairs played with his scorpions.



"Camus, I want you to help me—"

"No way!" snarled Camus.

Milo began to be irritated as well. "Why not?!"

"Why yes?!" Camus snarled.

"Listen, Fridge, there's—"

"I don't care!"
