Greetings! I hope you all read Forbidden Passion, Untamed Desire, aka FP,UD! If not, this may not make a lot of sense, considering this is its sequel! I couldn't help but write this, I enjoyed writing FP,UD so much! This chapter is just the beginning, to explain things. It will get more interesting after this!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I also got the idea for this story from Savage Winter by Constance O'Banyon. She is a great author!

A poem by Constance O'banyon (with a few adjustments to fit my story, lol)

When winter covers the land and the trees are stark and bare,

I cry out for my true love with the dark raven hair.

I need to feel him touch me as the heart within me dies.

O, cruel fate, you have deceived me as the winter snowflakes fly.

When the seeds of doubt are planted, and they begin to grow,

Will he seek the truth form his need to know?

The dark web of silence widens to break love's tender embrace.

The signs of love are hidden behind an expressionless face.

Sweet Fire, Loving Fury:

Sakura was sitting on a branch, gazing down at the lush green grass below. She watched the river as it would its way lazily over the hills and down through the valleys to be lost among the forest. Form her vantage point, the river appeared no more than a long, narrow ribbon dividing the canyons and mountains in half.

Her eyes moved to the northern bank of the river, where she could see the ruins that hid the Akatsuki hideout. It was at times like this, when she was alone, that Sakura questioned what she was doing living in that hideout. How far away her home in the Hidden Leaf village seemed to her now!

She hopped down and stood silently gazing toward the rising sun. Each time she looked at the beauty of this land, it was as if she was seeing it for the first time. It was amazing to think that the strong Akatsuki lived here.

Sakura plucked a leaf of sweet, green grass and chewed on the stem thoughtfully. She remembered how dramatically her life had changed within the past two years. Sakura ran her hand down the front of her soft black dressed, that was now adorned with red clouds. She remembered a time when she dressed in her soft pink dress and black shorts.

Sometimes, at night, Sakura still had nightmares about the raid on her camp when she had thought Naruto and Kakashi dead. Sakura had lain injured at the bottom of the gully until Itachi, the Uchiha murderer, had found her and nursed her back to health. Sakura had though Itachi was evil, and blamed him for Sasuke. Instead she learned the truth, and she still felt grateful for his recue of Neji and Tenten.

When Sakura had first seen Itachi, he had made her young heart yearn for something she hadn't understood at the time. Torn as she was between loving and hating him, it had taken a long time for the two of them to overcome the difficulties that kept them apart. But now Sakura was Itachi's wife, and she wanted nothing more than to stay with him forever.

Sakura knew the time would come when Neji would return to the village and confront his uncle and his clan. But that time was not now—Neji was still training. She knew, though, that the day would come, when he finished his training, Neji would be leaving them. She would miss him, but she knew deep in her heart that he had to go.

Looking upward, Sakura could feel the warm sun on her face. Her world was here beside the man she loved. She was content to bask in the love of her tall husband, Itachi Uchiha!

Seeing the morning was passing, Sakura hopped back into the trees and turning toward the village began to run.


Sakura looked about the room that had become her home. There was a soft queen sized bed topped with soft blankets. The room was large compared to most 'rooms'. There was a kitchen and other things built right into it. Itachi's weapons hung on the wall, and several scrolls were stacked on the desk.

Sakura hummed happily to herself as she checked the mead in the oven. Her mind turned backwards to the time when Itachi had first brought her to the Akatsuki hideout. At the time, she had believed herself to be his captive.

She remembered the struggle that had taken place within her because she had been attracted to the young murderer. Against her will, she had been drawn to him. Her attempts to draw away from him had become futile because she loved him so desperately. She remembered the time she had escaped from him, only to have him find her and bring her back. She smiled to herself, thinking that nothing could ever induce her to leave Itachi again. With him, she had found true happiness.

She realized that grown med often quaked with feat at the mere mention of Itachi's name, but she knew him to be a gentle man. He had a deep understanding of a woman's heart and was always loving and tender with her. She was constantly amazed by his patient and generous nature.

She picked up one of his shirts and held it to her cheek before folding it neatly and putting it in a drawer. Glancing about the room once more, she felt her heart swell. Like any wife who loved the man she was married to, Sakura felt pride in keeping his home clean. She felt such pleasure in doing the little things that made the room their home.

Realizing the hour was late, Sakura moved to the oven. Seeing that the meat was now done, she removed it from the oven and placed it on a platter. Soon Itachi would be home, and her young heart raced as she thought of her pale, handsome husband.


Sakura had taken a long run through the woods. She enjoyed the freedom of the wind. When she reached the bottom of a hill, she paused beside a bubbling pool that was fed by the river and gazed down into the crystal-clear depths. After taking a drink from the cool water, Sakura sat down on the bank and lost herself in thought.

Usually, spring came later to this part of the lands, but Sakura noticed that the wildflowers were in full bloom. She glanced down into the pool and saw the distant mountains reflected in the mirror bright depths. How beautiful it was here! She allowed her hand to trail in the water, and when the ripples cleared she saw her own reflection. Itachi always told her that she was beautiful, but Sakura couldn't judge her own looks. The face that stared back at her was pretty enough, she supposed, but she thought her green-colored eyes seemed to pop out of her head now that she had grown into her forehead. The features were delicate and soft, but her chin was to stubborn, she reasoned. She pink hair hung to her shoulders and was very plain.

Suddenly, another reflection appeared form behind Sakura. She had been so deep in thought that she hadn't heard anyone come up behind her. The man who towered above her smiled, and she could feel her heartbeat accelerate. Feeling the touch of his hand on her shoulder, she turned to smile up at him.

"Itachi, how did you find me?"

He held out his hand, and when Sakura placed her hand in his, he pulled her to her feet to stand beside him.

"I will always find you, Sakura," he said in a deep voice. He reached up his hands and cupped her beautiful face between them. At times, it was still hard for him to realize that the hauntingly beautiful girl belonged to him.

Sakura could feel his warm breath fan her cheek, and she felt a hunger deep inside. She could see the flames burning in the depths of his dark eyes. It was a bit frightening at times to love and be loved deeply. Itachi swept Sakura into his arm and carried her up the hill to a spot where they would not be seen by anyone who might come to the pool. He laid her down among the grass beneath a tall tree.

No words were spoken as he sat down beside her and moved his hand up her arm, allowing it to trail across her breasts. His dark eyes held an expression of love when he gazed into her green eyes. Sakura drew in her breath as his hands drifted to her hips and he began to push up her dress.

Itachi pulled her forward and smoothly removed her dark dress. Shortly after, her undergarments followed. His eyes moved over her naked body, and he drew in his breath at how perfect she was. Her legs were long and shapely—her hips were well-rounded, and her waist was tiny. Her breasts were firm, with tiny rose tips. His body trembled with anticipation as she raised her arms to him.

Itachi stripped off his clothed and pulled her tightly against him. Sakura shuddered in delight when his lips caressed her, as he breathed her name over and over. Her fingers laced in his ebony hair, them moved slowly down his shoulder to the corded muscles she felt across his back.

Itachi's hard flesh fused to Sakura's silken skin, and a sweet longing took over her reasoning. She was more than ready to receive the thrust of his manhood. And his body trembled with hunger as he felt the soft, silken sheath of Sakura's inner core.

As they made love beneath the pine, Sakura thought the birds had never sung so sweetly. No bed of satin could be as soft as the grass they were on. The kiss of the soft, gentle breeze cooled their overheated bodies. As Itachi whispered words of his love in Sakura's ear, she was carried away by his passion. Her desire was boundless as he drove his throbbing member into her body again and again.

Sakura's heart soared on wings of love as her husband reintroduced her to the world of beauty and love that the two of them always found in each others arms. She knew that their love was the deep and lasting kind.

Sakura closed her eyes, feeling so close to Itachi that it was almost as if she were an extension of his body. A sweetness burned deep inside her. It was like pain, and yet beyond pain… a raging, sensuous feeling that seemed to rob her of her reasoning. Itachi had the ability to make her whole body feel as though it was burning with slow, warm, lingering fire. She heard him murmuring her name softly, and her body answered his total satisfaction.

The smile he gave her melted her heart when she curled up in his arms. They both watched the branches of the tree overhead swaying gently with the breeze.

"I am so happy, Itachi," she said, moving her lips across his cheek. "If it was possible for someone to have total happiness, I have it."

Closing his eyes, he clasped her tightly against him. "If I have the power, I will see that you never know as unhappy day, Sakura." He picked up the three ringed necklace she always wore around her neck. He had given it to her the night he had made her his wife.

I know it was short, but it was like a prologue thing. It will get interesting, just you wait! You'll never see some of the things I have planned coming! I hope you enjoyed it! R&R