Taken Life

Cammie POV

She handed me the folder. My hand was shaking from being so nervous. Still, I took it gingerly, and walked back to my room. I sat on my bed, and carefully, slowly opened the fold of the thick manila paper. There was a photo inside. As well as a sheet of information, address, family, past offences. But I just concentrated on the photo. Because I knew that man. I had seen him in Boston. On the roof. And in the van, the night Abby was shot. I knew those eyes. I could've given him revenge. But I didn't know about this when I had the chance. Frustrated and enraged, I screamed. Mom could probably hear me through the sound-proof walls of her office.


I heard a scream. More like shriek, really. And I knew who it was. Cammie. I didn't know why, but she had screamed. I counted about fifteen seconds before Liz, Macey and I were back in our room, seeing a crying- scratch that, bawling Cammie before us. We were immediately at her side.

"This better not be over Josh or Zach or some other boy…" Macey mumbled. Way to help. I looked past Cammie to see a thick folder lying open on the bed. I walked over, and saw a photo. And then, a page with information on the criminal.

Viktor Cavaldez is the alleged murderer of John Morgan, CIA field agent. That's all I needed to know. I screamed, too. Liz and Macey looked at the folder. Liz just ran over and comforted Cammie more, and Macey just looked in shock. A tap on the door caught my attention, and then I remembered that Blackthorne was doing another exchange. Zach.

Zach POV

I heard Cammie scream. That's all I needed to hear to bolt up to her room. I tapped on the door, and heard another scream erupt from the room. Sounded like Bex. I rapped the wood again, and this time got an answer.

"Go away, Zach. She can't exactly talk," Bex said. I caught a slight view of Cammie sitting on one of the beds, streams of black makeup running down her cheeks, following the many tears flowing down. I tried to push the door open, but Bex shut and locked it. I decided I'd ask later. Then, remorsefully, I walked back to my room.

Cammie POV

Hours passed. I eventually ended crying. Bex, Liz, and Macey had gone down to the Grand Hall when I assured them I'd be fine. Then I went to my new favorite secret passageway. The one I had gone to the night of the ball, last year. I cried my heart out…again. Until I heard the entryway open, and footsteps come down the narrow hallway. Then I ran. I kept going, until I was almost to the second door that led out of the mansion. I was still crying.

I was a few yards away from the door. But then he grabbed me by the arm.

"Gallagher Girl…?" he asked. I sobbed again, fighting to regain composure. I spun around, and looked at his face through my night-vision contacts. He looked concerned.

"G-go aw-way Zac-ch," I said, my voice shaking. He didn't listen, just hugged me. I didn't fight back.

Tomorrow I'd have to meet up with the CIA for an informational meeting. And this was a nice way to prepare.