Title: Burn

Summary: Max and Alec go on an undercover mission for Logan. Things go horribly wrong, however, when Alec sees someone he used to know…

Timeline: Everything up to The Berrisford Agenda.

Pairing: MA.

A/N: This story is an alternative take on the Berrisford Agenda. It started as a small plot-bunny, and then grew into an entire story. Oh, and so far I'm Beta-less, so if anyone's interested, let me know! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Dark Angel.

Chapter 1

"You see that I can play a pretty convincing role,
So I don't need you, I don't think I need you."

-Jars of Clay, Sinking

"I can't believe I let him talk me into this." Max hissed angrily under her breath. She released a long line of expletives as she pulled on her black heels and attempted to straighten the straps on her skimpy black dress. She stamped her foot in annoyance when one strap remained stubbornly twisted behind her back, and her companion chuckled deeply.

"Here," Alec said, sounding amused as he unwound the thin scrap of material. His hand lightly and purposely stroked her skin as he did so, fingers lingering just where her shoulder blade met her back. She grabbed the lapels of his expensive tuxedo and she slammed him up against Logan's car, moving very close to his face.

"Let's get one thing straight, here. You are pretending to be my date. You will only touch me when necessary, and there will be absolutely no caressing, kissing or licking." She released him and growled in annoyance when she realized he still looked amused.

This was the last time she ever let Logan talk her into doing something like this. The plan had originally been for Logan and Max to attend an upper-class party, and for Max to sneak away at some point and snag the documents Logan needed for his latest Eyes Only project. However, it had turned out that the security system was immensely complex, and required a team. Two very skilled, very well-trained cat burglars. Unfortunately, that had led to only one conclusion, and neither Logan nor Max was very happy about the new plan.

Alec, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. "Licking? Get your mind out of the gutter, Maxie. I have no intention of licking you tonight." He put a delicate stress on the last word, as if to indicate that he would at some point want to lick her—just not on this occasion.

She didn't deign to respond as she began walking up the winding path to the mansion. Any house that needed its own parking garage for guests was really too big. Alec followed along, his pace slow and easy compared to her stiff, angry stride.

She had to admit that he looked wonderful. His tux fit him perfectly, and he didn't look awkward in it as many men did. His hair was combed neatly, curling at the edge of his collar; she grimaced when she caught site of the small lines marring his neck. No matter how many times she told him, he was always caviler about covering his barcode. His green eyes sparkled with mirth and a smile lit his full lips as he caught her stare.

"Surprised I clean up well?" He asked in response to her ongoing scrutiny. He studied her in the delicate black dress, his eyes lingering over the low-cut neckline and the thin straps that revealed her smooth, tan shoulders. Then his gaze glided up to her face, and she could tell he was inspecting her attractive hairstyle and makeup-slathered face. "You don't do too bad yourself. Who knew that was hidden under all the attitude and bulky clothing?"

She punched his arm with enough force to make him wince. "Just this once, could you please restrain from talking?"

"But then I wouldn't get to hear the sound of my own voice."

She snorted, realizing he had beaten her to the punch. Her next comment would have definitely involved his fondness for listening to himself talk. "Just shut up and put your arm around me."

He grinned, and his eyes lit up. "Now we're talking."

She resisted the urge to smack him, and instead allowed him to wrap an arm around her waist. "No, we're here. Let's make this realistic."

They stepped up to the door and handed their invitation to the butler. That small piece of paper had taken Logan almost a week to obtain, though he claimed it was well worth the effort.

"Right this way," The man said politely, ushering them into the house.

It was huge, with a spiraling staircase dominating the room and numerous expensive paintings lining the walls. The entire place had a supremely wealthy air, and seemed to be decorated solely for the purpose of showing off the amount of money its owners had tucked in their pockets. Guests lingered throughout the place, drinking champagne in large groups and others inspecting the expensive decorum.

Alec quietly cased the room, looking for the most valuable artifacts in case he decided to pay a return visit. Max did the same, although she studied her surroundings to make sure Logan's plans went off without a hitch. The two gracefully immersed themselves into the crowd of people at the base of the staircase.

More than a few eyes turned when they passed; Max and Alec were easily one of the most striking couples at the party. Almost immediately people walked up to them and introduced themselves. Max ignored the heated male stares, while Alec relished in the attention from the women.

Max felt a growing sense of annoyance as Alec continued his charming behavior. He was funny, alluring and magnetic, and he fit perfectly into the role of gorgeous poster child for Pre-Pulse wealth. After a particularly obvious wink at a beautiful girl dressed head to toe in designer gear, Max decorously leaned up and placed her lips close to his ear.

She smiled happily to maintain their cover, all the while managing to grind out, "Stop flirting with everyone in sight. You're making yourself too memorable."

"We're already memorable, Maxie." He replied, leaning down and brushing his lips over her temple as he whispered in her ear. "It's better to pull the suspicion off ourselves by making everyone think we're just a normal rich couple."

She tensed at his closeness. He rested one placating hand on her bare shoulder and another on her lower back, so that she was loosely encased in his arms. "Relax. I know what I'm doing."

She nearly growled, infuriated that he was using their cover as an excuse to tease her. Not that his touch felt awkward or appalling–actually, it felt warm and strong and confident–but he knew better than to touch her like this. She'd told him not to, dammit.

"Alec, darling?" She purred, and he raised an eyebrow in question. "If you don't get every part of your anatomy off of me right this second, I'm going to throw you through the front window."

For a moment he seemed to consider the challenge, a spark igniting in his eyes. Then he shrugged and pulled away. His only contact was a gentle arm wrapped around her waist, and Max told herself it was necessary.

"And who might you be, my darlings?"

Max and Alec turned to find a middle-aged couple staring at them with great interest. They were obviously very old money, both garbed in expensive attire and luxurious jewelry. Max quickly offered her hand and spoke before Alec had a chance. "Sara Krane, of the Greenwich Kranes. And this is my—"

"Fiancé, Alexander Holt." Alec interrupted, smiling brilliantly. His gaze lingered on the woman until she blushed.

"I'm Elizabeth Dawson, and this is my husband, Thomas," Betsy replied, patting her slightly drunk husband's chest. Her eyes still rested heavily on Alec.

"Lovely to meet you," Max said politely, feeling a bit annoyed at the woman's ridiculous behavior. It nauseated her that Alec had such an effect on people. He could persuade anyone to do just about anything with a quick smile and a nod of that pretty little head.

Thomas leered at Max through his glass of champagne, and Max did her best to smile back. There was a slight lull in conversation, and Max struggled to think of what to say.

"Do you own your own company, sir?" Alec asked smoothly, nodding courteously to Thomas. The man nodded enthusiastically and waved his hands, a bit of champagne sloshing over the rim of his glass.

"I'm head of the company that creates all the gadgets for the Sector Police," He replied, his words slightly slurred. "Although that's just my own little business. My family has been inventing new technologies for years."

"How interesting," Alec replied, somehow managing to sound sincere. "Perhaps you could tell me—"

"Elizabeth!" A woman suddenly entered the conversation, walking up to their small gaggle and butting in between Elizabeth and Thomas. She glanced at Alec and Max, looking slightly surprised, and then said, "I apologize for interrupting. Would you mind if I borrowed Mrs. Dawson for a moment?"

Max felt interest bubble at the pit of her stomach, but held her tongue and instead said, "Of course."

The two women walked hurriedly away, and Thomas wandered off to find more champagne. Max looked at Alec again, but his gaze was focused over her shoulder. She turned too, and saw that Elizabeth and her friend were now speaking to an older, obviously wealthy man.

Max was about to turn to Alec again when she realized that his grip on her back had become tight and painful. She glanced at him, irritated, but he didn't pay any attention to her glare. In fact, he didn't pay attention to much of anything, and it took her a moment to recognize the expression on his face. With his clenched jaw, pale face and dilated eyes, he looked bewildered and maybe even frightened.

"Alec?" She hissed, forcefully removing his arm from her waist. She noted that his hands were clenched into tight fists. "We need to—"

"I'm leaving," Alec said low in his throat, interrupting her mid-speech. Anger clouded Max's features; he didn't even seem to be playing the part anymore. She looked at the other guests warily, noticing that his angry growl had attracted attention. Alec turned in a flurry of motion and stalked away, causing even more eyes to flicker their way.

Max felt anger boiling in her stomach, but she followed him quietly to maintain some semblance of cover. He had made it halfway to the door when she yanked him into an empty hallway and slammed him against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" She demanded, her voice losing all of its charm as she stared at him, utterly incensed. "You're going to blow everything—"

"I have to go," He broke in, shoving her away with such force that she fell backward into the opposite wall.

"We can't go!" She replied, confused and furious. "What are you thinking, Alec?! We came here for a reason, and Logan needs the—"

"I don't care!" Alec replied viciously, "Save the whole damn world on your own—I'm getting out of here. Now!"

She had never seen such cold fury on his face before. Amusement and arrogance were common expressions, but never anger and never anything this uncontrolled. In that moment, staring into his stormy green eyes, she felt a little afraid of him.

The fear was probably why she didn't stop him when he turned and marched away. Instead she trailed along after him; she couldn't stop him from leaving and she couldn't pull this job on her own. There was no reason to stay.

Once outside, he bypassed the garage and turned toward the eight foot fence bordering the property. Without a glance in her direction, he bounded over it and landed neatly on the other side.

"Where are you going? We came together!" She shouted at his retreating figure, but he continued running as if he hadn't heard.

A/N: Reviews are lovely!