No clue what the hell I'm doing. Inspiration for this came from my brother…He's ten, he was hit by a car Thursday, June 11, 09. He is being transferred to a Rehab center Monday. I just needed to write something to blow off steam, this came. I think I might actually be able to write more then one chapter of this…but just in case I am going to write a couple of chapters before I start posting. -.-'' I have no faith in myself. This is also me playing around with POV. That's why its kinda weird





Gaara sat there. Looking at the cars, they were going by so fast, one after another. A steady stream. Nothing like how his life was right now. Maybe he should join the flow? It looked so much easier, after all. The cars were going by and repeating. There was balance. Balance. Gaara sometimes felt like 'balance' was a made up word. That it was created to throw you off, to make you think that there is such a thing as harmony, of peace, of LOVE.

Damn love, fuck it to hell. There is absolutely no need for it. The cars were blending together now. One into one into the next. All of it one, as it should be. Balance. Harmony.

Gaara moved slowly. One foot, then another. The ground changing from grass to concrete as he went, slowly, in a daze. He took a couple more steps. Slow steps. Small steps. Yes, this is good--Gaara turned to look at the car heading straight at him—Yes, he would be part of the balance now. He wouldn't be in the way. Nobody would have to worry anymore. He was going to be just fine. Just fine.

With the Harmony and balance of the cars. Yes, this was good. Gaara relaxed…Just as the car crashed into his body, sending him flying through the air and crashing to the ground as gravity took charge.




Naruto Uzumaki was crossing the bridge on the way home from his 2nd job. Tonight had been rough, two employees out, and two more slaking off caused for more work the he was getting paid for. That's why Naruto was so late tonight. It was close the 2AM now, his shift was supposed to end at 12:30, but, well, he needed the overtime.

Naruto stopped for a moment, rearranging his bag so that the strap wasn't digging uncomfortably into the skin. And he saw it. A flash of red shining off of the headlights. Naruto quickly looked up. What the hell was in the road that could be that shade of red? A deep red, full of vibrance, of life in a place where there was only black dark night.

And of course, as luck will have it. Naruto Uzumaki looked up just in time to see a car hit the source of the red. A boy, at least 16, maybe older. Naruto couldn't tell at this distance. His hair, his hair is that color. That magical majestic color. And he had just been hit by a car.

It took Naruto's brain a few seconds to process the fact that a boy had been hit a car to be able to pull his cell phone out and call 911. But his brain did react, and he was calling 911 while the red-head boys body hit the ground. Naruto quickly explained where he was, why he was calling, and was told to stay at the scene and make sure nobody moves the young man.

While he was talking on the phone, Naruto was also making his way (in a very fast manner) to the street. Luckily the traffic flow had stopped, so the red-head was as safe as was possible when you are lying in the middle of the road.

Naruto didn't know why he felt like he should be the one who went to check on the boy, but no one else was moving, so he pushed his way through the small crowd of people who had gotten out of their cars and went on his knees beside the boy.

Checking is pulse; Naruto was relived to find that his heart was still beating. It took the ME and the police about 4 to 5 minuets to get to the scene, and during that time, Naruto did all that he could for the boy…Not that he knew anything to do. There wasn't much blood, so that was a plus, right? The only thing that looked really bad was his right leg, which was lying in a wired angle, and maybe his right arm as well.

There were bruises everywhere of course, but that was expected. After all, the boy had been hit by a car. That made Naruto think (yes, he does think once in a while) about how in the world the boy had been hit by a car??! It was a busy street sure, but why was the boy anywhere near this part of the street. There wasn't a crossing point(besides the bridge) anywhere near here. The only building around here was an apartment complex…A very old and worn down apartment complex. So why was a boy no older then 18 running out into the middle of the road?

"Sir, are you in a family member or friend of this young man?" One of the MEs asked Naruto. Looking at him curiously.

Naruto stared back and to his surprise answered positively, though he had no idea why. He was asked if he wanted to ride to the hospital, and again, to his surprise he said yes. Why did he keep agreeing to everything tonight? What exactly has been possessing him to care for this boy?

Naruto decided that he would question it later, and went into the ambulance to ride to the hospital. He really didn't have time for this though, he needed sleep. His job started at 4:00, he needed to get to the house…if you can call it that. Not that anyone would care, and if they did it would be because they were drunk and angry and looking for someone to bash on but finding no one. Although most of the time he wasn't that lucky.




"Hello sir. Will you please wait out here until we have news on the patient. Ah, and if you don't mind me asking, what is the patients name?"

Naruto stared at the nurse. They took the boy into the ER and he was left with a nurse. And this question…He had no clue how to answer it. So he told the truth…well, some of the truth.

"I don't really know him, but I was the only one there that seemed to care about what was happening. Really I have no clue why I said I knew him, I have been wondering that myself. He just…It seemed…He needs…I…don't know…Never mind, I'll leave, I shouldn't be here."

Naruto was turning to go, but the nurse caught his arm and smiled.

"If you feel like you should be here, stay. When any kid walks in front of ongoing traffic, its not a sign of good mental fact, quite the opposite…as you can probably imagine. I'm going to guess that this kid is going to need someone, anyone. Even if it is someone who he hardly knows. So if you feel like it is right to be here, then stay."

The nurse smiled, "My names Shizune by the way. If you need anything, just go to the front desk and ask for me. In the mean time, wait in this room right here. The doctor will come and bring you news on the young man."

The nurse, Shizune, smiled bigger. Showing him to a waiting room with only one other person; a distressed looking middle aged man. Naruto looked back at the door but it was already closing, he turned to the man and sat two seats away.

Naruto looked at his wrist, it was 10 till 3. HE sunk down into his rock solid chair and tried to get comfy…It wasn't working. He decided that he was going to have to take work of tomorrow, which was bad, he needed the money…but he needed to stay healthy as well. He knew about working himself to the bone, to passing out and dizzy spells. He had promised himself last time that that was never going to happen again. And he would be damned if he didn't.

Naruto was the type of person to never go back on a promise. He has had plenty of people lie to him; he wasn't going to do that to other people (or himself, especially himself.). That was his golden rule.




It was about 30 minuets before a doctor came and called his name. Naruto went to the door.

"Mr. Uzumaki?" The doctor had a soft voice. But it was a voice of power. Naruto nodded.

"Yes, well. I am Dr. Tsunade; I am the one who will be working on the young man that was hit by a car. From what we can tell at the moment, there is no brain trauma. He has a broken leg, and his right arm will be very sore, but he should be fine."

She looked at him for a moment. Looking as though she was deciding if she should say something or not.

"Mr. Uzumaki…The boy, he is very lucky. He could be dead, and to only get away with this much damage. It is almost something akin to a miracle. He…It is very possible that he walked out in front of those cars on purpose. If that is so, he probably had some problems that will need to be dealt with ASAP. I hope that you will be willing to help him." Tsunade paused to catch her breath, "He should be waking up soon. Someone will get you when he does. He really is very lucky."

At that she left. Naruto sunk back into his chair. Why was he here again? He still had no idea.




Naruto had just fallen asleep on his stone cold rock solid chair when he heard his name being called.

He mumbles a 'Whaa…..????' under his breath before realizing that this was not his apartment. Or his bed. Which made him sit up…more.

"Mr. Uzumaki? Your friend is awake now." The nurse smiled at him before leading the way to his 'friends' room.

The nurse stopped outside of the room….7c16, and said

"Here we are. I'm his nurse, so I will be back in a little while to give him some pain meds. Don't over do anything; he is very sore and very tired."

Naruto nodded and the nurse left. He must have spent about five minuets standing outside the door until he finally opened it. And then he stared, as in a oh-my-god-this-guy-is-more-pretty-then-a-girl kind of stare. And it was true. He hadn't noticed it earlier, but it was true. He had delicate petite features, the kind that most girls dream about. And his hair was such an unusual shade. Red was already rare, especially in Japan…but this, was absolutely astounding. Even in the low lighting of the room colors bounced everywhere. Who knew that there were so many shades of red? This boy was absolutely beautiful. And Naruto was absolutely afraid.

"Hi…I'm Naruto…I-um…Well, I was the one who road with you in the ambulance. Though I'm not entirely sure why." Naruto laughed nervously. The boy stared at him. God! His eyes! He just noticed them. A vibrant shade of green…But they looked empty, and well. There was nothing in them, no life. Naruto looked down, even more shy.

"Gaara" The voice was rough, but you could here the music in it. Was the not at least one physical flaw on this boy? Kami he looked like a god!

Naruto looked up. He didn't know what to say, after all, he didn't know this boy, Gaara, and Gaara didn't know him.

"Why?" Gaara stopped. It looked like it was hard for him to talk, "Why…do you…care?"

And that question Naruto had no answer for. Because he didn't know. He didn't know at all.

M'kay. i guess that turned out okay. Tell me what you think please. I will try to update soon ^_^
