Suna Girl

Troublesome People

As the clouds moved across the sky over the village of konoha, there I lay, watching, every cloud a different shape than the one before. I know you might think why am I watching clouds? Well, it clears my head from all of the different problems in life, and I have many.

I bet you wonder who this I is right? Well the names Nara Shikamaru, twenty-two years of age, Brown hair that I have in a ponytail, you probably think that sounds gay right? Just imagine a pineapple, that's what my best friend, Choji calls it anyway, I suppose I am quite well built, well that's what I hear from girls in the village and I am currently single. Sure I've been on a few dates, but none of them have ever made me want another date with them or compare to one girl in my life.

"SHIKAMARU!" Arggh, that troublesome voice from the troublesome women, Ino,

"DON'T IGNORE US LAZY ASS!" And the other troublesome women, Sakura,

"STOP SHOUTING IN MY EARS YOU TWO!" And finally the last one of the troublesome trio, Tenten,

I look up, noticing the trio walking towards me, Ino and Sakura peed due to me ignoring them and between them the annoyed looking Tenten covering her ears caused by the two shouters on either side of her. As I stand, I notice a shy looking Hinata walking alongside the loudmouth Naruto, no matter how long she has been with him, she is still shy. Behind them I see Neji and Sasuke casually walking not saying a word and Choji following behind eating a bag of chips, nothing new there, with Lee talking away, probably talking about how youthful his son Gai Junior is.

I roll my eyes and lean against the tree behind me, closing my eyes and my hands in my pockets blanking out the scene before me, but before I could even get past the blacking out, I feel a sharp pain shoot through my head, opening my eyes too see the cause of the pain, there in front of me are a pair of green eyes squinting due to the grin plastered on the culprits face, the one and only Temari. She recently moved from Suna due to her being forced to have an arranged marriage or leaving the village; but as you guessed she decided to move villages than live with a man who she doesn't care about, well that's what she stated to Tsunade. Eventually the whole gang were standing before me and staring at me like they were waiting for me to do something. I felt like ages before someone finally spoke up.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW UP LAZYASS! " And again with the shouting, from Temari this time. I turned my head around and found Temari glaring at me with her beautiful eyes; with one eyebrow raised I sighed and fully faced her.

"And were should of I shown up?" I asked quirking an eyebrow and smirking in Temari's direction causing her nose to wrinkle and a frown to appear on her angel like face, which I have always loved since she visited when she was living in Suna. Turning to everyone else within the group with my smirk, but my smirk suddenly disappeared when I noticed everyone's eyes go wide and take a few steps away from where I and Temari were standing. Turning my head back towards the blonde I noticed fire burning in her once Green eyes and her hands closing into fists, I suddenly hear a shout at the side of me.

"RUN SHIKAMARU, BEFORE SHE KILLS YOU LIKE SHE NEARLY DID WITH ME!" I recognised that scream coming from the loudmouth Naruto, I looked in his direction and saw him jumping up and down whilst hiding behind Hinata, Coward. I sighed and dropped my head, I mumbled a quiet "troublesome women" suddenly I heard her give out a low growl, I looked up at her retreating form. I glance at the rest of the group who mouths hung low, with the exception of Sasuke and Neji who just stood calmly as usual. I turn back to Temari's figure walking away, confused at why she didn't attack me like the other times she was angry. But I couldn't stop myself from letting out a light chuckle when Naruto shouted.

"WHY THE HELL DIDN'T SHE ATTACK YOU! I GOT ATTACKED FOR JUST DROPPING ONE OF HER FAVOURITE VASES, BUT YOU DIDN'T GET ATTACKED FOR NOT SHOWING UP TO HELP, AT LEAST I HELPED!" I turned to the group again and noticed all of them with a sweatdrop coming from them. I couldn't control myself from laughing at the group in front of me and Naruto going crazy, as usual, but what Naruto said, that is why she was angry with me in the first place. I started to walk away from the group without a word, but in the background I could hear one of the girls shouting at Naruto for something, and the only thing I mumbled out was, "troublesome people".

Please Review, and if you have any ideas for the story?

X thanks X