My Saving Grace

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Camp Rock, or anything I mention in this story. I didn't at the beginning of this story and I don't own anything now.

Thank you's at the end of this chapter. Enjoy :)

Chapter 14 Last Chapter

A week later Caitlyn was in her bedroom packing a few things into her case. They were due to board Connect Three's private jet on the Friday and today was Tuesday. She was so excited, her parents were leaving for New York tomorrow and Caitlyn was going to be staying in the house on her own for two days. She was able to do nearly everything now that she was mostly fully recovered. She couldn't do extreme exercise obviously, but she never did that in the first place. Seeing as she was going to be travelling for about five months, she packed every single article of clothing she owned in her bags. She raided her bank account of all the money she saved up and looked around for money lurking in shoes and random purses. She was mostly packed apart from four outfits. One she was going to wear tonight on her date with Nate. One on Wednesday, Thursday and the one she was going to be travelling in.

There were a couple of hours left before she could start getting ready for her date with Nate. She hadn't seen him since the day they left the hospital a week ago. He phoned everyday and they chatted about anything and everything. She was beyond excited for tonight, she knew she liked him. She kept trying to tell herself that it wasn't possible for them to be together, he would like famous girls, or any other girl than her. But she couldn't help but hope. If he didn't like her why would he take her out on this date?

Caitlyn closed her case and zipped it up. She picked it up and placed it next to the other two cases she had in her bedroom. She looked around her room and smiled to herself. She was going to have the time of her life in the next couple of months. She didn't need to worry about school, the bullies or anything like that. All she had to do, was get on a plane when she was told to do, do her school work and phone her Mom every three days. Not much to worry about and she was going to be travelling around the world doing the most amazing things she could only dream about. She would be doing this spending time with people that actually understood her and cared about her. She knew she was going to be safe and looked after on this tour, by Nate especially. He told her he was going to show her everything and take her places, he also said he wouldn't go anywhere without her with him. He said that he needed the support and Caitlyn was more than thrilled to do so.

Caitlyn's phone buzzed on her desk and she walked over to it quickly and picked it up. She quickly read the message.

Hey Caity :) Are you sure you still wanna walk to my house? I could pick you up? Natey

She laughed to herself at the nickname she gave him. Natey. She was the only one allowed to call him that or he'd get upset.

Yeah I'm sure :) I wanna see Mitchie and everyone before we go out :) Caity

She smiled and placed her cell phone back on her desk and walked over to her window. She looked out and looked around street. She saw some little children playing on their garden a few doors up, she smiled and turned around as her cell phone buzzed again.

She picked it up and awed to herself.

Okay, just making sure :) I can't wait for tonight! I can't wait to see you again! :) Natey

Neither can I! I've gotta go, I'll see you at six! :) Caity

She placed her cell phone down once again and walked out of her bedroom and down the stairs to where her Mom and Dad were talking in the kitchen. She entered and smiled at them both.

"You guys excited for New York?" Caitlyn asked walking over to the kettle and switching it on.

"Yes definitely. We haven't been since before we got married. It will be nice to go back again." Amanda said flicking through some of the papers for tomorrow's flight.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright here alone for two days? The Grey's did say you could stay with them till you leave" Robert said watching his daughter fiddle around making her coffee.

Caitlyn nodded. "Yeah I will be fine, it will be good for me to have some time on my own as I will be with them 24 7, for the next five months." she explained picking up her cup of coffee and taking a sip.

Robert nodded as Amanda spoke. "I'm going to miss you Caitlyn, please make sure you do phone me every three days" she said sadly.

Caitlyn smiled softly at her Mom. "I will I promise. I'll miss you both too. I send you presents from where I go"

Caitlyn's Mom smiled back at her. She picked up an envelope and gestured for Caitlyn to take it from her. She did.

Caitlyn placed her coffee on the side and opened the envelope. She pulled out a large amount of notes. "Mom? Why are you giving me all this money?" she asked her mouth open wide.

Amanda laughed at her reaction. "You're going to be gone a long time, and I know they probably won't let you pay for anything, but use it for clothes, make up and food. You will probably going to a few fancy premiers across the world and you will need to buy some shoes or something. So there's $1000 there, spend it wisely and don't loose it" she said smiling.

Caitlyn smiled widely and started jumping up and down on the spot. "OH GOSH! THANKS SO MUCH GUYS!" she exclaimed. She placed the money on the side and engulfed her parents in a tight hug. She squealed and released them a few seconds later.

"This is going to be so awesome! Thank you so much!" she said trying to calm herself down. "But seriously you don't have to give me this much!"

Robert laughed. "Its fine Caitlyn, and I think any other girl your age would have just took the money and ran. Your one of a kind sweetheart" he said kindly. Caitlyn smiled at him and started making conversation with her parents.

A while later Amanda looked at her watch and gasped. "Caitlyn, you have to be at Nate's in an hour for your date!"

Caitlyn jumped off her chair. "Oh gosh! Mom, help me!" she exclaimed running up the stairs to her bedroom.

Robert looked to his wife confused. "She has a date with Nate?" Amanda nodded quickly before running up the stairs behind her daughter.

She entered the room to find Caitlyn sitting in front of the mirror putting on some make up. She walked up behind her and ran her fingers through Caitlyn's hair.

"What would you like me to do sweetheart?" she asked her daughter.

Caitlyn quickly opened one of her boxes and pulled out her curling tongs, she handed them to her Mom. "Can you make my curls not so, everywhere?" she asked before going back to putting her makeup on.

Her Mom nodded and plugged in the curling tongs and waited for them to heat up.

Forty five minutes later Caitlyn walked down the stairs followed by her Mom. She was wearing a tight blue dress with a black belt around her middle. She had some black flats on and some black tights. The dress came down to her mid thigh, so it was suitable for a first date. She didn't look too dressed up and she didn't look too under dressed. Her hair was nicely curly and styled by her Mom and she had a little blue bow in her hair.

"Thanks Mom for helping me, I couldn't have done it without you". Caitlyn said hugging her Mom quickly, she released her and picked up her clutch bag off the ground. She looked into the mirror one last time and smiled at her appearance.

A thought suddenly crossed her mind. She had only ever seen Nate in his pyjamas. He was in the hospital every time she had seen him. Yes she had seen him on posters and things. But not in real life. She was so looking forward to seeing him in those tight skinny jeans. She shook her head and laughed at herself.

She turned to her Mom and smiled. "Okay I'm ready to go, are you guys going to be in bed when I get back?"

Amanda nodded. "Yes, we will have to leave here at five in the morning so we will be going to bed early." She explained.

Caitlyn nodded. "Okay, so I guess this will be the last time I see you for about five months?" she asked getting upset that she wouldn't be able to see her mother.

Amanda nodded tearfully. "The boys have a couple of shows up in New York so come see me and your father when you are there"

Caitlyn smiled. "Of course I will. Now please don't cry because you'll start me off and I don't want my first ever date to turn into a disaster because I have make up down my face," she joked and pulled her mother into another hug.

Her Dad walked into the hall way and smiled softly at Caitlyn. She released her Mom from the hug and quickly pulled her Dad into one. "I'll miss you guys so much" she mumbled into her Dads shoulder.

She pulled away just as her Mom spoke again. "We'll miss you too Caitlyn. Look after yourself okay? Don't do anything too dangerous and try to take it easy because you are still not fully recovered from the operation."

Caitlyn nodded. "Well I better go, they live a five minute walk away and I don't want to be late. Make sure you ring me when you get to New York, I will be still here then."

Her parents nodded and watched Caitlyn open the door and leave the house. They watched her walk down the drive way and saw her turn around. She waved to them and gave them a small smile. They waved back at her and shut the door once she was out of sight.


Nate looked into his bedroom mirror and ran his fingers through his hair once again making sure that his hair was perfect. He smiled to himself thinking that in ten minutes he would be able to see Caitlyn again. He was so excited to see her; he missed her so much over the last week. She really made an impact on his life and he was so happy he met her. If he didn't, for one he'd be ill still and near death, and two he wouldn't have known what love meant. Yeah, he'd only known her for a few weeks, but he knew he loved her. He loved everything, her personality, her style, her smile, her sensitivity, just her. His life made a dramatic turn around when he met her and he never wanted her to leave.

He looked over his refection in the mirror to check everything was in place. He didn't want a toothpaste stain on his shirt or something. He took a deep breath and picked up his cell phone and his wallet off his desk. He put them into his pocket and opened his bedroom door. He told Caitlyn that he would come pick her up in his car from her house. But she was adamant that she wanted to walk there and see Mitchie for a while. So he said okay, he was worried about her walking to his house quite late at night, but she said she'd be fine.

He got to the bottom of the stairs and looked over to the lounge area of his house. He almost tripped over the last step when he saw Mitchie and Shane making out. "Guys! Please, I don't want to be ill before the meal!" Nate exclaimed startling them both.

Nate shook his head and walked past the room into the kitchen and fixed himself a glass of water to calm his nerves. He wasn't scared as such, but he was excited and nervous at the same time. He looked up to the clock on the wall and saw that Caitlyn was supposed to have been there three minutes ago. He placed down his glass and told himself not to freak out, and that she hasn't been kidnapped by a hobo. She probably was just running late.

A few minutes passed and Nate began to grow restless, after having his third glass of water trying to calm himself down, he decided he'd stop before he was peeing all night. He walked over to the front door and looked out of the window down the street and sighed in relief when he saw Caitlyn approach the gates at the end of the drive. She pressed the button on the wall which caused a buzzing noise to go off in the house. Nate walked over to the intercom button and pressed it down.

"Hey Caity, come on in" he said pressing another button which opened the gates for her to walk through. He heard her say a quick thanks then he heard the gates close. Nate walked back over to the front door and opened it.

Caitlyn was just approaching the front door when he opened it; a large smile graced her face when their eyes met. She jumped up the steps and ran into Nate's open arms. He pulled her tightly to his chest and spun her around quickly.

"Caity I missed you so much!" he said softly into her hair, he released her after a few seconds and gestured for her to enter the house.

"I missed you too Nate, it's been too long to be apart." Caitlyn said smiling and looking around the hallway. "Wow, your house is amazing!"

Nate laughed and looked around himself. "Thanks, it's not much. I think some person designed it, I don't really know. Mitchie and Shane are in the other room if you want to say hi, we have reservations at seven." Nate said leading her down the hallway.

Caitlyn nodded. "Okay, are you going to tell me where were going or are you going to keep me in suspense?" she asked.

Nate laughed. "Keep you in suspense, but don't worry your wearing the right clothing. Which by the way, you look stunning in" Nate said with a smile as Caitlyn blushed.

"Thank you, you look very handsome too" Caitlyn said looking at Nate closely, she looked up to his face and smiled softly.

Nate smiled too. "Thank you very much, okay here's the lounge area, be careful they were in a full on make out a few minutes ago, you might want to knock first" Nate said approaching the door to where Shane and Mitchie were.

Caitlyn laughed and knocked on the door. "Hey it's Caitlyn, is it safe to come in or are you sucking each other's face?" she joked. She heard Mitchie laugh on the other side of the door. She took this as an okay to open the door. As she entered the room Mitchie jumped up off the couch and ran over to her, grasping her in a tight hug. Caitlyn hugged her back tightly and they squealed together quietly.

"Caitlyn, I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Mitchie said squeezing her tightly then releasing her from the hug.

Caitlyn smiled. "I know! But guess what's happening in two days!" she said watching Mitchie's face light up.

"We are going on tour!" Mitchie exclaimed as Caitlyn grinned and bounced on the balls of her feet.

Nate smiled watching Caitlyn being excited about the tour. He knew inviting her along would be a good idea. She could be a friend for Mitchie, she could be a new person to see on the road every day, and she could be someone Nate could really trust. He couldn't trust many people. They just wanted him for his fame, and he's had his fair share of fame whores.

Caitlyn and Mitchie continued to talk for a few minutes. Nate looked at his watch and saw that they should be leaving to get to the restaurant in time. He had carefully picked out this place because he knew Caitlyn would like it.

"Hey Cait, we should be leaving in a minute if we want to get the table" Nate said causing Caitlyn and Mitchie to stop talking. A grin spread across Mitchie's face and she whispered something Nate couldn't quite work out to Caitlyn. Caitlyn blushed and hit Mitchie gently on her arm.

Caitlyn turned around back to Nate and smiled shyly. He smiled back. "Ready?" he asked her opening the door behind him.

"Yeah, I'm all ready." Caitlyn replied quickly running her fingers through her curls. "See you Mitchie. See you Shane!" Caitlyn called as she left the room with Nate.

He led her out to the drive way of the house and opened the passenger door of his Mustang for Caitlyn to get into. She smiled gratefully and climbed in being careful not to damage the amazing car. Nate quickly ran to the driver's door and climbed into the seat. He buckled his belt just a Caitlyn did hers. He looked over to her briefly.

"You do look really beautiful Caitlyn" he said honestly. He started the car and backed out of the drive way.

"Thanks Nate. You know, you're the only person that has ever told me that other than my parents." Caitlyn said looking over to him.

Nate looked to her quickly then put his eyes back on the road. "Really? Wow, people must be so blind" he said causing Caitlyn blush slightly.

"How far away is the restaurant?" Caitlyn asked as Nate stopped at a red light.

"Not too far, I promise you will like it. I'm hoping there won't be any paparazzi outside the place, but I can't guarantee anything." Nate explained driving again.

Caitlyn shrugged. "It's okay, if I'm going with you guys on tour I'm going to have to get used to it"

Nate nodded. "Yeah, they get annoying after a while. I just try to blank them out, if they start shouting questions at you just ignore them." He said turning the corner to the fanciest restaurants in the state.

"Nate! We can't eat here, it's too expensive!" Caitlyn exclaimed looking at all the places on the road. Her mouth was open wide looking at all the bright lights and flashing signs.

Nate shrugged. "Remember Caity, I'm a rock star. I can afford it, don't worry about it. I'm treating you to a nice meal out" Nate said with a smile on his face.

Caitlyn looked back at him. "I would have been happy with eating at McDonalds Nate. You don't have to go through all this trouble for me"

Nate shook his head. "You've had to go through a lot of trouble for me Caitlyn. It's the least I could do, now let's drop this and enjoy ourselves, okay?" Nate said pulling over to the curb where a space was free.

"Okay, but seriously. You didn't have to do this for me" Caitlyn said looking over to him as he parked the car. She smiled to herself at his cute focused expression as he parked the car.

"I wanted to Caity; you deserve to be treated well. Plus, I wouldn't take a girl to McDonalds on the first date." Nate said looking at her as if she was insane. Caitlyn laughed at his expression and turned to look out of the window.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm eating here." Caitlyn said smiling in awe at how amazing the restaurant looked.

Nate unbuckled his seat belt and told Caitlyn to stay where she was. He quickly got out of the car and walked quickly over to her side and opened the door for her. "M'lady" Nate said in a fake British accent which made Caitlyn laugh.

He helped Caitlyn out of the car and shut the door gently behind her. He turned around and held on gently to her hand and Caitlyn accepted by squeezing it back. Suddenly a bright flash blinded both of them.

"NATE!" Someone shouted loudly. More bright flashes came their way as their vision came back. It was the paparazzi. Nate groaned and stood slightly in front of Caitlyn to protect her from the bright lights. The shouting startled her and she moved into Nate's side watching the photographers.

"Nate where have you been the past couple of months?!"

"Who's this? Is she your girlfriend?"

Nate ignored the shouting and guided Caitlyn into the restaurant with his hand on the small of her back. He knew there would be pictures of him and Caitlyn in all the magazines the next day of him holding her hand and his hand on the small of her back. But he didn't care. He was getting to spend some quality time with Caitlyn and that's all that mattered.

They entered the restaurant and were greeted by a waiter. "Good evening Mr Jonas. Follow me to your table for two" he said picking up two menus on the way. He walked through the tables full of guests eating. Nate and Caitlyn followed, Nate leading the way holding her hand gently.

The waiter stopped at a table to the side of everyone else. "Here you go Mr Jonas." He said placing the menu's on the table. "A nice secluded table like you asked. Take a seat and your waiter will be over shortly. Enjoy your meal." He added before nodding and walking away.

Nate let go of Caitlyn's hand and pulled out her chair for her. Caitlyn smiled gratefully and sat down. Nate walked around to the other side and sat down himself. Caitlyn picked up the menu and skimmed through all the different foods. Her eyes widened at the price of everything. She looked through it trying to find the cheapest meal.

Nate watched her looking at the prices and smiled. "Don't worry about the prices Caity, choose what you like it's my treat." He said as Caitlyn looked up to him shocked that he knew what she was thinking. But she smiled at him and looked back down at her menu.

An hour later Caitlyn put down her fork laughing at something Nate said. She took a sip of her drink trying to calm herself down.

"I'm having a really great night Caity, I hope you are too" Nate said watching her, he placed his own knife and fork down on his plate as well.

Caitlyn nodded eagerly. "Oh I'm definitely having a good time! It's wonderful, thank you so much for bringing me here"

"It's my pleasure." Nate smiled. He looked down at his watch. "The movie starts at nine doesn't it?" he asked, he allowed Caitlyn to choose the movie because he didn't want to seem too bossy, and he wasn't quite sure what type of movie she would like.

"Yes it does" she affirmed looking down at her own watch. "We should be going soon" she stated.

Nate nodded. "I'll just get the check and we can go" he looked around and spotted the waiter standing nearby. "Check please" he said, he waiter nodded and quickly walked off.

Caitlyn smiled as Nate turned back around to look at her. "Are you sure you don't want me to put any money towards it?" she asked.

Nate shook his head. "Nope, I've got it covered. It's alright." He said smiling softly at her as the waiter came back holding the check. He handed Nate the little book, Nate opened it and read the numbers and pulled out his wallet. He gave the man his card and the waiter walked away carrying the book.

Five minutes later Caitlyn and Nate were walking towards Nate's car, it was quite dark and there were only a few paparazzi left outside. They walked quickly and jumped into the car. Once they were safely in the car Caitlyn spoke up.


He looked over to her and smiled starting the car. "Yes Caity?"

"Are you busy tomorrow?" she asked quietly looking down at her hands.

"No I'm not. Why, you want to do something?" Nate asked pulling out of the parking space.

"I was going to go to my school and clear out my locker. I was wondering if you could come with me. You don't have to but I'm scared just in case I come across Brianna again." She explained looking over to Nate who had a stony look on his face at the mention of the girl that hurt Caitlyn.

"Of course I will Caitlyn. I'm not letting you go alone. Plus if you do see her I want to give her a little something. Something she will never forget. Because if she messes with you, she messes with me." He said, Caitlyn smiled and laughed slightly.

"Thanks Nate, I really appreciate it." Caitlyn said moving her hand slowly and patted his knee. Nate looked down at her hand and looked back up at her face smiling.

"It's alright. I got your back Caity."


The next day Nate picked Caitlyn up at her house. She was a little upset because her parents left early in the morning and she wouldn't see them for several weeks. Nate arrived nice and early and knocked on her door. Nate had never been to her house before, but it looked really nice and neat from the outside. Caitlyn opened the door fully dressed and ready to go, she gestured for him to come in. He quickly stepped inside.

"Hey, just make yourself at home, I'm going to try and dig out a bag big enough to carry all the crap in my locker." Caitlyn said before running off up the stairs. Nate walked into the lounge area and looked around. He walked over to some pictures on the shelf above the fireplace. He picked one up and smiled at the picture. It was one of Caitlyn and her Mom when she was younger. Caitlyn had her arms wrapped tightly around her Mom's neck and she was smiling widely into the camera. He placed it back down and looked at the next one. It was Caitlyn and a boy. Nate guessed it was her brother that died, he sighed softly and moved onto the next picture. He was just about to sit down on the couch when he heard Caitlyn shout form upstairs.

"Hey Nate! Could you give me a hand!?" she called.

"Sure! I'm just coming" he called back before walking over to the stairs and climbing them two at a time.

He reached the top of the stairs and looked around as to which one was her bedroom. He stopped and laughed gently to himself when he saw her bedroom door. It had pictures of himself and Caitlyn on it in the hospital, Mitchie and Caitlyn and her family. He walked over to her room and opened the door to find Caitlyn struggling to keep all the bags in the top of her closet before they fell on her. He quickly ran over and pushed them back in taking down the bag she wanted, he handed it to her.

"Thanks Nate, you're a life saver. I nearly got a mountain of bags falling on my head." Caitlyn joked. He laughed and looked around her room. He noticed something he used to see every day. He walked over to the mixing and sound deck.

"Why do you have this in here?" he asked looking back over to Caitlyn.

She smiled and walked over to it running her fingers over the turners. "I love to mix songs and make beats. I want to be a music producer one day." She said sighing.

"What's with the sigh?" Nate asked her curious.

"It will never happen; it's just a dream that would never come true." She explained before taking her hand off the deck and walking to the door. Nate watched her and smiled to himself. He would take her to the studio when they were down in Texas, they were due to record and Caitlyn could see everything.

He followed her out of the room and they made their way down stairs.

"You ready?" Caitlyn asked Nate as she stood by the front door of her house. Nate nodded.

"Yep, I've got my hat and glasses in the car, so hopefully I won't get trampled when I get there." He said laughing.

Caitlyn laughed. "I'm so sorry Nate, I keep forgetting your famous. Hopefully they will all be in class when we get there."

Nate shrugged. "I don't mind. I want to support you, and if that means getting attacked by fan girls, I'll do it"

"Thanks Nate, you really are the best." Caitlyn said honestly opening the front door.

"It's no problem"


They arrived at Caitlyn's school a little while later. She sighed looking out of the window at the school, all the bad memories flooding back to her. Nate placed his hand on her knee. She looked over at him.

"Just think about this being the last time you ever have to come here." He said making Caitlyn feel better instantly.

She smiled and opened the door stepping out. Nate got out of the car as well and followed her into the school.


Half an hour later Caitlyn and Nate were standing in the deserted hallway emptying her locker. She was pulling out all her old books and some random things she didn't need. Nate was looking around the hallway.

"It feels really weird being in a school. I haven't been to one since I was in 4th grade." He said fixing his sunglasses and his hat just in case a girl walked down the corridor.

Caitlyn laughed. "It feels strange for me not being here for the three weeks I had off."

Nate laughed and squeezed her shoulder picking up a couple of her heavy books. "Well you will never have to come here ever again."

Caitlyn smiled and picked up a few more books. "Thanks for doing this with me" she said.

Before Nate could reply they heard a bitter laugh. Caitlyn turned around and saw Brianna standing in the middle of the hallway with a smirk on her face. Caitlyn's smile instantly dropped. Nate turned around and looked at the girl, she must have been Brianna.

"Well, well, well. It's the little cockroach. You finally realised that no one likes you here and that you're a lonely little slut?" she asked with acid in her voice. Nate cringed at her tone and glared at her. But she couldn't see through his glasses.

"Where are you going to go Caitlyn? Every school's going to hate you, you're just worthless. I don't even know if I can stand to look at you for one more second" Brianna said laughing and flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Caitlyn turned back around and tried to ignore her. She gathered up the last of her things and closed the door.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you slut!" Brianna shouted advancing forward to Caitlyn. Nate quickly jumped in front of her.

"Piss off bitch" he growled scaring both Brianna and Caitlyn. Caitlyn had never heard him talk like that before. But he was defending her.

Brianna raised both her eyebrows. "Who do you think you are calling me a bitch? I'll think you'll find that is little miss slut face behind you."

Nate growled once again, she was stepping far over the line. He would have no one insult Caitlyn anymore.

"Now, I'm going to say this once. You back off right now, or I might end up doing something I'll regret." Nate said mincingly. Brianna took a step back but stayed in form.

"Wow, you hired a body guard did you slut? You need someone to protect you? How much did you pay him anyway" she asked laughing at how pathetic she thought it was.

"Actually, no I'm not her body guard. I'm her best friend and no one messes with Caitlyn, otherwise you will have to deal with me! Comprende?! (A/N: that's that funny French word, I couldn't spell it, sorry) Nate said causing Brianna to take another step back. Caitlyn stayed silent behind Nate and smiled softly to herself at him standing up for her.

Brianna fake laughed. "Who in the right mind would want to be best friends with that!" she exclaimed pointing to Caitlyn behind Nate.

Nate growled once again, he brought his hands up and pulled off his glasses and hat. "I would, now you better leave us alone or I'll get MY bodyguard to get you to back off." He shouted. Brianna's eyes widened in shock when she realised who Nate was.

"Yeah, I'm Nate Grey and this is my best friend Caitlyn Gellar." He said forcefully turning around and putting his free arm around Caitlyn's shoulders. "Now you go spread that around the school. Have a nice life bitch" he added before walking off down the hallway with Caitlyn who was giggling quietly to herself. Once they were out of ear shot Caitlyn spoke up.

"I can't believe you just called out Brianna. You called her a bitch!" Caitlyn said as they walked through the main doors.

Nate laughed. "Someone had to do it. Looks like I just rained on her parade." He said grinning to himself.

Caitlyn smiled and looked back at the school. "See you suckers!" she shouted laughing.

Nate smiled. "You're going to be doing bigger and better things now Caity, you won't have to worry about anything. I will always be here for you, no matter what happens. We going to do this tour and it's going to be the best time of our lives" he said opening the car door for Caitlyn.

Caitlyn smiled. "A brand new start." She said before sitting in the car. Nate closed the door and Caitlyn sighed happily. Nate had really changed her life, and she was so glad she signed those papers all those months ago. Tomorrow she was going to be starting a new chapter of her life.

Nate quickly climbed into the car. He looked over to her and picked up one of her hands. "You are My Saving Grace Caitlyn. I'm so glad You've Found Me"

The End...

Until the Sequel.

Wow, I never thought I would be writing the final chapter of this story. I want to thank you guys all so much for supporting this story! I would have never been able to do this without your help and support. It really means a lot to me that you all enjoy this story. I have put my heart and soul into writing this story and I hope this chapter does the story justice. I made it extra long for you guys. About 3000 words extra long. :) I really, really, really, want to say thank you so much to all of you who read this story, who review and who suggest other people to read it. It really means a lot to me. You guys are probably wondering what's happening about the sequel, well what I am going to do is complete my story A Dying Love? first, it is really important I do that, but when that is done I will start the sequel for this. Which will be known as You've Found Me. If you look up in the last line of the story I've bolded the story names :) But please check it out when it does come out; there will be a lot more Naitlyn and Smitchie in it. Thank you guys once again, I really appreciate it. Please review :)

I love you guys.

My Twitter : www. twitter. com / xemluvszanessax