All You Wanted

Written by: Hippie Vampire

Dedicated to: *BLEH*


"If you want to, I could save you,

  I could take you away from here.

  So lonely inside, so busy out there,

  And all you wanted was somebody who cared…"

                                ~ "All You Wanted" Michelle Branch

Okay, my first Pietro/Rogue (and probably my last)! I hope you like it, CyberCat!

                Summary: Pietro falls in love with Rouge when she joins the Brotherhood, but how does she take it when she's recruited over to the X-Men?



                Her hair. That's probably the reason I fell in love with her. Seriously. I mean: it's thick, auburn, and streaked. How much more could a guy ask for? You can never get it to do anything, so it's my challenge to try and make it do something. We would sit there for hours, talking and laughing. Those were the good times.

                "Mah hair is way too thick for that crap!" she would exclaim while I tried aimlessly to put it into a bun. The hair would stay for two seconds and then collapse in a bundle.

                "Hold on, hold it there!" I would say while I reached desperately for the hair spray and gel.

                "Ah can' hold it!" she'd cry desperately. No, just a little longer! My mind would scream.

                "I got it!" I sprayed numerous amounts of the liquid on to her hair and plastered the goop on. We held our breath. Would the bun stay?

                I almost cried out in joy. And then… it buckled: the goop and spray sliding on to the floor in a big mess at our feet.

                Rogue and I would collapse in fits of laughter, and her hair would swish in front of my face. I can almost smell the coconut conditioner she used.

                She would fall back on me and I would catch in her in my arms, and for about two minutes we just lay there, a tangled mess of limbs.

                Then she would always get up. And turn back into her bitchy self.

                Rogue would turn around and say, "We'll get it nex' time. Always nex' time." We would lock our eyes together for a second. Maybe two. Maybe even three. An awkward silence until we tried to master the hair again.

                "What are ya lookin' at?" she asked, even though she knew I wasn't going to answer. And then one time, I did.

                "Your lips."

                A confused expression crossed her face while she made her way over to me again. "Wha'? Whay?"

                "I was just wondering what it would be like if I could kiss them."

                Rogue took offense immediately, crossing her arms over her chest even though I wasn't even looking there. Although I won't deny I never have.

                "Well yah can't," she explained. She walked out of the room, out of the Brotherhood house, and out of my life.

                I never saw her again. Okay, I lied. I did see her again. But she was not the same. She had joined them: The X-Men. She had become a goody-goody two-shoes. She was not my Rogue anymore. No more would we sit at the breakfast table and pretend to choke on our cereal, never again would we fight on the same side, never again would we collapse upon each other and forget which side we were on of People vs. Evolution.

                But I still love her, and I always will love her.

* * *

                I had to do it. It would kill me if I didn't. I needed a rush. A big rush. I took the pixie sticks and ripped off the top, shoving the sugar into my mouth. My senses overloaded with adrenaline; my eyes rolled back into my head; it was wonderful.

                Lance stared. "Pietro, you just not just do that."

                I shook my head and smiled idiotically. I did, and there is nothing you can do about it! I stuck out my tongue and blew him a raspberry just to get him angrier.

                "You asked for it!" He lunged for me and I quickly dodged.

                "Whoops, too slow!" I giggled insanely. I ran out of the house. And ran. The tears streamed down my cheeks as the wretchedness grew inside me and claimed my body and soul. One word repeated through my head: Rogue.

                Running. The only thing I could rely on. I was running, and soon, it would go away. The sorrow and grief and love would go away and I'd by happy-go-lucky Pietro again. Yeah, that's it. That's what kept me going.

                I don't know how long I ran, I don't know how much tears I cried, and I don't know where exactly I was running to. Maybe I did, but didn't want to admit it to myself.

                I ended up in front of the Institute. Maybe if I bend over and shift, yup, there we go. I could crouch in the shadows of the bushes and wait for her to come out.

                Minutes. Hours. Maybe days passed. I didn't care. It was all worth it when her beautiful black-booted leg stepped outside from the Institute.

                In a millisecond I picked her up and we zoomed to uncharted land.

                "What da HELL do ya think you're doin'!?!" she cried angrily as I gingerly let her back down on the ground.

                I opened my mouth. "I can save you."

                Her purple eyes shifted to the ground and her mouth curved into a heated frown. "You talkin' funny Pietro."

                "I can save you," I repeated. I tried to walk up to her and put my hands on her shoulders and tell her it was okay, I wasn't trying to scare her. I just wanted to get my point across. Too bad I could never out right and say it.

                "Pietro! Stop it! You're scaring me," she admitted, backing up as I inched my way up to her. Tears, once again, sifted in between my eyes.

                "Rogue, you are so busy trying to intimidate everyone you don't realize how lonely you are! I do! Please, let me save you Rogue."

                Her eyes examined the ground. They moved unsteadily from my shoes to the root of the oak we were standing next to.

                In one swift moment, her hand lifted up and was sent sprawling against my angular face. A sickening crack was heard once the slap was finished.

                I stood there: confused while blood ran down my cheek.

                How could you do this, Rogue? My one true love…


                Bah! I KNOW it was stupid. You don't have to right out and say it. Well, if you DID like it, which is HIGHLY doubtful, I'll continue it with Rogue's P.O.V., which is already written. I won't post it until I get…50 reviews! Ha! Just kidding! Scared ya, huh? I won't post it until I get 10 reviews, so if you want to read her part, review, *review*, REVIEW!
