AN:/ I will tell you all this now because this definitely an OOC story well because Bella overconfident and Edward is an asshole Lol. Also this is way too short because I have a headache and to lazy to add sorry.

Best Regards, Kaila

"You have a fascination with my balls don't you Isabella." I said Continuing to flip threw slides on the microscope.

"E-excuse me?" she said stuttering over herself.

"Cat got your tongue." I said. "Or is it mainly because it's wrapped around my nuts?" I said handing her the microscope.

Bella's face flushed red as she glared into the microscope.

The famous swans finally moved up from the sunshine state. Rumor has it that she and her brother were getting into to much trouble in party-land Miami. But that's just what came out of one of the idiots of Forks High school.

Bella swan has been here a few days and she already has me on the edge of insanity. With her witty attitude and whip-lash mouth all of it just pisses me off. But on the bright side she has the sexiest body I've ever seen. With her heart-shape face and her pink plumb lips that should be placed around my stuff.

"See since none of these girls here fit my standards, including you I'd appreciate if you didn't include my man-junk in our conversation." I said catching her off guard.

"Yeah your right I don't fit your standards, I'm above and beyond." She said smiling at me.

"So of matter-of-fact you should be thanking Jesus, Gandhi, or whatever the hell you praise that I think you have some balls, a small portion of course." She said knowing she was egging me on.

"Oh Swan you really don't know who you are provoking." I said smirking at her.

"Isabella dear did you fail geography or are you just stupid, if you haven't noticed I'm not really a peaceful person, so if you haven't guessed yet Gandhi isn't high up in my list." I said getting to the good part.

"But since you some knowledge in that pretty head of yours, maybe after science I'll let you feel on my junk since you keep bringing them up." I said going in for the kill.

"You might even get to put your mouth around some not-so small portions of me." I said giving her as much sarcasm my mouth could drip.

She grunted into the microscope and said, "I'll have to pass, but I'm sure Jessica will take you up on that offer Mr. Cullen."

"If you're going to grunt can you put a little "ugh" into it Hun?" I said still messing with her.

"Go fuck yourself." She said glaring at me and forcefully handing me the microscope.

"Every night in the shower." I said pretending to tell her one of my secrets activities

"But if you'll excuse me I have basketball practice to attend to." I said slinging my backpack on and walking out of the door exactly when the bell rang.