by kathlaida-princess

Summary: Inspired by the song "While the Earth Sleeps" by Deep Forest. Child Naruto has the most boring friends in the world, so he usually spends his time exploring all of the Leaf Village, his beautiful home, all by himself. But one day, his father, the Hokage, is invited by the Sand Village's Kazekage to spend some sort of "diplomatic vacations" there, and he brings his wife and his reluctant son with him.

Things soon change when Naruto finds the Sand Village is also interesting to explore (this is, if he can sneak past his "babysitters"), especially when he finds out the Kazekage has a son his age too, that is kept locked inside his home at all times and has mystery surrounding him, and he has to show this boy what living is before it's too late. GaaNaru Friendship/Unconditional Love. AU

Disclaimer: I don't own any of Masashi Kishimoto's characters or places.

Author's Notes: Hello dear readers! Before I could update any of my other fics, I needed to start this one... It's an AU story with child Naruto and Gaara, but it's an idea very dear to my heart, so you hope you like it! It will be quite sad, but hopefully not in a depressing way, rather in an heart-warming way. This first chapter is really just a prologue (though it could work as a non-spoilerish epilogue too xD), through Naruto's point of view, but I hope you like it!


Is it possible for one person to have his destiny written at the age of eight? Because I feel that I have only one important mission to accomplish during my entire life: live your life as well.

How could you remain locked away for so long, how did you survive without having just the sky covering you once, without having just the mother-earth hold you once? But now I ask myself as well how could that same Earth not cry without the treasure that is you, without being charmed with every gesture you make so genuinely, every wonderful reaction you have before this world so strange to you?

I want to show you every thing there is for you to see, even the places so close to you that you never had the chance to see properly, and in exchange I want to gain the vision of your exciting smile...

I want to let you listen to all the songs nature emotionally echoes, of animals, rocks and plants, and in exchange I want to hear you laugh, sigh, exclaim in surprise, I want to hear you vocalize what you feel...

I want to let you know all the sweet and fresh, warm and intoxicating scents each being carries with it, all the bitter, salty, honey and spicy flavors each fruit and food can offer you, and in exchange I want to lose myself in the mixture of exotic scents and flavors that is you, a mixture I had never known before and will never know again...

I want to make you feel happiness and excitement, adrenaline and surprise, friendship and tenderness, longing and nostalgia, I want your heart to jump all the obstacles you couldn't jump before, I want all that is you to feel protected and loved, and in exchange all I want is to be the one to make you feel all that...

I want so much for life to embrace you and make you complete that I didn't even know it, only now that life's opposite twin has taken you do I realize that I can still have that wish fulfilled...

I will live for you, and through me you will be the everything that is us. I'll live more than any other man that has walked this universe, all for you...

And, when one day I leave this place and return to you, I'll settle in your embrace and retell you everything, just retell, because after all you have been with me all along...

You are my project in life, my final purpose. Through you, I will be me, in the same way you will be you through me.

We are one. Our souls are one life only, complete and perfect.

That's it, for the prologue!

Please let me know what you think!

kathlaida-princess logging out...