Hey everybody! Sorry I've been away for a while, school and the dreaded homework! Okay, So I scraped the other story so here the proper remake. Enjoy! Oh and this takes place after Tai lung's returned to his good side.

Tai lung was sitting under the sacred peach tree of wisdom, happily and quietly eating his fresh noodles. Well nearly…

"Hey, Tai lung, come here!" It was non other than Po, calling from inside the kitchen. Heaving himself up from the ground with his noodles, Tai Lung walked to the kitchen.

As he entered, Po gave him a solid glare. "Congratulations, you've just eaten the last pack of noodles." Tai Lung looked annoyed and was about to say something when Po stopped him. "And that pack of noodles just so happened to be the last of almost all the food here." "Now, I've prepared a list of items that need to be collected." For the next couple of minutes, Po went on about if Tigress was not to have a go at him he should take more responsibility. At first Tai Lung didn't want to do anything for he wanted to finish his noodles but as soon he heard the word 'Tigress' and 'have a go' he put the noodles down, collected the list and a shopping basket from the cupboard and was out the kitchen before Po could say anything else. "Took him long enough" Po said to himself.

Moments after Tai Lung had left the kitchen and had sprinted down the one thousand stairs he found himself in the centre of the village market. Beaming colours of the rainbow through themselves at his eyes. It had been twenty years since he'd seen such inspirational colours.

While looking at the list, he went through different shops and stalls. To his surprise some of the villagers, elderly people but mostly the young ladies, said hello (or giggled) to him as he walked by. While others, probably around the time of his rampage, put their nose high in the air. Tai Lung didn't blame them. Although in his short yet powerful rampage did not kill anyone, his actions broke hearts and lost valuable items. Even when all of this was happening to him now, he didn't feel any emotion.

Finally Tai lung came up to his last item on the list. Noodles. Luckily, he knew just the place where he could get those. "If I go to this place, Po will finally leave me alone about 'responsibilities'." The store was just at the end of the village. The name of the shop was called 'One Stop'. As he approached Tai Lung chuckled to himself "Shops a tad weird but the name is superb!"

Tai Lung pushed the door open. As he did so the little bell rang, startling the old rabbit. "Oh dear me! That darn bell gets me every time!" She half crocked half laughed. Then she cleared he throat. " What can I do you for sonny?" the sweet little old lady asked. "Hello Ms. Chin, I'd like to buy some noodles if you please." Tai Lung asked in a friendly manner. Ms. Chin got up from her chair and started to walk away. "Of course, I'll be right back."

As Ms. Chin pottered around the room Tai lung look around. All round the place were special jars. "Now I remember why I called this place weird.." For the jars were filled with hairs, bones and nails. Obviously for replacing them on other peoples bodies.

"Ahh here we are." Ms. Chin said as she came back to the counter. "Now that'll be two Yuan my dear." Tai Lung handed her the money. But just as he was about to go Ms. Chin asked him a quite disturbing question. "Now sonny before you go, I gots to ask ya something." "If you don't me asking, why is it that such a handsome man like yourself hasn't found a lovely young women yet? Can't stay single forever you know." Tai Lung froze. Before he could even stutter he heard the light slumber of Ms. Chin's snoozing. Deciding not to wake her he quietly slipped out the door.

"Wow, I never thought about it. Guess I was always wrap up in my training. Probably why me and Chris had to end…" Tai Lung thought as he flashed back to what happen to him and his old girlfriend…

"It all started when he was fifteen. Chris, or how he liked to call her 'Chrissy' was his snow leopard girlfriend the only one he'd seen of his kind. They'd been going out for a year, just the year before his rampage. "It's gonna be great Chris!" Tai Lung exclaimed as the two sat over a bowl of noodles. "My Master said that if I train hard enough, I'm a shoe-in for the dragon warrior!" "Hmm…" Chris said lowering her voice. "Huh? Hey, what's wrong?" Tai Lung said very concerned. "No, No! I'm really glad for you, it's just that we hardly ever get any time together you know." She said with a sigh. Tai lung put his paw on hers. "Hey, don't worry, you know what? I'm gonna treat you to the theatre this Valentine's Day, my treat and promise. After all, you're so sweet." Chris smiled…

Tai lung sighed. If only he'd been more understanding…

Both Tai Lung and Chris were standing outside the theatre. "Chris I'm so sorry! I know you really wanted to see this show, but something's come up at the palace." Tai Lung apologised disparately. "Tai Lung! Do you even know what day it is? The 14th Valentine's Day!" Chris said angrily. Tai Lung was shocked. "Huh? Valentine's Day was today!" "Yeah it was!" Chris said before noticing her out of line words. She started to tear up. "I'm sorry I just wanted us to have some time today!" she cried before handing Tai Lung a small gift-wrapped in blue silk and running away. "Wait Chrissy!" He said watching her run. He looked down at the small gift, if anything happen to her he'd never forgive himself.

And then the most hurtful bit came into mind. The fact was where he'd been much to late the most important girl in his life's birthday… A palace goose walked up to Tai Lung while he was training. "Master Tai Lung, a scroll for you, apparently from a 'Chris'." The goose said. Tai lung stop what he was doing and ran up to the goose with a bit of hope. "Thanks." But his face soon changed when he started to read each painful word. "Tai Lung, I waited as long as I could, but it's to obvious that we both have our hope and dreams to far more important for our relationship. Please, don't bother looking for me, my family and I are moving to Beijing but it's for the best, for you and me. I've never been good at saying goodbye, so I guess…" That was the end of the letter and Tai Lung could see tear stains over the paper. She was gone from his life forever. The only girl who made him happy, was gone. ( Peabo Bryson-Can you stop the rain in background) Tai Lung gave a heavy sigh and said to himself "It just wasn't meant to be." "May I'll go and relax by that place on the edge of the valley." He said trying to cheer himself up. Little did he know, he was about to find love in a different way.