alright i decided on a fight

chapter 4

as the door crashed open and wood splintered into the room a shadow tore through the room grabbing temari and slaming her to the wall as it split and charged for mebut luckly i dodged it and released my own shadow to stop the enemys shadows travel

"who's there" i shouted "release your shadows, NOW"

temari struggled and screamed from the pain which obviously meant the attacker was using shadow strangulation so i pulled out 2 kunais and ran along the wall down stairs to the attacker who was conviently wearing a mask but i did catch a glimpse at a slashed headband

"akatsuki" i muttered as i drilled a kunai at its stomach

a slight screech was heard as the shadows released and the akatsuki member dropped to its knees then i heard the thump from up stairs as temari hit the ground

"what the hell that fucking hurt, shikamaru what was that for" came from upstairs

"it wasnt me babe it was an akatsuki member i think i killed it but who knows scum dont die easily" i smirked and raised the second kunai and realized it was tobi on the akatsuki release program so as to join normal society and disband the akatsuki

i pulled him up by his colar "what the hell tobi" i said pulling out the lodged kunai

he gasped and cluthed his chest "well you wernt at the training field for our mission so ive been going into random houses doing your jutsu seeing how only you and select Naras can stop that stuff and thought this would happen and id find you with out the hassle of knocking"

"you are a dumb-ass" i said as temari came down and walked over to me "tobi go back to the meating area and ill be there shortly"

and as i turned around i saw temari walk to me and instantly i kissed her

"im sorry for tobi's idiocracy" i smirked

"its ok, besides you saved me maybe we should go up stairs and i can reward you" she whispered in my ear

"id love to but i got a mission" i said

"thats messed up" she whispered

"i know, What a drag" i said and kissed her again

"well you better go" she sighed

"will you be okay?" i asked silently

"is that an insult remember i saved your narrow behind before" she smirked

"oh fiesty today are we alright im gonna go love you bye" i said as i sprinted out the door before tobi came back with his annoying cappabilitys

10 minutes later

as i showed up at the training field i was meet with the mixed feelings of my team Lee, Sasuke, Tobi, Deidara, and Naruto and imediatly

"hello fellow youth" lee darted towards me (why in the hell did he have to come he was only fun when he was drunk and other wise a moronic goodie to sho)

"hey Lee, long time no see" (thankfully) i forced a smile

"alright naruto wheres the package" i glared at him as he was just about to open it

(why me why god why does lady tsunade hate me) i took the package and placed it in my satchel bag

"alright men, and i use that term very lightly when around Lee," a smirk aroused from the group as Lee smiled obliviously i stood there and quickly used my shadow possision jutsu making every one face towards the forest and then said "hey lee is that might guy?"

he turned around and instantly i had every one dash away from him and then released them yelling "run and dont stop if where lucky he might go home and leave us alone"

naruto busted out laughing and tripped over a stick

as we all stoped to laugh at him lee came running "HIDE!!!!" i shouted and ran up a tree and watched every one else dissapearin there own way

as lee dashed by we all reappeared as he went far away "good ridance" we all said in unison and regrouped

"so shikamaru hows temari" sasuke remarked

i smiled and hid it "well in a development of last night this mourning i asked her to marry me"

a group gasp was heard and we started walking again and finally got to the village to drop off the package when of course the subject was brought up again

naruto blurted out "when?"

"what?" i retorted

"you know what" naruto shouted "the wedding"

i shrugged as sasuke said "well all i know is im the best man"

we all stared at him "wait i alrea..."

naruto "im the best man"

deidara "yeah right im the..."

tobi "best man right here i called it"

"GUYS shut up its temari" i pulled out my phone and we talked about meaningless stuff and every one went there own ways