
My second take-over…WHAT!

Haha. Anyway, I don't know how well I'll do on this story.

So, read, and give me your opinions.

He lifted me in his arms, and laid on the bed on his back, with me on his chest.

I laid on top of him, breathing in his scent.

Not only had I missed him, his arms around me, I missed his scent.

He smelled so sweet.

"I love you so much…" I whispered again.

I had been whispering that all night, and I couldn't hear it from him enough.

"As I love you, my beautiful Bella." he said fervently. "It feels so good to be with you again."

I looked up at him, "I know…you mean everything in this world to me, and more. I can't ever live without you again, Edward."

"You won't have to, believe me, I'll never leave you again."

I found his lips with mine, and ended all conversation. I kissed him passionately, and he responded just how I wanted him to.

He kissed me back, hard. He sat up, with me straddling him, and removed me clothes quickly. I did the same to him.

He kissed my lips, my jaw, my neck, my shoulders, his lips were everywhere.

"You taste lovely, my darling." he whispered, and began kissing my ear.

"Thank you," I giggled.

He looked at me, and raised an eyebrow questioningly, "It tickles…" I said sheepishly.

He chuckled in my ear, "I love your giggles." he said, continuing to kiss me, down from my ear, down my neck, across my collar bone, and to my hardened nipple.

He pulled it into his mouth, and sucked softly, causing me to moan.

He growled softly, and kissed down my stomach, and across my hips.

Then he moved back to my mouth.

I pulled away for a short moment, and said, "Please Edward, take me…I need you."

He immediately positioned himself in between my thighs, and pushed into me, hard.

He moved in the perfect rhythm, hitting my special spot, over and over again.

"EDWARD!" I growled, gripping his shoulders, then running my nails down his back as I rode out the amazing orgasm.

He growled, and came in time with me, as I tightened around his hard member.

We laid there for a while, then he looked at me, "I think we should get dressed, and go see our family…" he emphasized the word, and I smiled brightly back.

"Really?" I squealed.

"Of course," he chuckled, "Esme has missed you almost as much as Alice."

We got dressed, and headed to the house.

Once we got there, Alice was on the doorstep, bouncing.

"What's with you?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. She was thinking about the national anthem.

She then proceeded to point behind me.

I turned, and Edward was down on one knee, an open box in his hand, a beautiful diamond ring nestled in the satin inside the box.

I brought my hand to my mouth, and tears welled in my eyes.

"Will you marry me, Isabella Marie?" he asked softly.

I shook my head, held out my left hand, and he slid the ring on my finger.

I turned back to the house, and the whole Cullen family was on the porch watching.

Esme was the first to reach me, "I'm so glad you took him back." she exclaimed, "I'm so happy to have you a part of the family again!"

She embraced me tightly.

Emmett reached me second, and he slapped me on the back, "Welcome back to the family, Sis!"

And finally Alice.

As soon as Esme released me, I was tackled to the ground, and the pixie was on top of me.

"You have to let me plan it!" she squealed.

I nodded, "Fine, whatever makes you happy, Alice."

"What's wrong?" she cocked her head to the side.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy. I've never been this happy in my life."

Alice hopped off me. And Edward scooped me up in his arms, "I'm so glad you said yes."

He kissed my lips passionately.

"Now, it is almost six in the morning, and I think it's time we get to school."

"Oh, yeah, it's Friday." I stuck my bottom lip out, "Well, let's go."

Edward opened the passenger side of his Volvo, and I hopped in. We rode to school together. When we arrived, Maggie and Lizzie were waiting for me. Their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

"Maggie, Lizzie, this is Edward Cullen," I introduced them, "and he is not mean, like you thought. He was only having a bad day." I smiled at him, and he offered his hand to them, they just put their hands out silently, and stared at me. I laughed, and told them I'd see them in math, and headed off to English class with Edward.

Once I made it to math, they attacked, "What happened? How did you end up with Edward Cullen? And why is there a diamond ring on your left hand?" they asked me very quickly.

"I told you, he was my ex boyfriend. But we met up, and had a talk. We decided to get back together, but this time, we're older and more serious. We already loved each other before, so engagement just seemed right." I smiled.


Okay guys, I know this chapter is short, but I just needed to update with something.

I find it hard to concentrate on this, because I like my other story better.

Give me some suggestions, and ideas.

Do you like where this is going? Where should I take it?