Some things Never Change

Chapter 1: School Surprises

It was my junior year, again. It was interesting being back. But some things never change. The school had all the appropriate updates. This was exactly two hundred years since my last year in Fork s high school But perhaps I should explain that.


I was wondering through the forest, Edward had just left me. My heart was broken and I didn t look where I was going. I was tackled by a flash of red hair.

I didn t think it would be this easy. She mused easily.

I looked at her, not afraid, but hopeful.

Victoria. I breathed.

Edward s words were replaying in my mind and I laughed softly.

You ll be safe You ll move on. I don t want you

I winced at the last part and Victoria drew back taking in my appearance. My tear stained face, my torn clothes.

She snarled and glared at me, How does it feel A mate for a mate.

Again I laughed, this time the laughter startled me.

Go ahead. Kill me. I said.

The surrender in my voice was not what Victoria had wanted to hear.

Why? She asked.

It was a simple question, but one I found hard to answer.

They re gone. He left me. I don t have any reason to live anymore.

I tried to sound tough. But something about the pain and sadness in my voice and eyes intrigued her.

Without a pause she snatched me up and began running. I prayed to myself that my death would be quick. I recognized the house as we got to it. All the cars were gone. Every piece of clothing, all accessories. It was as if they had never been there. I felt the hole in my heart ripped open.

Victoria threw me onto the hard ground and I looked up into her red eyes.

I have something special in store for you.

She sauntered over to me lifted my arm and gently caressed the spot where James had bitten me. The she lunged forward her teeth sinking into my neck. Then drank a few sucks than leaned back.

The burning began almost instantly. I looked at her in shock. I cried out my body was crumpled on the floor in pain, convulsing as the venom spread.

You can suffer for eternity. Always knowing he s there. Knowing you can t have him.

I spent two weeks in the Cullen s abandoned house before I ventured out. I was too upset to be thirsty. I happened upon a bear and killed it easily. I liked the taste of animal blood. It was sweeter than any soft drink I had as a human. I moved around constantly. I studied and learned how to fake documents. I was good at it. So after two hundred years I returned to Forks. It was a place I didn t have to hide as much. With the constant cloud cover, I could spend more time outside.

For the first year I visited the meadow often. I helped me relax. Then I went to the cemetery. I placed flowers on Charlie s grave. Loving husband and Father. Next to him was Sue Clearwater Swan, and Alex Swan. It hurt to know that I had a brother and a step mom.

Things were different now, I claimed to be emancipated from my parents. That s when you declare you re old enough to take care of yourself and live on your own. So I lived in a small house that s where Charlie s old one used to stand. They had rebuilt it.

I sat at the lunch table with two of my human friends, Maggie Newton, and Elizabeth Crowley. Descendants from my old school friends, it helped me feel at ease. My control was excellent.

We re getting some new students tomorrow. Maggie said raising her eyebrows.

Really? I asked pushing the food on my plate around.

Yes! I hear there are going to be five of them. Lizzie smirked.

This sent chills through my dead body. Wow. Was all I could say.

I guess this prestigious doctor and his wife and adopted kids will be here tomorrow morning. Maggie said slowly.

How do you know?

My mom s the receptionist. She asked me to be nice

I laughed at the thought, Like you were nice to me?

She blushed furiously at that comment, You know I didn t mean any of it.

I know. I just like teasing you.

School flew by after that. I got into my blue Ford Fusion.

The drive home was quick. My house was still isolated. The only one for at least a mile on this road The woods going deep enough I could still hunt.

The house was modest; I didn t want everyone to know exactly how much money I had It was a two bedroom. The main floor was all hard wood floors. The front entrance was a small hallway that led into the living room. I had a long couch and love seat squared around a glass coffee table. A large flat screen T.V. against the wall. Then in the far back corner I had a leather chair with a bookshelf.

The kitchen and dining room were for show, but I had the kitchen stocked for appearances. Upstairs was a master bedroom. I had a large bed, again for appearances and relaxation purposes. A large dresser for all my under garments, with a huge walk in closet stuffed to the brim with clothes. I had become very fashionable. In the middle was a big bathroom. It had a glass shower stall. And a Jacuzzi bathtub, which I enjoyed; it relaxed tense muscles after a long hunt. I had the room stocked with toiletries for when I had guests.

The second bedroom was my study. It was wall to wall book case after bookcase. Filled with more books than a library. I had a large oak desk with a high tech laptop. Where I did all my studying, homework I had thousands of journals. I spent a lot of my time writing down my human memories. I d never forgotten the Cullen s Now they were coming back.

I rushed up into my study and pulled my latest journal out. I began writing furiously.

Should I stay or leave? Am I ready to face them after two centuries alone? What will they think or say. I d love to see everyone, apart from Edward.

That night I plotted and pondered. If I left, I would have to start all over again. I was looking forward to going to high school again. I was looking forward to a lot of things here. I had friends. The first time in too long. NO. I wouldn t go.

That night I went on a long invigorating hunt. It helped calm me and for that I was grateful. I drove to school early and noticed that Maggie and Elizabeth were there as well. I walked up to them smiling falsely.

Anything new? I asked with trepidation.

We re waiting for the Cullen s. She said excitedly.

I had been right, I closed my eyes trying not to overreact.

Well have fun with that. I began to walk away quickly. I could already smell them. I was into the school and the nurse s office.

She let me stay there until lunch. That s when I decided that I would join my friends.

Isabella. What happened to you? Lizzie asked.

I got sick. I answered truthfully.

She smiled at me comforting and I notice Maggie fuming.

What s wrong?

They were all gorgeous, and together All except for one, I tried to talk to him But

He shot you down? I asked knowingly.


I ve met them before I blurted.

You have? My friends asked in unison.

yes, a long time ago Edward broke up with me And I m not ready to see him yet. Tell Alice, that I ll see her soon though. I m going home early. I declared.

okay. They agreed.

I gathered my things and I was out the door.


I can t believe we re in Forks, again. My sweet Bella She had died the day I left. The DAY I left. What had I done?

Edward, come on lets go. Alice urged gently.

We all piled into the new shiny silver Volvo. We arrived at the school and I felt a pang of sadness. Until I smelt a familiar scent of freesia.

Do you smell that? I asked.

My brothers and sister nodded. We climbed from the car and were accosted by two bubbly teens.

Hi I m Maggie. Maggie Newton.

And I m Elizabeth Crowley.

The greeted me friendly, their thoughts on my looks. I glared at them and stalked past. Alice thanked them for the warm welcome and followed me.

The day was going by quickly, but I couldn t get the smell out of my mind. At lunch we sat in a table in the back. I was lost in thought.

Another Vampire. I heard Jasper whisper.

My head shot up and looked at him. What?

You do smell it don t you? He asked.

I noticed then I could smell it. We were talking rapidly trying to decide out best approach. When those two annoying girls walked over to the table.

What? I asked them rudely.

Which one of you is Alice? Maggie asked meekly.

Alice turned her golden eyes on her curiously. Me

Our friend Well she says she knows you And she wants to see you later. The one known as Elizabeth said quietly.

That s ridiculous. I said rudely.

It s your fault she went home early. The one known as Maggie said angrily.

Right. I said rolling my eyes.

Yes, that s right Edward. Elizabeth snapped.

I looked at her searching her memory for this person. But her anger didn t allow me to see it. Alice looked at me concerned.

Who s your friend? Alice asked her.

I remembered that we had smelt another Vampire, and whoever was friends with these humans knew us And I didn t like it.

Isabella. They said together.

The table gasped. Who? Alice asked again in shock.

Isabella Swan. They said together.

I felt like I couldn t breathe I excused myself and left the school in a hurry. How could they know, it wasn t true my Bella was dead Wasn t she?