A/N: Hey folks!

I know I'm pretty late and I'm really sorry about that! Life got me occupied quite a bit.

Anyways, this is my first try to be a player of this challenge, so please be kind. ^^

Hope you like it and reviews are always a pleasure! ^^

Disclaimer: If I close my eyes and wish for it... but sadly, reality is still stronger than my imagination. *sighs* So everything still belongs to Kripke and the CW.


Darkness quickly devoured the fading daylight.

Dean blinked sluggishly, tried to make sense of his surroundings. What the hell had happened?

He shifted slightly but searing pain shot up through his right side, stopped every new movement.

"Damn.", he hissed, numb fingers brushing the edges of the wooden branch which was imbedded inside his lower abdomen. He Felt the faint sting of splinter around the wound and on his hands and arms.

Sweat and blood coated Dean's pale face. Violent shivers ran through his body.

Damn! How has he landed here in the first place?


He desperately hoped his brother was okay.

No, he had to be okay!

Sammy would find him. It was just a matter of time and until then he had to hang on.

A new wave of pain radiated through him, left him gasping for air.

Sammy, hurry!
