Hi! Bet you were not expecting this huh? Well, surprise!

Disclaimer: The Covenant sadly isn't mine. Danni, Amy, Riley and Holly are mine so keep your bloody hands off of them! Also none of the referred games or movies belong to me (obviously)!

Chapter 28

As soon as Pogue was out of the door Amy and Danni shot up from their sits. "We'll go after him." Amy said, knowing that was exactly what Danni was planning to do.

"I'm going to the school to check on Sarah, I think she might be next." Caleb said looking stressed. He turned to Tyler and Reid. "You two head to our parents and let them know what is going on." He told them.

Tyler and Reid agreed and they all made their way out of the colony house.

Danni and Amy made a dash for the car hopping to catch Pogue before he got into trouble. If there was anyone that could calm him down right now it would be Amy.

Danni started the car and drove like a mad woman taking the road she knew Pogue would take in order to get to Kate. After five minutes of driving their worst fears came to life.

The yellow Ducati was nothing but a pile of metal on the street and Pogue was on his back beaten to a bloody pulp.

Danni hit the brakes and they both jumped out of the car running to him.

"Pogue! Pogue open your eyes!" Amy yelled, her voice trembling.

Danni having a much clearer head checked his pulse and after finding it, she let he eyes burn black as she checked him a any serious internal injuries. He was badly hurt, but he would live.

"Amy, Amy calm down, his alive, help me lift him up." Danni told Amy while shaking her. The brunette snapped out of her panic mode after hearing that her brother was alive and helped Danni, whose eyes were still black in order to make sure they didn't shift something they shouldn't while moving him, move Pogue to the back of the car.

Amy got in the car herself after closing the back door, waiting for Danni to join her in the car but as Danni turned to get into the driver's sit something hit her side, sending her flying.

"Hello, sweetheart, we meet again!" Chase voice rang in the empty road. Danni got on her feet again and turned to look at Amy whose eyes were on her, stunned and scared.

"You remember what I taught you right?" Danni asked her while holding her side. She knew the skin under her clothes was black and blue.

"Yeah!" Amy answered with a shaking voice understanding what Danni was implying.

"Get him to the hospital and tell the others what happened." Danni said in demanding tone.

"But…" Amy tried to argue but Danni gave her a look that told her this was not the time to argue. "NOW!" she yelled and force the door closed with her power.

Chase had been observing them with a smirk on his face, looking entertained.

"You do know they are going nowhere, right?" He asked Danni as she started moving towards him.

Danni, however, was completely focused her black eyes trained on her target and his internal organs. As soon as she heard the car move she threw all of her power on Chase making sure to freeze every muscle in the body until the car drove past him and out of sight.

She could fell her strength leaving her as the control she had on his muscles started to loosen.

When his face muscles were released he started laughing like a mad man and applauding, having been genuinely impressed but the little witch before him.

"Clever little thing, aren't you? No wonder my new friend is so obsessed with you." He said and he felt the rest of his body go free.

Danni was struggling to stay conscious, hardly paying attention to Chase's words. He was so powerful even something as simple as telekinesis on him was exhausting.

"He has been dying to see you but he can't yet, you see he is going through a very painful process." Chase said as he approached her. "Ah! It would be so easy to just tear out your heart right here and now and let your brother find you, it would be so much easier to get him to do what I want." He said as he cupped the back of Danni's head. She tried to fight him off by throwing a blast of magic his way but it was so weak and poorly targeted that he didn't even bother dodging. Chase chuckled and wrapped his other hand around her waist bringing her in a weird sort of embrace that had Danni wanting to gag.

"But alas, I promised him I would not harm you. He wants you whole, you see. So be a good girl and take a nice nap." He continued and before Danni could do anything in retribution, everything went black.

Amy was scared and shaking but her head was in the game. "Get Pogue to hospital, tell everyone what happened. Get Pogue to hospital, tell everyone what happened." She kept repeating it like a mantra in her head while trying not to crash the car and make everything worse.

After what felt like a century Amy finally made it to the hospital and after leaving Pogue in the hands of the doctors and telling them he had crushed his bike she called the other three to tell them what had happened and that someone needed to go look for Danni.

When she finally got through to Caleb and told him what had happened she was surprised to hear that Danni was with him. Apparently Chase had brought her with him and gotten to Sarah too, just so he could scare Caleb and deliver his request along with a final warning. Give up the power or they all die.

When everyone eventually made their way to the hospital Amy rushed to Caleb asking about Danni.

"She's fine, just exhausted. She's sleeping in my car." Caleb reassured her and Amy released a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"How is Pogue?" Tyler asked while putting his arms around his girlfriend to comfort her.

"He was beaten pretty badly but the doctors say he will recover fully, he is conscious and he wants to talk to you." Amy said looking at Caleb while sinking into Tyler's embrace. She really needed the comfort right about now.

As they made their way to Pogue's room Amy was deep in thought. She was terrified of what would follow and if they would survive it. She knew she was the weakest of them all and she felt completely useless. She hated the fact that she was afraid of her own magic. Because of her fear she had caused Danni to be hurt so many times trying to protect her. She knew she needed to learn a way to protect herself and the ones she loved even if it meant facing her fears.

After talking with Pogue, Caleb came out of the room looking even more troubled than before and after turning Reid's suggestion, of going after Chase immediately, down he told Tyler and Amy to stay with Pogue and to call him if anything changed and Reid to keep an eye on Danni before he met with Sarah and learned that Kate was not doing any better. It was then that Sarah proved to Caleb just how smart and perceptive she was and Caleb realized that he couldn't keep hiding behind his own finger. She was in the middle of a very dangerous situation and ignorance would only make it worse, so for the first time in a long time Caleb Danvers decided to trust someone outside the Covenant.

Shortly after Caleb's departure Reid made his way to the garage to find Danni sound asleep on the back of the Hammer, figuring that Caleb must have moved her before he left. Taking the keys he had snagged form Tyler out of his pocket he unlocked the car and got in the back sit with Danni.

His eyes scanned her sleeping form for any injuries and when he found none he visually relaxed. Having Pogue on the hospital like this was bringing back not so distant bad memories of her lying in a hospital bed, beaten and bruised.

His hand extended in an effort to pull some stay hairs from the sleeping girls face but just as he was about to touch her Danni stirred from her nap. For a second she was disoriented but after the events that took place before she passed out rushed into her mind she jumped from her laying position straight up and nearly head-butted Reid in the nose.

Her eyes searched frantically around waiting to see Chase but she visibly relaxed when her eyes fell of the familiar blonde sited next to her. Still weak from her use of power and the fear she had experienced once again in Chase's hands her hands started trembling as she laid back down with her head on Reid's lap trying to get as close to a source of comfort as she could.

She half expected Reid to push her off but was surprised to feel the blonde's hands wrap around her right where Chase's hands had been, one going around her waist while the other rested on her head and started stroking her hair.

"You're fine, you're fine." Reid whispered in her ear as his arm tightened around her waist.

He saw Danni flinch at the action and he instantly pulled his hand away and lifted her shirt cautiously to find a big black and blue bruise decorating her side. A wave of fury washed over him at the sight and all he could think about was finding Chase and ripping his head from his shoulders. He was snapped out of his dark thoughts when he felt Danni remove her shirt from his hand and lower it back over the bruise. Just as we was about to protest she caught his hand and put it back around her.

Reid watched her as she relaxed and the shaking seized. No words were necessary as Danni curled up into him and started falling back asleep feeling reassured by Reid's presence.

And so Reid stayed by her side until Pogue's parents arrived at the hospital to watch him and keep guard and Tyler and Amy were free to leave and join them in the car.

"Did you steal…" Tyler started accusing Reid loudly but stopped when Reid shushed him point at Danni. He tossed Tyler the keys of the car and Tyler nodded and got in the driver's sit and Amy in the passenger's.

They drove silently back to the dorms and Reid carried a sleeping Danni to her room but as he got there he heard the loud music coming from inside and changed his mind.

"I'll have her sleep in our dorm." He told Amy who was holding the sleeping girl's purse ready to open the door of the dorm.

"That is probably a good idea. If that idiot of a roommate of hers ends up waking her up I'm sure she will not survive the night." Amy agreed and put the key of Danni's dorm back inside her purse.

Reid nodded and turned to head to his and Tyler's dorm while Tyler stayed back.

"Goodnight and stay alert ok? If anything weird happens, and I mean anything you come and find us. No matter what time it is." Tyler told Amy while cupping her face in his hands.

Amy nodded not even wanting to argue. "Take this and leave it for her when she wakes up tomorrow." She said handing him Danni's purse.

Tyler took it in his hand while keeping his other on her cheek. "Sweet dreams." He told her and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight." Amy replied while a light dust of pink in her cheeks. After one more peck on the lips they went their separate ways but as Amy was about to enter her dorm Tyler's voice stopped her."The winter formal is tomorrow." He said. "I know this may not be the time to be thinking about dances but will you go with me?" he asked her, nervousness apparent on his face.

Amy smiled at her boyfriend. "Of course I'll go with you. Like I would ever let you go alone dressed in a tux and let all the girls drool all over you without me there." She answered and blew him a kiss before closing the door of her dorm leaving Tyler alone in the hallway with a stupid grin on his face.

The sun's rays coming through the curtain was what made Danni stir from her sleep the next morning. Slightly disoriented she looked around wondering where she was until she recognized the contents of Reid and Tyler's dorm room.

The dorm was empty and the clock on the nightstand next to the bed informed her that the time was well passed 11. Apparently they had let her skip school to sleep in and she was grateful. She got up and saw her purse waiting for her on the desk along with a note that said 'Morning sleepy-head, don't worry, you're sick and even Caleb is covering for you. Lock up when you leave' and their dorm room key placed on top of the note.

She smiled, picked up her purse and the key and left the dorm after locking it and made her way to her own. Today was her brother's 18th birthday. Unfortunately for their family and friends turning 18 was not a happy occasion and this time it was even worse. She arrived at her dorm and after careful consideration she opened her phone and called Sydney.

"About freaking time you called!" Sydney answered sounding obviously upset.

"I was busy worrying about a psychopath that wants to kill my brother." Danni replied.

"And we were worried about you. Victor has been bitching to me about calling you since I told him what I found out about your psychopath. So any new info?" she asked.

"Apparently he is the last descendant of the fifth line of out coven. Turns out the Putnam line didn't end in Salem." Danni informed her friend.

"Are you serious? And what does he want with you guys?" Sydney asked.

"My best guess is power. He seems to already be very powerful which leads me to believe his power is not the only one he has and he uses a lot, way past addiction so I think he needs more. But that is only a guess." Danni voiced her thoughts. The information Sydney had given her, what she had observed herself and the discoveries they had made last night all added up to this.

"Makes sense. I am going to report your findings and have them send a couple of cleaners your way, they should be able to take care of the problem." Sydney said and had already started writing her report.

"That's why I called but I don't think they can make it here in time. Caleb ascends tonight so my guess is whatever is going to happen will happen tonight." Danni said and the worry in her voice was unmistakable. Sydney had never heard her usually cold and emotionless friend express much feeling but it seemed like going home had helped her.

"I'll report it anyway and see if you can delay until they get there, form the sound of it the two that could handle it are Katie and Lucas." Sydney said.

Danni groaned. "Katie and Lucas? Really? The water tribe?"

Sydney laughed knowing the dislike her friend held for the two water elementals. "They are too of our best cleaners, so I suggest you deal with it. Anyway, I have to go report this so we will send help as fast as possible. Hang in there ok?" Sydney said trying to encourage her friend.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine, go do your job." She replied and after a brief goodbye they hang up the phone.

Danni looked around her dorm noticing the mess on the other side of it courtesy of her roommate but she decided she had bigger things to worry about. She got up to leave them dorm with the intention of getting some food in the starving stomach but just as she opened the door she came face to face with a blonde that was most certainly not her roommate.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?" Danni asked surprised to see her brothers girlfriend at her door.

"Caleb told me everything. He took me to see your dad." Sarah said in a hushed voice.

Danni eyes widened. "He did what?"

"I kind of figured it out myself so he just confirmed it for me." Sarah explained.

Danni was impressed, both with Sarah and her brother. "Ok, well good for you for earning Caleb's trust, bad for you because you are involved in this. What can I help you with?"

"Are you going to the dance tonight?" Sarah asked.

"No I'm not but as far as I know the boys and Amy will be there, why?" Danni asked.

"I just….I'm scared and Caleb wants to do this alone, he wants to face him alone and I'm worried." Sarah said and she couldn't hide the concern in her voice.

Danni gave the faintest of smiles, Caleb had chosen well. "I'm not going to leave him to face that lunatic alone no matter what he says, so don't worry, I've got his back."

Sarah's shoulders visibly relaxed and she exhaled a sigh of relief." I know thanking you is unnecessary because he is your brother and you probably planned o helping him all along but still, thank you."

"No worries. Do you have a free period or something? I'm starving and I could use the company." Danni said and after Sarah agreed they made their way to get food for the hungry wolf.

Amy was distracted. She did her best to pay attention in class, to take notes, to participate but her mind kept drifting. She would have found it perfectly logical for her mind to be elsewhere under the circumstances but her thoughts were not where logic said they should be, like with her hospitalized brother or the impending doom of Caleb's 18th birthday and the crazy warlock out to kill them all, no her thoughts were not there. Instead they kept drifting to her closet and the dress that lay within it. The dress she would wear that same night on the winter formal with Tyler. She knew it wasn't important, she knew what was at stake yet all she could think about was that this was her first official dance with Tyler as her boyfriend and in a way it made her feel ashamed. Just last night her brother had been badly beaten and her best friend put in serious danger and she couldn't do anything but stand by and watch. Two of the most important people in her life risked their lives for the ones they loved and here she was thinking about a stupid dress and a stupid dance. She wanted to pull her hair out.

When the bell finally rang she left the class faster a vampire in direct sunlight. She needed to get her head on straight, she only had one more class for the day and she could worry all she wanted about everything else later. She had not heard not seen Danni all day but she assumed her friend was still asleep. Her next and last period was French and luckily Riley had that with her.

After getting her books and arriving in class early she spotted Riley already sited so she took the sit next to her.

"You look positively miserable" Riley commented.

"My mind isn't working properly." Amy answered.

Riley laughed. "Did you brake it?" she asked.

"Ha, ha, funny. It's just that, my brother is seriously injured in the hospital and all I can think about is the dance tonight." Amy replied.

"Maybe your mind is trying to stop you from breaking it. Because right now, going crazy about Pogue isn't going to help anybody so your brain chose the most rational thing to obsess over so as not to let you crush it with your anxiety and worrying. And after all, it is your first dance as an official couple, it's normal to be nervous." Riley told Amy trying to make the stressed girl calm.

Amy analyzed Riley's words and found she agreed with them. "Maybe you are right." She said and just then the teacher walked in the classroom and started the class.

After speaking with Riley Amy found herself actually paying attention to the class and before she knew it the bell had rang and she was done for the day. After gathering their things the roommates made their way back to their dorm. Once inside Amy started picking the things she would need to get ready and throwing them into a bag because Tyler had informed her that they would meet up at the Danvers mansion and they would get to the dance from there along with Reid and Sarah. Taking out her phone she called her mother's number and after a short conversation and assurances that Pogue's condition had not changed she hung up and went back to hunting for items. That was when she noticed that her roommate was on her laptop.

"Are you not going to get ready for the dance?" Amy asked her.

"One, I'm not going to the dance and two, isn't it a little early to start getting ready?" Riley asked.

"It's never early! And what do you mean you aren't going?" Amy asked and the tome of her voice went up.

"I don't like dances, I don't like formal dresses and I definitely do not do slow dancing so yeah, school dances are not really my thing." Riley replied, not ever bother to lift her gaze form the screen of her laptop.

Amy sighed in resignation. She knew the type, she had grown up with it, so she knew arguing was pointless. Finishing up her bag and closing it she made her way to the closet and pulled out the dress in its plastic protective wrapping and carefully draped it over her arm.

"Well, I have to go. I'm meeting up with Tyler to grab a bite to eat and then head home to get ready. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, enjoy your hermit cave." Amy said and grabbed her bag to go.

"Have fun, but not too much" Riley replied and waved at Amy as she left the dorm. As soon as Amy was out of the room Riley chuckled and relaxed on her bed, throwing of her shoes and getting comfortable. She was going to enjoy her hermit cave alright and nobody would stop her.

After getting some food in her and spending some surprisingly quality time with Sarah Danni went back to the dorms and decided that her best option to stop herself going crazy with over thinking was to do something productive and so any unfinished homework she had was laid out on her desk. By the time she was down it was almost time to get home to meet with the others like Caleb had told her when he called her earlier in the day but before she could make a move to get her things her phone started ringing.

Not recognizing the number she answered it cautiously. "Hello?"

"Danvers is that you?" said a male voice from the other end of the line.

Danni recognized the voice immediately. "Lucas, how nice of you to call." She answered, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"You should be happy I called Danvers, my partner and I are on our way to save your ass and the rest of your coven's. You should be thanking me." He relied with a tone of arrogance.

"Get here in time and maybe I will consider not punching you in the face." Danni replied.

"We'll be there in a few hours Danni, calm down." A female voice sounded over the phone.

"How many hours is a few hours Katie because we don't have that many until midnight." Danni said, getting angry.

"We're already on the way ok, just don't do anything stupid." Lucas said.

"No promises idiot." Danni said and hung up the phone. She need to get to the mansion it was already 9 and the dance started at 10.

Getting up to gather all her finished work she felt like something was off. She couldn't quite place it but she quickened her pace and left the dorm after locking it. The feeling didn't disappear, instead it got worse, now she felt like she was being watched. Looking around at the empty hallways of the dorms she couldn't see anything and her power wasn't picking anything dangerous up but as she turned the corner to the exit of the dorms she came to a abrupt stop, freezing in place.

"You can't be here…" she whispered and then it all went black.

Cliffhanger! Haven't done one of those in awhile! Please give me some feedback, I kind of need it to know if anything isn't making sense or if I made any mistakes! Hope you liked it!