The soon to be parents sat as Renji read off the responses of the other members of the Gotei 13.

"I think it's wonderful! The two of them will make great parents!" – Momo Hinamori

"It was very nice of her to say that" Rukia smiled and patted Renji's shoulder.

"I feel sorry for Rukia. That Abarai is no where near as beautiful as she is. Let's hope the baby retains all of the mother's qualities."-Yumichika Ayasegawa

"That fruity son of a bitch…"

"Kuchiki has always been one of my favorite subordinates. I've also heard great things about Renji as well. They'll raise their child just fine." Jyuushiro Ukitake

"C-Captain said that about…me!?" Rukia was shocked by the words of someone she deeply admired. "Don't get too excited. He says shit like that about everyone."

"Ruin the moment whydontcha"

"The hell? I can almost guarantee that their kid will be the biggest pansy to ever be born here. The bastard better be ready to fight when it's born!- Kenpachi Zaraki

"What a dick" Renji said.

"Yay! Pineapple head is having a baby with shorty! Too bad it'll be ugly! Renji's an ugly person isn't he!?" Yachiru Kusajishi

"I'm not fucking ugly!!" Renji shouted out in frustration. "Of course you aren't!" Rangiku defended her friend. "Rukia's looks are just on a completely different level than yours! Don't be sad about it. Look at it this way, at least you make the people around you look better by comparison!"

"Harsh" Ikkaku chuckled. Renji glared at Rangiku, both in confusion and anger. "Didn't you just agree with me that I wasn't ugly?"


"And now you're saying I actually am ugly, but I should feel good about it because I make people around me look better?"

"That seems about right. What's your point?" She was oblivious to the fact that she had defended him, then belittled him shortly after.

"My point is you should THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, MATSUMOTO!. You're so…you know what? I think it's just easier for the both of us to just call you stupid."

"Am not!" Rangiku knew she wasn't stupid, but just a tad bit air headed. She was one of the most intelligent females in the Gotei 13, but she had her blonde moments from time to time.

"Moving on…" Rukia snatched the paper out of Renji's hands and decided to continue reading herself.

"While Renji and Rukia were attending the Spirit Academy, I'd always notice how boneheaded Renji was, and how intelligent Rukia was. When the graduated, I learned that it went both ways. Everyone knows there had always been romantic tension between the two and that something like this would happen sooner or later. It's good to see some young, promising Soul Reapers about to become parents. I wish them both good luck".Shuuhei Hisagi

"Finally, something at least a little bit positive" Renji said, letting his body fall back down on the couch.

Rukia closed the magazine and let it drop on the coffee table. She looked down at her stomach, then back up at the ceiling. After Rangiku and Ikkaku left, the two cleaned up the mess in the bathroom.

Two months later.

Accompanied by Byakuya, The two were on their way to the 4th squad barracks for an ultrasound, hoping to find out the sex of their child. It was the end of her Rukia's first trimester, so soon they would know.

Rukia's stomach was noticeably big. Unohana had noted in earlier appointments that she had "grown to a size a lot bigger than the average pregnant would be this far along". Her morning sickness had been more prolonged that it should have been, and she had been sleeping for more than 12 hours a day.

"How have you been feeling lately?" Unohana asked. Rukia rubbed her stomach and smiled "Better than usual."

"Captain" Byakuya cut in "Will we be finding out the sex of the child today?". Unohana slipped on some disposable medical gloves and picked up the transducer "Yes we will".

Rukia laid across the medical bed, exposing her stomach. She had been through this a few times before, so the cold gel on her stomach didn't weird her out as much.

Unohana slid the transducer up and down Rukia's stomach for a few seconds, letting the computer transmit the sound waves coming from the transducer into a picture.

"There's your baby" she said. They all looked at the screen, but this time was different from all of the other appointments.

Renji stood and looked closer. "Is that…two heads I see?!".

"WHAT!?" Rukia gasped as she noticed the same thing. "I believe it is" Unohana smiled.

"How interesting" You could see the slight smirk on Byakuya's face.

"Renji, Rukia. From what I can tell, you'll be having twins!"

They both stood there, motionless, more stunned than they had ever been in their lives.

Short chapter, I know. Had to get something out there though, since I haven't updated it in so long.