First, and apology for this (very) late chapter. I intended to finish this story 2 years ago, but…Well, I kept getting distracted by various things, and eventually, I actually forgot about it. I recently stumbled across the files for this story on my computer, and thought: "…F**K!".

At first, I was gunna leave it be, for two reasons:

The Aizen arc is finished, so many of my original ideas won't work. But then I decided this wouldn't be much of a problem, just so long as I explain to new readers that this was originally planned out 2 years ago.

After 2 years, my style of writing has changed, so the style may change sooo much after chapter 4, and I just felt it wouldn't feel right. But, after a few weeks, I decided it wouldn't be right to those who have been waiting for 2 years for this.

And so, here it is! The long awaited chapter 5! Once again, so sorry it's this late!

In Huecuo Mondo, Aizen, Gin, and Tousen sat together at the conference table, plotting their next move.

"So, how's Grimmjow-kun doing?" Gin asked, pretending he genuinely cared, but actually didn't care at all. "He cause quite a mess, but he's a strong fighter, ne? I certainly hope you weren't too hard on him. He can actually be quite a cry baby at times."

Suddenly, Gin shivered as he felt a chill down his spine. "Careful, Gin. The walls have ears, you know?" Aizen said sarcastically, staring at the door where he knew Grimmjow was standing. "If you want something, you can just come in and ask."

Grimmjow entered the conference room, shooting a death glare at Gin, before turning back to Aizen and kneeling respectfully. "Lord Aizen. I apologize for my earlier actions. But, I only did it because you're taking way too much time preparing the attack. Why can't we jus-"

"Grimmjow." Aizen cut him off, took a sip of his drink, and then continued. "This is very good tea. Prehaps you wouldn't mind getting me some more?"

Grimmjow gritted his teeth, a vein showing in his head. He was obviously getting angry. "Answer me! Why are you taking so long to prepare this attack!"

"Because…I'm waiting for Yukito to upload the next chapter already."

Me: …Please stick to the script ¬_¬ I already said I was sorry!

Aizen: Right, sorry. Just couldn't resist.

Me: *whispers* Couldn't resist yer mom…

Aizen shot a quick glance at Grimmjow, who just flinched, before finally caving in. He left the room, muttering to himself angrily, but stopped when Aizen spoke back up again. "Maybe you shouldn't come with us after all, Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez."

Grimmjow turned around, his face showing a mixture of shock and anger. "WHAT! WOULD YOU CARE TO REPEAT YOURSELF, YOU BASTARD!"

Tousen was about to get up and deal with the situation, but Aizen signalled for him to stay seated. "Grimmjow…I want you to stay here…" Aizen got up, and approached Grimmjow, who looked as if he was about to pounce at any second. "...Because Ichigo Kurosaki will be coming here shortly." Suddenly, Grimmjow's expression changed. Now, he was in a state of dis-belief, confusion, and slight joy. "I think you need to release some of your frustration. And you'll need a suitable target, no?"

Back in the world of the living, the Shinigami that were stationed there were all practicing their butts off, so that they could be ready for any future attacks.

"Roar, Zabimaru!" Renji fired his whip-sword Zanpaktou forward, extending it towards Yumichika, who blocked it with opened up Fujikujaku. "Not bad! Hey Chad! Make sure to pay close attention!"

Chad was watching the fight whilst he let Orihime recover his injuries from his previous training with Renji. This way, he could pick up a thing or two about fighting while resting. "Orihime. How's Ichigo doing?"

Orihime had wiped some sweat off her forehead, and continued to heal him. "I…Don't know. But, at the very least, he doesn't seem to be pushing himself too hard, so…" She turned towards Rangiku, who was doing some Kido training on her own. "…I'm more worried about Rangiku-san. She seems to be really down lately."

"Hmm? Matsumoto-san?" Chad also turned to Rangiku, and after a while, he agreed with Orihime. "Yeah. She seems to be deep in thought about something. Have you asked Toushiro-kun about it?"

"Yes, but he just said "mind your own business, girl. This is a Shimigami matter", so…Not much help there." Orihime said, with a slight chuckle to try and brighten the mood.

Meanwhile, Rangiku was thinking about her wedding with Gin. 'Was that really the right thing to do? Should I have just taken him out instead? He's the enemy now, whether I like it or not…Maybe…Maybe I shouldn't fight. My emotions would just…No!' Rangiku fired a Kido blast at a rock, shattering into pieces. "I have to fight! I became a Shinigami to protect the innocent! I HAVE to fight!" She knew that was a lie. The only reason she joined was to be close to Gin. But, ever since then, she met new people, made new friends, and…Found a new reason to live.

"Matsumoto!" Rangiku suddenly jumped up, and then turned around to Toushirou standing there, looking angry. "Finally! I've been calling you for the past minute! What's wrong with you!"

"Taichou…" Rangiku moved towards Toushirou a bit, and then glomped him, very cheerfully. "GOMENASAI!~ I'm just tired from all this training! I think I need a break!"

"G-Get off me!" Toushirou freed himself, and was about to scold Rangiku. But, he realized that her cheerfulness was a just a ruse, to try and not make him worry. "…Never mind. Go get some rest…Baka."

With that, Toushirou took off, leaving Ranigku alone. "Maybe I should get some rest…" Rangiku said, her smile dropping slightly. She retreated to the guest room and took a sit down, hoping she could clear her thoughts if she had some peace and quiet.

Over at the riverside, Toushirou was sitting by the water, throwing pebbles into the river, thinking about how he could help Rangiku. A pebble that wasn't his skipped across the water. He turned around to find Karin standing behind him, a huge grin on her face. She ran up to Toushirou and sat beside him. "Hey there, Shirou-chan!"

"…That's Hitsugaya-Taichou." Toushirou said, not quite in the mood to deal with anyone right now. "What d'you want?"

"Whoa! Easy there, Shirou-chan-Taichou!" Karin said jokingly, but Toushirou was obviously not amused, as shown by the look on his face. "Umm…Anyway! What're you doing here all by yourself? You look kinda down…"

Toushirou hesitated, but eventually gave a response, albeit not the kind Karin was looking for: "I just have a lot on my mind. And I'd like to be alone to think about it…"

Karin took a moment to think of what to say, and then got up, and offered her hand to Toushirou. "Hey, how about we go out tomorrow?" Toushirou looked up at Karin with a confused expression on his face. "Come on! You're too young to be thinking so hard! You need to blow off some steam! What d'ya say?"

Toushirou got up, and then started to walk off in the opposite direction. "No thanks. I'll pass."

"I'll be here at 1PM tomorrow!" Karin shouted to him, ignoring his answer. "You'd better show up, you got it!"

Meanwhile, in Heuco Mondo, Gin was walking down a hallway by himself, until an Arrancar stepped in front of him. "Gin-sama. I saw you in the transient world. You seemed to have been having fun." The Arrancar stepped forward, revealing himself to be Crimson Frost. His mask seemed to be made of icicles (though, of course, that's just a decoration used by Crimson to make it look cool), and covered his forehead in the shape of a tiara. He had long light-blue hair that flowed down to his waist, and then spiked rather sharply at the bottom. "But then, she WAS quite cute, that girl."

Gin ignored him, and simply continued walking on. "Dunno what ya mean. Please excuse me. I'm very busy, y'know?"

"It'd be a shame if anything happened to her." Crimson responded, before walking off in the opposite direction.

Aizen: So, what was that that you whispered earlier?

Me: Umm…Nothing, nothing at all ^_^;; Heeey, new OC! That's gotta be interesting, huh?

Aizen: Please don't avoid the subjec-

Byakuya: Excuse me, Yukito-kun. The apologetic crates of bananas have been sent off to all of our past readers, as ordered.

Me: Whaaa? I said send crates of CANDY.

Byakuya: Bananas are a good source of potassium.

Aizen: Hey, about earlier-

Me: How about banana flavoured candy?

Byakuya: Didn't you hear me right? It's not the flavour that matters, it's-

Aizen: GUYS!~ I'm talking here!

Me: Oh, right! Anyway, stay tuned for chapter 6! Also, don't forget to eat healthily! *takes a banana…and EATS IT*

Aizen: ANSWER MY QUESTI- *dropped through trapdoor*