Edward's Secret

I approached the cafeteria knowing my family was already inside, great, here we go again.


I strode into the lunch room and made a slow B-line to my family. I could see Alice pop her head up as a smile broke out across her face. I nodded in her direction showing I noticed her.

Sitting down I gave a sideway glance to Alice as she leaned back in her chair looking slightly smug. 'Edward, you're the fastest vampire here and yet you're the last to arrive'.

I shrugged slightly, not really paying attention to nor really caring what she thought. I allowed my eyes to trek across the cafeteria. Humans everywhere. I can see the veins coursing through their throats; hear the pulse of every being within a twenty foot radius…the blood screaming for me…

'I'm glad you decided to grace us with your presence' Rosalie thought as she started at me like I was the disgusting piece of pizza on her plate.

I give her a half hearted smile. Nope, not even in thought can I get away from that attitude. What a sport, Rosalie. She always manages to catch me when my mind strays too far in the wrong direction. Not really caring what she had to say, or think for that matter, I turned and looked out the window trying to get the buzz of annoying human (and vampire) voices out of my head. It was all so trivial; dealing with the constant onslaught of human thoughts. Today the only thing they seemed capable of thinking about was this new girl, Isabella, hmm no wait "Just Bella" she corrected once again to that little fuck; Newton.

Odd… I could hear her… I could hear pin drop a mile away…but… I can't hear her. Where were her thoughts?

'Maybe she's stupid' I thought turning to look at this girl; who in my minds eye believed her to be in some sort of vegetative state. I met her eyes and they were staring intently back at me. she blushed and ducked her head.

"Edward Cullen is looking at you!" Jessica squealed although the last part was in disbelief

"Who are they?" Bella asked Jessica nodding her head in my direction.

'Ha! Look's like Bella has the hotts for Edward! Well, tough shit, bitch! He's MINE and I hardly think he's throw you a second glance, tramp!' Jessica thought

"Well, There's Jasper, Alice, Emmet, Rosalie and the one who looked at you is Edward; he's the only single one, although I'm going to change that" she stated a little too matter-of-factly as I turned away "anyway, they were all adop-" I tuned the little cunt's voice out before I had to here that stupid story of my family one more time.

"bells about to go" Alice muttered and we all got up to leave, I went straight to my locker and opened it grabbing out my biology text book, work book and black pen then I closed my locker and made my way to class, as I walked through the door the bell rang I chuckled to myself and sat down at my table.

The class filed in and the teacher was about to start class when that Bella girl came to the door and handed Banner a slip of paper, he signed it and pointed to the seat next to me. At that moment several thoughts assaulted my mind:

'Oh man, I can't believe she's in this class!'

'I think I'll try talking to her after class, maybe I can get her phone number.'

'Oh my god, that little bitch, I can't believe she's sitting next to Edward….ugh…I think I'm going to puke!'

All I wanted to do in that moment was laugh; knowing that would make me look a complete loon, I concentrated on breathing evenly to distract me from the hilarity of every moron in this room, 'in and out, in and out, common Edward, you can do it, in and out' I chanted to myself. But, as luck would have it, at that moment a fan blew Bella's scent to me and suddenly my eyes were on her; wide with knowledge of what she was; food. My throat suddenly turned dry and started to burn, I could taste and feel the venom flooding into my mouth and suddenly I was compelled not to swallow the venom like I had millions of times before, but to sink my lathered teeth into this bitch!

Regrettably, I swallowed it but more kept coming, she blushed and bit her lip, I internally groaned inwardly, 'why did she get to bite herself and I couldn't?!'.

"Hi, I'm Bella" she said turning to me and smiling. I guess you could call me a masochist because I didn't bother holding my breath instead I started breathing her scent in gulps welcoming fresh waves of hysteria and sudden images of tearing this delicious girl limb from limb.

"Edward" I said in a somewhat cold tone replying to her introduction and adverting my eyes away from her to the front of the class.

"Alright start at page 114, read the chapter, answer the questions at the end. if you don't get it finished now do it for homework" said Banner.

I pulled my book out and immediately started writing down the answers. Anger was seeping off of me in droves. I completed my work fifteen minutes before the end of class, turning to see if this was too hard for little Bella, I checked her answers out of the corner of my eye, 'Shit… she's smarter than I thought, damn it, oh well, at least she wont need to copy off of my work' I thought.

Class ended, I grabbed my books and went straight to my locker.

I opened it to throw my things in when I saw a note, 'great'. I thought sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I picked it up.

Dear Edward (soon to be my) Cullen

Meet me at the back of the gym this afternoon and I'll give you a blow job ;)

I assure you I'm the best. And before you ask, no, I'm not a slut. I'm just active.

I want to run my tongue along your shaft and suck you hard, so hard that your tip turns purple.

We can go to my house, if you want, my parents aren't home and won't be back until tomorrow.

At my place we can have sex and then if you're still up to it my friend Lauren will join us for a HOT sexy threesome.



Immediately my hand made direct contact with my face and I suddenly felt my gag reflex kick in. Did she actually think I would go for this, and where the hell did she get the idea that being 'active' would be enticing?! Fuck, this girl's impossible! And Lauren on top of that?! Those two probably have every STD known to man. Suddenly, I could hear giggling down the hall. I didn't even have to turn to look; I knew both Jessica and Lauren were watching me. I scrunched up the note and threw it onto the floor whilst a threw a cheery smile and the two girls.

'I told her it wouldn't work! As if anyone would want to fuck a slut like Jessica anyway' Lauren thought smirking snidely at Jessica. "I guess he doesn't want to Jess" Lauren commented.

Jessica glared at the girl next to her 'Like hell! It's probably just because I added her name on the note' Jessica thought "Maybe, but there is always next time" Jess said with a glint her eye.

I snorted at the audacity of the two; 'Fat chance'.

And as I turned back to my locker I smelt it! Or should I say her. My stomach started rumbling.

"Bella are you sure you don't want to… date me?" I heard Mike ask.

Practically begging is more like it.

"I'm sorry Mike, its not you its just I want to settle in first and everything" she said, she was at her locker which was, oddly enough, next to mine. Then again it was the only spare in the whole school.

I slammed my locker door shut and glared at Mike. Before I spoke and Mike took stepped back without even realizing it. I smirked.

"She said 'no', Mike, so, fuck off" I told him in a moderately authoritative tone.

"It's none of your business, Cullen" he spat.

Jessica and Lauren came rearing to my sides "you heard him, Mike! Fuck off! Edward doesn't want your sorry ass near his locker!" Lauren spat as Jessica said nothing while taking in the scene unfolding before her eyes like a Christmas present.

I smirked and as Bella closed her locker door I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the direction of the parking lot.

"Stay away from Newton" I seethed.

"But, why?" she asked confused

"Because, Newton is a pig who only wants girls for sex. I happen to know that he raped a girl" I told her. she gasped "How would you know that!?"

"My father is a doctor…over Christmas break a girl stopped here for a week with her family on here way to god knows where and somehow Mike was able to catch her alone. The girl identified him to my father when she came into the hospital, my father said that the girl will likely never be the same again, she looked so brutalized. And for some reason there wasn't enough evidence at the time to convict him. Never be alone with that fuck up" I told her.

"Does Charlie know?" she asked.

"No the case is still on going and Charlie isn't assigned to it. Mike would get into big trouble if Charlie were to find out anything about it. Everyone in forks was taken off the case for conflict of interest, the Seattle investigators are on it" I told her. She said nothing but her eyes started to water. I leaned in closer to her neck stealing a quick sniff of her blood that made my mouth water with more venom. "Thanks for warning me" she said.

I nodded and started to walk off to my car.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Home" I answered with an indifferent tone.

"Why?" she asked

"Because, if you must know, I've handed in the assignments for the classes I have left so there is no need to stick around" I replied in a bored tone. My instincts started to kick into overdrive; they never really went away. I started talking before I really thought about it.

"Why don't you join me, or if you wish I could drop you off at home?" I asked.

She shifted from one foot to the other "Well my dad did drop me off, he wanted me to walk home cause he has work… so yeah I'd like a ride I guess, thanks" she said and ran to my side. Oh god, she was just inches away all I needed to do was grab her and break her neck then suck her dry. No! Stop. First, I need to think of a way to fuck Alice's visions up and Jasper's mood detection. Hmmm, this could be hard or easy!

I got in behind the wheel and she quickly got into the passenger seat.

"Normally I don't give rides to strangers" I told her.

Her face lit up quickly "Oh yeah, Jess had mentioned that and I just want you to know I'm really thankful… but what about your brother's and sister's?" she asked with slightly confused expression flickering across her face as she glanced in the back seat for a few seconds as if they were hiding behind her seat and she just couldn't see them.

I chuckled "well they have their own cars but if I'm driving they come with me, put your seat belt on Bella, I speed" I warned her

"But what about you?" she said quickly buckling up.

"Don't need it, anyway, they walk home when I leave early it doesn't bother them at all" I said. She just nodded and I suddenly became aware that her smell filled the car along with thunderously loud noise of her blood pulsing throughout her body. I turned on my stereo; Debussy always knew how to calm me.

I pulled up to her house and looked at her expectantly. She gawked a little at me then murmured a hurried thank you to me. Once inside, I drove away. Backtracking, I memorized they way to her house.

AN: i dont expect it to be perfect but damn if you ask me this is perfect!

exactly what i wanted... this is the updated version of Edward's Secret all thanks to my BETA Ava Noble,

she has made me one happy author, i hope you enjoy this :)

all my love and thanks to Ava Noble!
