Chapter One: Ya Know Who?

Disclaimer: I own naught but my lowly iPod…sniffle…oh I also own the plot and any new characters that may or may not (I haven't decided which yet) show up. No copyright infringement intended. DPB is an amazing man to whom I am eternally grateful for making this show!

A/N: Welcome to my newest story! Tony compares himself to Don Juan de Marco, the legendary Italian lover…it's gunna be good! I got the idea from the 1995 movie Don Juan De Marco, starring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. It was an amazing movie by the way, I highly recommend it! Read, review, and most importantly: ENJOY!

"Ya know who I remind myself of?" Tony mused aloud, leaning back in his chair, eyes closed. He was supposed to be working on a report, but being Tony, he naturally wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing.

"Who?" McGee humored him dully. As usual, McGee was being a good little worker and typing up his report.

"Don Juan de Marco, or Don Giovanni for my Italian heritage," Tony replied, eyes still closed.

He was now grinning at whatever he was seeing behind his eyelids as he made his comparison. McGee did not want to know what he was thinking about. Knowing Tony, it would make you want to tear your eyes out.

McGee scoffed, "You? Don Juan or Don Giovanni? Not likely."

Ziva was now curious, "Who is this Don Juan Giovanni man?"

McGee piped up, "I feel a movie reference coming on."

Fortunately, Tony's movie reference was cut off by an older male voice.

"Ah, a fine story," Ducky said from behind them.

They turned and Ducky joined them with Abby and Jimmy at his heels. Ducky sat in Gibbs' desk, looking in turn at each of the three agents. Jimmy stood behind him and Abby sat on the edge of McGee's desk. Tony had resumed a normal position in his chair upon hearing Ducky and all three were now listening intently.

"Don Juan de Marco- or Don Giovanni in the Italian versions- was a legendary Spanish lover. He supposedly seduced more than one thousand women and challenged their men. Legend has it that he killed one of the women's fathers in a duel and invited his ghost to dinner. The ghost accepted his offer. When he arrived, he offered Don Juan his hand and when Don Juan took it, he was ensnared in an icy grip, then leading Don Juan to Hell," Ducky explained.

Ziva looked curiously at Tony, a strange gleam in her dark chocolate eyes, "You have seduced over a thousand women?"

"If I have, would you be jealous?" he challenged, his green eyes meeting her brown ones.

She turned her nose up in an aristocratic fashion, "More along the waves of disgusted."

"Lines, Ziva. More along the lines," he corrected almost absentmindedly. "And for your information, it has not been a thousand. I was saying that I am an amazing lover, much like Don Giovanni."

"You'll be much like a dead man if your report's not finish," Gibbs growled from the balcony overlooking the bullpen.

Tony flew forward to his computer, furiously typing on the keyboard. "On it boss," he shouted up to his silver haired leader.

Gibbs shook his head and walked down the stairs. Tony was like a son to him. The whole team was like his family, but Tony was different. Tony looked up to Gibbs, followed his orders without question, and obeyed every one of Gibb's ridiculous rules. He was a good kid, sometimes he didn't do his work when he was supposed to and sometimes he was a little shallow, but he meant well. When he reached the bullpen, Abby threw her arms around him.

"Gibbs!" she shouted excitedly in his ear.

He patted her on the back, if Tony was his favorite son, she was his favorite daughter. She reminded him so much of Kelly: vibrant, energetic, loving, and full of life.

"Hey Abbs," was all he said, though he was wondering why the three scientists were interfering with his agents' work.

"Another random bug sweep," Ducky said, reading his mind. Gibbs nodded in understand.

"So boss, whatcha been up to with our lovely director?" Tony questioned. He soon felt a hand collide with the back of his head. "Never mind boss," he said quickly.

Ziva smirked behind her computer. Tony saw this and leered at her. Abby watched them with interest. McGee watched Abby. Jimmy watched Ducky talk to Gibbs. Jenny watched them all (especially Gibbs) from the balcony above. They were a sight. They bickered and fought, but they had each other's backs and they loved each other, each in their own particular way.

They sat around the bullpen for several hours, the agents doing paperwork on the case they just closed, the rest merely conversing and enjoying each other's company. Around nine o'clock, Tony was finished his report. McGee and Ziva had been working on theirs all along, so theirs had been done hours ago. Jenny had ordered pizza and Chinese to be delivered. Everyone was gone for the night, even the maintenance crew. Tomorrow was Sunday, and everyone had the day off. Jenny didn't even have any meetings. McGee and Abby had run to the convenient store to pick up a Caff-Pow! for Abby, and then the movie store to rent Don Juan de Marco starring Johnny Depp. Ziva still thought he was a pirate, so Tony wanted her to see that he was just an actor who played a pirate amongst many other roles.

While McGee and Abby were out, Tony relocated to sit in front of Ziva's desk, and she eventually joined him. Jenny and Gibbs sat on the floor in front of Gibbs' desk. Ducky sat in Gibbs' chair and Jimmy pulled up a chair next to him.

Just as McGee and Abby returned, a delivery boy brought up the pizza and Chinese. Abby and McGee passed out everyone's food and sat down on the floor with their backs against the front of McGee's desk.

"I'm thirsty," Tony complained, halfway through his second slice of pizza.

Gibbs was too far away to smack him, so he contented himself with rolling his eyes and replying smugly, "Go get yourself something. And while you're up, get something for everyone. Take David with you."

Tony groaned as he hauled himself up off the floor. He offered his hand to Ziva, who took it, and he pulled her up. She brushed herself off, her hand tingling when he let go. The team watched as the two walked away.

"Good move, fearless leader," Abby said to Gibbs, winking at him.

He raised an eyebrow, "What? I can't even send two agents to get drinks anymore without the fear of them breaking any rules?"

"Oh, Gibbs, you know those two are meant for each other," Abby said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Jenny nodded in agreement, "They do seem that way, Jethro, even if Abby and I are the only ones who realize it so far."

Ducky spoke up, "I realized it when Miss David joined our ranks all those years ago."

"Her first words to him were, 'Having phone sex?'" McGee laughed. Everyone buts Gibbs joined him.

"Well, they know what'll happen if they break any rules," Gibbs muttered to himself.

"And what is that Jethro?" Jenny laughed quietly, the others continued their conversation above them.

"I don't know yet, but they'll think it'll be bad," Gibbs replied.

Jenny raised a curious eyebrow, "And will it be?"

Gibbs shook his head, smiling, "Nah, if either one gets the guts to admit it, they don't deserve punishment. As long as they keep it professional at work, I'll pretend I don't know about it, at first."

Jenny laughed again and put her head on his shoulder. In a whisper so quiet he could've imagined it, she said, "I miss Paris."

"Me too, Jen, me too," he replied, putting his head on top of hers.


(Getting Drinks- Break Room- Tony and Ziva's POV) Tony and Ziva entered the dark break room. Ziva fumbled for the light switch while Tony tried to weave his way through the tables in the dark. Tony's attempt was futile, and he ended up hitting his shin on the sharp edge of the chair. As he let out a howl, Ziva found the lights. She flipped them on and quickly rushed to Tony's side.

"Are you okay?" she asked, kneeling beside him as he sat on the floor, clutching his leg.

He lifted the leg of his pants to inspect the damage. It was bruising already, but he didn't think anything was fractured or broken. He tried to stand, but couldn't put much weight on the leg.

"Could you help me up?" he asked Ziva, slightly discomfited.

She held out her hand and he grasped it tightly. She pulled him up with only a little bit of difficulty. He winced as he tried to walk. It may not be broken, but it hurt like all get out. Ziva put her arm around his waist to support him, and he put his arm around her shoulder, leaning on her slightly.

"Thanks, Zi," he smiled gratefully at her.

She shrugged, "No problem. But you might want to think next time you try to maneuver through chairs in the dark, yes?"

Tony nodded. They collected soft drinks for everyone and a coffee for Gibbs. Together they hobbled back to the bullpen.


(Bullpen- Tony and Ziva arrive- Everyone's POV) Tony and Ziva hobbled into the bullpen, nearly dropping the drinks as Tony tripped and almost fell. Ziva kept him steady. She sat him down at her desk.

"I told you Gibbs!" Abby shouted with delight.

Ziva looked bewildered, "You knew Tony would hurt himself on a chair in the dark? Why did you not tell me?"

Abby's smile fell, "So y'all aren't together?"

Tony spoke for the first time since they had returned, "What? Me and the crazy ninja chick? I think not!"

Hurt flashed in Ziva's eyes for a quick moment before fading, it was so subtle, anyone could have missed it. In fact, everyone did. Everyone that is, except Abby.

Ziva chuckled, "I would never be together with Tony."

The group nodded like they believed the two agents. Ziva excused herself to use the bathroom, Abby followed soon after.

Ziva stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, blinking back tears. She caught sight of Abby leaning against the door of one of stalls behind her. She wiped her eyes, hoping to hide it from Abby, but Abby was a hard person to hide emotion from. She pulled Ziva into a hug.

"Ziva, what's wrong? Did something happen between you and Tony?" Abby asked her friend.

Ziva shook her head, "I am being silly. I should have never let this happen again. If he is like this Don Juan, I would not be good for him."

A single tear escaped the corner of Ziva's eye and Abby caringly wiped it away.

"Tony is a good guy. He is rather like the Don Juan in the movie. You have to see how the movie ends to understand," she said smiling. "Now let's get you cleaned up."

Ziva nodded and turned back to the mirror. Abby pulled out mascara and lip gloss from her pocket. When she was satisfied with Ziva's makeup, the two women walked arm in arm out of the bathroom back to the bullpen.

A/N: So, how do ya like it so far? I really loved the movie, and I just remembered how it ended, and I was like 'Oh my god! It's better than perfect if I can get it right!' so I hope I will be able to get it right, for everyone's sake. Please review and tell me what you think so far!